- What harm can do pigeons?
- Is it worth fighting with pigeons?
- What is the fight against pigeons?
- How to scare pigeons out of the balcony?
- How to deal with pigeons on a windowsill?
- Fighting pigeons by creating discomfort
- How else can scare pigeons out?
- How to deal with doves with radical methods?
- Useful advices:
Pigeons on the balcony - a fairly common phenomenon for residents of urban high-rise buildings, often associated with inconveniences and various unpleasant moments. How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony and what are the most effective means of using pigeons, you will learn from this article. We offer various ways, which, we hope, will prove useful in relation to your specific conditions.
to the contents ↑What harm can do pigeons?
Many may have a question: what prevents these lovely, familiar from each childhood and seemingly harmless city birds, what problems can they create? Meanwhile, this kind of bird is not so safe for people, as it may seem at first glance. Special trouble brings the droppings of birds.
For those who do not know, here are a few arguments that bear witness to this:
- Pigeon droppings in places of mass congestion, on roofs, visors, facades, window sills, public and residential buildings, and also on monuments, looks absolutely unattractive.
- In urine excrement, there is uric acid, which damages the finish of buildings, corrodes paint on cars and, therefore, forces you to spend significant amounts of money for their restoration.
- If the pigeons have settled on your balcony - be prepared for the fact that all the objects stored there sooner or later will be contaminated products of the life of birds.
- The litter may contain harmful fungi, bacteria, parasites that are potentially dangerous to humans.
- Pigeons are carriers of such diseases as ornithosis, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, thorulosis. The causative agents of these diseases, again, are in the feces of birds.
- In the event that the birds have occupied storage facilities, they tend to defecate on the goods stored there. This leads to property damage and financial problems, because most customers simply refuse to buy contaminated products.
Is it worth fighting with pigeons?
If you are an ornithologist engaged in breeding birds and studying their habits or an overly compassionate person feeding these eternally hungry birds, then the presence of a large number of pigeons will obviously please you, although it is unlikely to please the neighbors. In this case, arrange a dovecote somewhere in the country and admire the birds, as you please.
In a situation where unexpected guests periodically fly in or worse, have already firmly established themselves on your balcony, rest assured that a peaceful, peaceful coexistence with them will sooner or later be impossible. These seemingly pleasant, but at the same time, fairly arrogant creatures in the warm season can through the open balcony quietly enter the premises, and in search of food, even go to the kitchen and actively manage there. It should be noted that in some cases, the presence of people in the house does not at all confuse these almost tame birds.
In especially neglected cases, you can find nesting birds on the balcony and then you will certainly come across a problem, what can you do about it? We hope that you will make the right decision and will carefully become familiar with the following ways that will help you to finally decide how to get rid of pigeons.
to the contents ↑What is the fight against pigeons?
If you thoroughly weighed all the pros and cons and came to the conclusion that you need to get rid of the pigeons on the balcony - it's time to act. In general, we can distinguish several basic stages of combating pigeons:
- Bird scaring.
- Creating discomfort and unfavorable living conditions.
- Decisive action.
Important! To begin with, we recommend testing the most gentle ways and means from pigeons. Try to act in the most humane ways. Try to scare off the birds or create them unpleasant living conditions to drive them off their balcony. Only if these actions do not give the desired effect, proceed to more stringent methods. The extreme measure of catching and destroying pigeons will not be considered for understandable reasons. This article does not promote cruelty to feathered inhabitants of large cities. Do not forget that pigeons are living and completely peace-loving creatures, although they occasionally cause anxiety to residents of multi-storey houses.
to the contents ↑How to scare pigeons out of the balcony?
If you decide to start with the most innocuous ways, first of all understand for yourself that pigeons do not like or are afraid of:
- of any moving objects;
- sharp sounds;
- highlights;
- pets.
Proceeding from this, we offer you several options how to scare away pigeons. You can choose the most convenient one or try all at the same time to achieve the desired result.
Solution 1 - foil
- Take the usual metallized foil.
- Slice it in long strips.
- Hang on the perimeter and in different places of the balcony.
Important! The rustling of the foil and the glare from it will scare the birds away for a while.
Solution 2 - CDs
- Collect about a dozen unnecessary or corrupted CDs, you can also buy new ones - they are inexpensive.
- Attach them a few pieces in a row, a shiny side outward - both from the exterior and the inside of the balcony.
Important! Reflected on the laser surface of the discs, bright sun rays are unlikely to like pigeons, and your balcony will look quite creative at the same time.
Solution 3 - sound effects
- Place a radio or music center on the balcony or window sill.
- Turn on the music as loud as possible.
- Leave it for a while.
Important! If you resort to this method from time to time, you can achieve the expected effect: plenty, although at a distance, after listening to radio and news or heavy music( recommended!), Birds are unlikely to want to fly to your house next time. However, it is better to do such actions, leaving the house, otherwise you yourself risk to get hearing problems while in the apartment with a continuously screaming record player. Do not forget about the possible claims of your neighbors - be prepared to explain to them their actions.
Solution 4 - Cat
Start a cat, unless, of course, you or family members have allergies to cat hair. Those who already own pets live, as a rule, are not familiar with the problem of how to get rid of pigeons on the windowsill or on the balcony. Pigeons are intelligent birds and, having quickly realized that this little predator lives in the house( especially if he is still going to hunt them), they will hurry to retire from your territory.
Important! Make sure that the cat, enthusiastically chasing the birds, did not jump out of the balcony. Even if it is glazed, we recommend that you still provide frames and opening windows with mosquito nets that will help you solve several problems at once: to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment, to keep pets from falling from the height and to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, as the grid will restrict themin the room.
to the contents ↑How to deal with pigeons on the windowsill?
In the case when the feathers have chosen a window sill, it is possible to apply practically the same options as for scaring pigeons off the balcony. To them should be added a few more methods how to scare pigeons off the windowsill. The most popular of them are described below.
Method 1 - Scarecrow
Place on the window sill a scarecrow or statue of a crow - the worst enemy of pigeons, or any predatory bird - for example, a hawk. However, please note that its size should be from 0.5 m and above, otherwise the birds will not take this threat seriously.
Method 2 - toy
- Take an old plush toy of small size.
- Sew on her eyes the buttons of some shiny material.
- Fix on the windowsill where birds like to be.
Important! Noticing the shining eyes, birds will perceive such a toy as a predator and henceforth will hardly want to sit down on your windowsill.
Method 3 - threads
- Prepare yarns or fishing line.
- Pull them in several rows, at a height of about 5 cm from the level of the window sill.
- Fix it in tension with the fasteners.
Important! This is one of the best ways to scare pigeons off the windowsill. If you also attach a sheet of galvanized iron to it - the legs of the birds will slip, they will not be able to sit down on the usual place and will soon be forced to leave it.
to content ↑Combating pigeons by creating discomfort
In order for pigeons not to sit on the balcony or it was difficult for them to keep their balance, use one of the following methods.
Option 1
- Buy a toy of a slinky.
- Stretch it along the balcony - the distance between individual turns must be at least 3.5 cm.
- Attach to the balcony rail with wire or tape - every 20-30 cm.
Option 2
- Purchase a long waterproof tape.
- Tie it over the place where doves usually sit.
- Leave it for a while.
Option 3
- Buy special adhesive chemicals in the store where products are sold from pests.
- Treat them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Option 4
- Take 1-2 packets of spicy spices - cayenne pepper or mustard.
- Abundantly sprinkle with them surfaces that birds like to use as landing sites.
- Periodically repeat the procedure if the outdoors is wet weather, as when in contact with moisture spices lose their sharpness.
Option 5
- Buy a studded ribbon or 25 cm antiperspirant spikes - sold at a grocery store or a building supermarket.
- Attach, according to the instructions, in the places where doves most often sit.
Important! This method will perfectly help in deciding how to get rid of pigeons on the roof of the balcony. It is also recommended to establish barriers - the grid, stretched above the bird landing site, is best for this purpose. A more rigid method is to place on the peak or handrails of a sheet of plywood with nails that are not completely hammered into it - pigeons, most likely, will not be able to sit on such a surface, but may injure themselves.
to the contents ↑How else can scare pigeons?
- If for you the actual problem is how to get rid of pigeons in the attic - apply ultrasonic scarers.
- Buy a few party slaps and put them in the places chosen by pigeons. When the birds sit down, the crackers begin to explode. It is better to use this method in non-residential premises.
- Systematically water the pigeons with water from a garden hose - a strong water stream directed at them will repel the birds with a desire to approach your house.
- Lubricate the visor with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly - it will be extremely inconvenient to sit on a slippery surface.
- Spread on the windowsill balls of naphthalene - an unpleasant odor will scare away the pigeons.
- A good remedy for pigeons on the balcony is an automatic air freshener with a sharp aroma that will certainly help keep the birds in the distance.
How to deal with pigeons drastically?
If none of the above methods helped to scare off pigeons or, worse, you found bird nests on the balcony - it's time to start more decisive actions:
- Trap with bait. Make a loop of thread, fill it with foil and put it on low tide. Seeing that the pigeon has sat down on the location of the loop - sharply pull the string to catch it. Be sure to release the pigeon through another window so that the rest of the birds do not see his return. Such a method is quite effective - no trapped pigeon, nor other birds that have observed such actions, will not venture to fly to you more.
- The ruin of the nests. In the case where a pigeon's nest is found on the balcony, discard it immediately. Most likely, you will have to repeat this action more than once, as pigeons have a powerful instinct to return home. However, after understanding that the conditions for breeding offspring on your balcony are unfavorable, they will leave it.
- Replacing eggs with dummies. Pigeons are able to lay eggs up to 6 times a year. In each clutch, as a rule - two eggs. If you find them in the nest - remove, and on this place put toy eggs, a couple of pieces of chalk or suitable in size smooth pebbles. Without waiting for the appearance of the chicks, pigeons will leave your home in search of more favorable breeding grounds.
Important! The most severe ways - mass catching and destruction of pigeons, we do not advise you to do it yourself. If you have decided on such extreme measures - invite the special service engaged in this, but be prepared for the fact that it will have to pay for its services.
to content ↑Helpful tips:
- Never feed a bird from a balcony or near a house and do not let others do it. Otherwise, in the minds of birds, your home will be associated with a place where food can be found accurately, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of pigeons.
- To grieving grandmothers or young mothers, whose children love to chase birds, we recommend feeding them somewhere in the park, away from residential quarters, the best treats are a bun with sesame seeds or seeds. And do not give the pigeons black bread, if you deliberately do not want to harm them - it leads to problems with digestion in birds.
- If possible, exclude the presence in the apartment of food and water sources, which can be accessed by pigeons. In the courtyard of a private house, do not leave food for dogs and cats outside, cut out weeds in time and remove the seeds of plants that birds can feed on, otherwise it will be almost impossible to drive them away.
- In order for pigeons not to nest nests on the balcony, periodically check its contents. Do not be littered - throw away old, unnecessary boxes, things, clothes, if all this is kept by you "until better times."
- Close the grilles with all ventilation openings in the attic, in the walls or on the ceiling of the apartment, so that not only birds but also pests can not get inside.
- Take timely measures to scare away pigeons. The earlier you start to act, the more you will achieve.
- Do not do harm to pigeons without a reason. Remember that they are living beings and the methods of dealing with them must be the most humane.
We hope that the advice given in this article on how to get rid of pigeons on a balcony or a window sill will be useful and will help you solve the problem in the simplest but at the same time soft ways.