Successful developing firm should have equipment for making fragrant drink. The coffee machine in the office is part of the brand. No one would believe that the company successfully conducts its business and develop, if the room can not hear the aroma, and visitors do not offer a choice of cappuccino or espresso and serve immediately. Employees can not only cheer up a cup of coffee, but also in dialogue to find a solution to the problem, which is beyond the power of a single artist.
At home, gourmet coffee beans are ground and preparing the drink in Turku, heating it in a hot sand. The cup is heated, dousing with boiling water. Hurrying to work people just buy ground coffee and poured it into the coffeemaker. The taste and aroma are present to a lesser extent, poured into a cold cup drink cools rapidly, but it invigorates, allows you to quickly wake up, cooled down quickly as possible to drink.
Unlike home cooking for a couple of person coffee machine does everything herself to a gourmet level. In addition, there are other differences as described below.

Adjusting the brew strength
It is performed automatically by changing the quantity of coffee and fineness of grind. Machines with variable pressure steam use this feature to create a strong and aromatic coffee.
Built flavor selector
It allows you to create a coffee drink with a strong odor due to the changes of grinding parameters. Automatic flavor complements the flavors of chocolate coffee set, walnut and others.
Coffee is prepared in large quantities
The units are designed for a different number of employees.
Coffee lovers are often installed coffee machines for home offices and enjoy quickly prepared drink for a variety of recipes.
- fast cooking of large amounts of coffee;
- drink always fragrant, grinding takes place just before brewing;
- a large number of recipes, their choice of a single button;
- kapuchinator allows you to prepare milk-based drinks;
- cleaning system minimizes maintenance;
- machine with many functions capable of replacing barista quality of the beverage;
- good coffee increases the prestige of the company.
Coffee machine for any office can prepare for the hour from 50 to 180 cups of coffee per hour for different recipes - it all depends on her performance.
The machine is sufficient to fill the grain in a special container, pour water into the tank and substituting cup click.
- They are far from the tap water. They have to supply water with a reverse osmosis purification for coffee and to solve the problem with dishwashing.
- If there should be close kapuchinariya refrigerator. Milk can only use a double pasteurization or cold.
- The machine must be constantly cleaned to restock grain and water. To do this, select a special officer responsible for machine maintenance.
- The cost of office units is significantly higher than the home coffee. Equipment complex, occupying a lot of space.
- Coffee machine uses a large number of people. If there is no charge for services, the unit will be permanently empty and not shelled.

The main thing when choosing office
Correctly chosen coffee machine saves time company employees, improves mood and boosts productivity. The main parameter to determine the model, is the number of staff and the availability of specialists responsible for maintenance of the unit.
The more cups of coffee preparing machine per hour, the higher the performance and cost. For a small band unit that can prepare 100 or more beverage servings per hour just a waste of money. Better to take mene productive espresso machine, but with plenty of extra features.
The big team slowly prepares the coffee machine will turn over a cup of coffee, especially in the morning. Employees lose their office during working hours in line for a cup of coffee.
Drinking office equipment rougher than a home. The outer casing is necessary to choose a less attractive and stylish, but durable metal or ceramics.
Monitor the equipment no one to load the coffee maker large. To avoid causing permanent experts from the service center, you must buy a machine with a reliable mechanism. Preference should be given to the German brands. German manufacturers are leaders in the production of durable, reliable and durable equipment.
Guided in the selection can be on the manufacturer's warranty period. It should be at least 2 years. Of great importance is the rating models similar equipment.

Ease of use
The control panel is easier and clearer to it all is indicated, the better. Many employees in the office will not be able to understand the numerous buttons and controls. Coffee should be prepared by pressing a single menu selection button and start.
The presence of memorizing recipes
Availability of recipes Memory function allows one time to put in the memory of beverage options, and then only use them.
This reduces the time of preparation of coffee for different employees, saves time.
The dimensions of containers for grains
In small teams of up to 20 people comfortably use capsule coffee. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of the machine. The disadvantage of this type of coffee machines in greater cost of finished briquettes with ground coffee and the need to acquire the capsule only by the company that set.
In secondary collectives advantageous to use the coffee machine having a grain container 600 c. For offices, where the number of employees more than 80 people or a lot of visitors, who should treat coffee container must be at 800-1000 grams grains. Otherwise during the day several times to display the signal light that coffee is not, and will have to break away from the regular work, replenishing stocks of grains.
Similarly selected and a water tank. The higher it is, the less need to fill it. Units with high capacity connected to the water through the filter.
The degree of flavor
How strong is the aroma of the finished coffee depends on several factors:
- freeness;
- vapor pressure;
- additional flavoring.
Coffee keeps the flavor for 10 minutes after meals. The coffee machine, this condition is maintained, because the grinding is carried out immediately before cooking. The finer fractions of the powder is, the flavored drink. The higher the vapor pressure, the stronger the odor. In coffee machines steam is supplied at a pressure of 15 Bar and 20 Bar. Adjustable steam supply pressure affects the flavor.
Additional aromatization produced:
- spraying the aroma oil on the wall of the packaging by the manufacturer;
- spray package on grains themselves;
- spraying flavoring onto grains in the machine.
The presence of the device allows for automatic flavor to make coffee with different flavors. A disadvantage of such a function in enhanced lubricity artificially aromatisation grains. Grinding mechanism and mesh will always clogged.
The presence of Cappuccino
In offices with a large number of women is necessary to put the machine with Cappuccino. The fair sex love cappuccino and cappuccino. User comments argue that a practical and convenient spumatore with the outlet tube.
None of the employees will not be whipping milk by hand, even die-hard supporters of cappuccino. Spumatore allows training on the machine and a variety of dairy drinks.

An important option
In the office where a coffee machine uses a lot of people with different tastes, the unit should have several additional features:
- adjustment of the fortress;
- vapor pressure;
- automatic cleaning;
- the presence of the display;
- heating cups;
- storing recipes;
- grinding adjustment.
Adjustment Strength
Fortress controlled by the amount of coffee brewed, freeness and vapor pressure. Each employee will be able to quickly make a drink desired strength.
From the vapor pressure depends on aroma, taste and strength. Ability to vary the pressure of 15 to 20 bar simplifies control of the machine and increases the number of recipes.
Auto Cleaning
If the office does not have a professional who understands the features of the unit and is assigned to monitor his condition, the auto-cleaning is necessary. Otherwise the coffee gradually lose its aroma and taste develop by quality in "kastryulny".
The display shows all the problems of the machine, or run out of grain in the tank no water. If the office staff will not see it, it is difficult to understand why does not flow into a cup of coffee.
heating cups
Poured into a cold cup of coffee cools rapidly, losing all their money. The best option steam tableware heating under pressure. cups heating occurs immediately before filling. Hot tray takes time to heat capacity.
memorizing recipes
recipes Memory function allows to cook your favorite kinds of drinks simple choice, without having to dial an individual program each time. For many people it is difficult and takes time.
Adjusting the grinding
Adjusting grinding allows fuller use of the features of different grades of grains and diversify formulation.

Review of the best office equipment
Neutral review of the best coffee machines includes the most to buy equipment, with positive feedback from consumers. They are selected depending on the performance of the unit. As a result, most of all in the best ranking includes inefficient machines that set the home. We choose the size of the team.
small offices
For small offices carry up to 20 people. For such a group is quite suitable capsule type coffee machine and operates with grain coffee beverage issuing up to 50 cups per hour. These include feature-rich and stylish body "model for the boss" - the coffee machine in the office of the chief or his secretary.
Melitta Caffeo Barista

Coffee machine from the German manufacturer is not for nothing is it called. It is able to satisfy any gourmet and fully replaces the barista. The model is suitable for a small team and the chief's office.
- grinder with steel millstones;
- 5 degrees of grinding;
- Removable brewing unit;
- power 1450 W;
- memory 21 a prescription;
- spumatore;
- pours simultaneously in 2 cups of coffee and milk;
- pressure 15 bar;
- Touch Panel Control.
Recipes laid in memory of the machine manufacturer, they can be easily changed.
A hopper for waste coffee designed for 15 portions. It must be cleaned and washed with water. 2 containers allow you to load grain for myself and for others. But when you switch 2-3 servings will be mixed because of the coffee after grinding remains in a coffee grinder.
Saeco Magic Espresso

The model is designed for small offices. Powered by beans and ground coffee. Robust housing available in black and gray.
- container tank 300 grains c;
- pressure 15 bar;
- push-button controls;
- automatic cleaning mode;
- simultaneously preparing 2 cups of coffee;
- a metallic housing;
- automatic descaling;
- Aluminum boiler.
In addition, automatically controlled by the temperature and the cup holder has a display. To create a cappuccino need to set-top box with automatic kapuchinariem, which produces firm.
average offices
Saeco Lirika One Touch Cappuccino

The average composition of the offices have employees up to 80 people. They fit the machine, preparing 100 cups of coffee an hour.
One of the leaders of the rating is the model Saeco Lirika One Touch Cappuccino. The machine is designed for medium-sized offices and small cafes.
"Lyrics" model has kapuchinary nozzle, allowing you to cook all kinds of milk-coffee beverages. You can use whole milk fat content of 3%, Tetra Pak and pitcher. The machine automatically monitors the level of the foam mixture. Output of milk and nozzles with coffee next to a glass of swap is not necessary.
Benefits of the coffee machine:
- Control is simple, in the upper part of the housing 6 buttons and a display;
- The ceramic coffee grinder;
- 5 degrees of grinding;
- prefilter system;
- boiler of stainless steel;
- pre-infusion;
- removable cooking group.
The weak point in the mechanism - the valve assembly. He can pass out steam. Breakage easily eliminated.
Delonghi ESAM 4000/4200

Model 13 has a grinding grain and for this steel millstones. It uses ground coffee and cereal. Simple display and electronic control. It has the automatic shutdown.
At one time preparing 2 cups of coffee. The cup fits up to 105 mm in height. There is a beverage strength adjustment, heated plates, a removable infuser.
The disadvantages include:
- beverage bitterness
- large size.
large groups
In the team more than 80 people and organizations with a large flow of customers preference should be given coffee machine with great performance. They are connected to the water supply and have containers for grain from 800 gr.
Some firms take in rent machines for the preparation of coffee. they save on maintenance, but the quality of the beverage is low, some of the "prepare" instant coffee.
Bosch TES 50129 RW

The coffee machine is designed for large offices. It has a fully automated process of preparation of espresso and black coffee. It has the function of pre-brewing cups of heating system. Setting the cooking settings with easy-to-control panel with display.
Additional features in the form of an automatic descaling. Under the dispenser cup to pass 150 mm height. Access to the tank top.
- poorly regulated portions;
- steam is fed manually lever;
- not tolerate voltage drops;
- large size.
Kapuchinary missing, but an hour is preparing more than 100 cups of drink.
Philips HD 8654

Philips HD 8654 model to quickly prepare coffee and has kapuchinary. It has a ceramic grinder Boiler and rapid heating. Managing e-mail auto-off function. In the presence of the milk container. Simple operation.
The plates are placed up to 95 mm, only two buttons for preparing espresso or cappuccino, few recipes. It does not work with ground coffee.
Buying a coffee machine - taking care of a comfortable environment for staff and increase the company's prestige in the eyes of visitors. In small teams it is more convenient to use capsular models. In large offices have to have an additional unit for a fancy chef.