After buying a dishwasher equipment necessary to deal with how to install Integrated dishwasher. This procedure can be easily done by hand without the aid of a specialist. The main stages of the first to distribute the work to the end of the installation do not have to go back to the beginning.
In the absence of experience in the independent exercise of such work is better to hire a specialist.

Selecting a location
The well-maintained apartment dishwasher in the kitchen decided to put in a specially provided for under the section of the table top. If the dimensional characteristics of the device are chosen correctly, then install a dishwasher in a ready niche will be easy.
It is important to provide for the conditions without which connect the device to the communications can not be:
- availability of running water at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters along the length of the standard intake hose;
- the proximity of sewage discharge to the organization at the same distance;
- the ability to connect to the mains supply without the use of extension cords.

Tools and equipment
In order to properly do all the work with his own hands will be needed:
- or adjustable wrenchAnd if they do not, pliers for the dismantling of the old and the new tightening of connections;
- fum-tape to isolate;
- drill adapter for drilling holes in the wall section;
- building level for leveling the machine;
- will be useful screwdriver and knife.
Handy and consumables should be sanitary fittings, which will help to connect the unit to household communications:
- a siphon with an additional fitting and the valveWhich does not allow the reverse movement of the water;
- Tee with ball valve and 3/4To connect the suction hose;
- a filter for coarseThat does not miss the dirt particles into the unit.
When the installation site is selected and prepared everything necessary, you can start the installation.
First, read the setting circuit which is supplied with the machine. After that:
- If necessary, pull from the set section by dismantling all fixing worktop and a rear wall. Disassemble structure.
- In the sidewall from the sink, drill holes through which you can connect the hoses.
- Depending on the location socket make a hole at the power cord.
- Attach the bulkhead mounting brackets, if provided under the scheme.
- Collect elements niche in reverse, restoring the connection to the headset.
- Insert the dishwasher into a niche, passing the hose and cord through the hole made.
- Align it to the dimensions of the horizontal section and with the adjustable racks. Monitor the process level.
- If provided façade - prepare its bracket.
In addition, note that between the rear wall of the device and the wall space must remain not less than 50 mm. And it should withstand the vibrations and ensure smooth position of the unit when installing the unit to the socket section.
For the operation of dishwashers need to connect it to the water supply, sewerage and household networks.

the water inlet hose
Water supply is typically provided by line, which serves the kitchen. Most dishwashers models operate with electric cold water. Less common devices using hot water with the cold. The latter option is more complicated, although the performance principle is the same:
- Remove the hose pipe going to the car wash.
- Screw him tee ball valve. If it's not, you will need additional installation of shut-off valve after the tee.
- Install a strainer.
- You can then fix the suction hose from the device.
All connections must be sealed fum-tape which is wound on the thread surface of at least ten times.

To eliminate odors inside the machine to properly mount the sink. Hanging drain on the sink edge to protect against this, but it is unreliable in terms of flooding. The best option drain - through the siphon. For this:
- Remove the old trap.
- In its place a new set of fitting.
- Connect it to the drainage from dishwashers.
- Tighten the collars compound.
Drain hose must bend the upper fold point 40 cm from the floor surface. This will create a natural filter for blocking drains and sewer odors.

If you have a separate outlet with a ground connection is as simple as turning on the power plug. Its absence will require a separate wiring to the kitchen, to which should be used:
- two-millimeter three-core wire;
- built-in automatic plate 16A;
- socket with mandatory grounding.
Do not replace the Euro plug on the supply cable to the machine a conventional plug. This will lead to a loss of guarantee, increase Ryskov failure of the device to cause a threat to the life of the user.
If the design requires façade, the installation completes his hanging the. The facade may be made in the form of a decorative panel or door. In the first embodiment, it hung on a special attachment provided on the front panel.
In the second case you need to perform layout mounts using special templates that are included. The sidewall niches make the holes for the fixtures, install them. After that they hang the decorative door.
Test run
Mandatory installation step - verification of device functionality and communications. A test run is carried out without loading dishes using detergent. When it is necessary to monitor performance of the water supply, heating and drying mode.
Security measures
Before starting the installation, as well as during work, consider the following:
- Application tee or extension increases the threat of congestion and faults in the network may also cause failure of the device.
- You can not put the dishwasher under hob.
- May increase the drainage tube lengths up to five meters, but it can cause disruptions in operation.
Self-installation of the dishwasher can be subject to all of the recommendations. Only in this way will provide a serviceable and safe operation of equipment.