Washing machine mechanically cleans the linen from contamination. It happens that with things off the decor during washing. However, damage to the laundry is possible, if the ultrasonic washing machine works with him.
In appearance, an ultrasonic device for washing bears no resemblance to the standard stiralka. This small device consists of 3 parts:
In the Russian market a wide range of ultrasonic washing machines, "Retona", "bionics", "Solana" and "Dune." The principle of operation is the same for all:
- the power supply supplies current to a membrane;
- under the influence of an electric current membrane generates ultrasonic waves;
- waves penetrate deep into the tissue and destroy the contaminants.
Manufacturers claim that ultrasound at washing detergent is not necessary. Based on user feedback, without the addition of detergent washing efficiency is reduced.
Advantages and disadvantages
- devices have minimum dimensions and easy to take with you;
- the price for such a device is far below the standard stiralki;
- ultrasound washes delicate laundry without the risk of damage;
- sound radiation of high frequency is capable to disinfect laundry;
- ultrasound machine consumes about 12 watts per hour;
- Ultrasound waves have no adverse effects on human health;
- ultrasound is not audible to man.
- unable to cope with heavily polluted;
- to rinse and pressing need to manually;
- during washing is necessary to turn things.
Based on the number of plates, devices are divided into two types:

On one plate
Standard device having as one ultrasonic emitter plate. If you are using need to turn things for the destruction of pollution emission.
With two plates
The device has two transmitters, one operating from the power supply. It allows you to erase the big things without turning in a short time. You can wash clothes at the same time in two containers.
How to use
After the purchase, inspect product for visible damage. Disorders casing integrity can lead to electric shock. In the case of purchase of the machine in the cold season, wait until it warms up to room temperature, and only then switch on the network.
Before use, read the instructions. All actions are performed in accordance with this document. Violations will reduce service life, or withdraw from the system unit.
To wash clothes using the ultrasonic machine:
- Sort items by color. Moulting products wash separately.
- Pre-treat the laundry stain remover.
- Pour into a warm water tank of 50 °. In cold water the efficiency decreases, but does not exceed the maximum temperature.
- Add detergent. Number is calculated from the total volume of laundry and degree of soiling.
- Put the washing machine in the middle of the tank.
- Load the laundry in a circle, uniformly with respect to the device, so that more surface dirty laundry is covered by the ultrasonic waves.
- Turn on the power pack in the socket with a voltage of 220 V.
- Unplug the appliance and only then remove it from the tank.
- Rinse and squeeze things.
Duration of washing depends on the degree of contamination:
- for light spots sufficiently withstand about 1 chasa;
- moderate stains require 2 to 3 hours of washing;
- very soiled laundry is washed by 3 hours.
In addition to the degree of contamination on the duration of the washing effect and the amount of material things. Things made of thick material erased longer.
Despite the fact that the emitter is sealed and does not allow contact of water with an electric current, for safety purposes it is not necessary to give up the water when the machine is enabled.
To avoid damage to the device does not switch to its lowering into the water.
Review of the best representatives
Based on customer feedback, you can select 3 best models of ultrasonic devices:

One of the inexpensive but high-quality models manufactured in Russia. Powered by a 220 V power network The emitter generates a wave with a frequency of 25-35 kHz. The warranty period of 18 months.
- Stiralka available with single and dual emitters.
- Long power cord. This makes it possible to carry out washing at a great distance from the wall socket.
- Built-in indicator. On the power supply housing is a LED that signals the operation of the washing machine.
- Low price. The average cost of the device with two emitters 1500 rubles.
- Small size. The device fits easily into a woman's handbag. Weight only 500 g
- Unlimited maximum life. Model "Cinderella" can be left in the tank for a long time.
The lack of models in hrupksti material. Avoid mechanical impact on them.

Another model of domestic production. Weight only 350 g
- It consumes only 9 watts per hour;
- High-frequency ultrasonic waves destroy 75% of bacteria and microorganisms;
- quiet operation;
- wash without addition of detergents;
- Linen is not subjected to mechanical stress.
- fragility;
- a small power cord.
"MC-2000M Ultratone"

One of the most reliable ultrasonic washing machines.
- built-in LED;
- mobility;
- ease of use
The disadvantage is unpleasant sounds during operation.
Ultrasonic washing machines can be used for any type of laundry. Without subjecting the laundry to mechanical stress, rinse and spin have to be done manually. So use such devices in addition to a standard washing machine.