- Why should I buy a special comb from lice?
- How to use comb against lice?
- Which comb to choose?
- Advantages of comb from lice
- What else you need to know about the fight against parasites?
Pediculosis - a disease quite unpleasant. Even the most clean, neat person can "pick up" lice in hotels, trains, a swimming pool and other public places. Means of fighting parasites are quite a lot and, for sure, one who was infected with lice, tried to remove them on their own. Most likely, such an attempt did not end with luck and with particular success, because the nits( louse eggs) are too small and firmly adhered to the hair with a special glue secret. Effective fight against bloodsuckers is possible with the help of a popular remedy - comb from lice.
to the contents ↑Why should I buy a special comb from lice?
Conventional hairbrushes for this procedure and the fight against nits are not suitable, as their teeth are too far apart, and not only nits, but even adult, well-fed, drunk blood lice can slip between them. Fortunately, to date, comb the parasites from the hair can be using a comb for lice.
Special combs have a rigid structure. Their teeth do not diverge, and most importantly - do not let the parasites pass. On sale there are electric ridges, which are able to kill bloodsuckers by electric discharge.
This specialized comb requires a special approach to use and some knowledge that will help make it really effective.
How to use a comb against lice?
Lice attach their eggs to the hair - nits, which are covered with a special shell, and if you find lice eggs on your head, then someone has postponed them here, because they can not be transferred from person to person. Each adult is able to lay 8-10 eggs. This is quite a lot, and if you just comb out your hair, the effect will be small, because lice will quickly and quickly lay their eggs, and this process will be endless.
Important! Immersion of hair for a long time under water does not kill lice. Studies have shown that parasites can be underwater for several hours, and even chlorinated water in the pool is not effective in fighting lice. Therefore, use to wash your head special shampoos that are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription or prescription shampoos against pediculosis.
General rules for dealing with lice
First of all, before using a special comb, destroy the adults. For this purpose, you can use both folk remedies( for example, kerosene, a weak solution of vinegar), and insecticides. Since combing the hair with a comb is a long process, it is not easy to comb out the nits without destroying them with special means.
You need to comb the lice in the same way as the nits themselves, and special attention should be paid to the scalp, because the roots of the hair contain the majority of bloodsuckers.
Important! If you will comb the hair from the very base, then remove a much larger number of lice than with a superficial combing.
Only after adult lice are removed from the head, you can focus all your efforts on combing the nits. For this procedure, use a special comb against lice.
Types of combs from lice
Today, these combs are manufactured and sold by several manufacturers. The following are the most well known brands of ridges:
- AntiV.
- LiceGuard.
- RobiComb.
Of these, the first two are ridges for simple mechanical removal of lice and nits, and the latter, and its more advanced model - comb from RobiComb Pro lice, have a mechanism for the electrical destruction of parasites that fall on the teeth.
parasitic technology To properly use the comb, adhere to the following recommendations:
- Because the combing process is long enough, the patient should be in a comfortable position.
- For a combing procedure, select a place with sufficient natural and artificial lighting.
- Put a towel on the patient's shoulders so that the hair or nits do not fall to the floor.
- Next to the person being treated, place a small pot of boiling water and take an old toothbrush.
- Take a thin strand of hair and go over it with a comb for lice. Remaining on the crest of nits and adults, dip in boiling water.
- Do not remove the comb from the water, clean it with a toothbrush.
- Spend a comb over the new strand of hair and again clean the comb in the same way.
- The procedure is carried out until you scan each strand of the head.
- Combing with a comb is repeated twice a day.
- After you have cleared the nits, be sure to rinse the hair again using an anti-pediculose shampoo to ensure complete disposal of the lice.
- After the hair treatment, be sure to wash all the accessories that you used to use them in the future. The comb from lice should be treated in one of the following ways:
- Heat the water to 54 C and lower the comb for 5-10 minutes.
- Mix 2 cups of boiling water and 1 cup of ammonia. Soak the comb in the solution for 15 minutes, and then brush it with an old toothbrush.
Important! To make nits easier to remove from the hair, treat the hairline with vinegar as follows:
- Wet your hair with warm water.
- Pour vinegar on the head. Strands should be completely covered with a remedy, and then rinse hair with warm water.
Which comb to choose?
According to numerous reviews, the most effective against nits is an electric hairbrush against lice RobiComb. However, it is mainly used for the treatment of hair roots and the destruction of adult individuals. Since the comb has a small height of the canvas, it is quite difficult to use it for combing lice and nits from long and thick hair.
The product description says that an electric comb from RobiComb lice kills any parasite for 30 minutes. However, the effect of electric current on lice and nits has not been tested and we can not give an unambiguous confirmation of effectiveness, because the current acts either instantaneously or does not act at all.
The combs AntiV and LiceGuard are almost identical and it is difficult to give preference to one of them, since their efficiency is absolutely similar. Their teeth are long enough that it allows combing even the most dense strands of hair. If there is a question about the choice, the comb for LiceGuard lice in the price option is preferable.
to the table of contents ↑Benefits of combs from lice
- Efficiency, thanks to the following advantages:
- Optimum spacing between teeth. Nits have an oval shape and dimensions from 0.4 mm in length, 0.2-0.3 mm in width. The distance between the teeth of the comb is 0.09 mm. This is less than the smallest size of nits, so this product effectively removes parasites from the hairline.
- Sufficient tooth length. Long prongs increase the working surface of the ridge, thereby allowing more nits to be removed for fewer movements.
- The teeth have a microscopic incision. Due to the fact that the teeth are marked with a special spiral notch with cutting edges, the nitus shell is damaged during their removal and makes them not viable.
- Absolute safety and harmlessness. Hair is not exposed to chemicals and poisoning with toxic preparations. The tips of the teeth have microscopic rounding, which prevents injury to the scalp during combing, and the steel used to make the comb has an optimal ratio of flexibility and rigidity. Thus, using a comb against lice, you prevent damage to hair when combing.
- Suitable for everyone without exception. You can apply a special comb almost to everyone: from 0 years to any age, even during pregnancy and during lactation.
- There are no contraindications for the use of the comb when taking any other medications and if there is an allergy.
- Negative effects of combs against lice are completely excluded.
- This method is suitable for the treatment of pediculosis in the home.
- Reliability. The comb can be reused for a long time. The quality of the steel used to make the comb is such that the product can come into contact with various chemical things without harm to the person and the comb itself.
- The only harmless alternative to chemical agents from parasites. If the patient is a small child or allergic person, then the comb against lice is the only absolutely harmless means against parasites. In addition, after the bites of bloodsuckers, the wound remains, and the chemicals that enter them quickly penetrate inside and not only damage the scalp, but also intensify the itching.
- Ease of use. Thanks to the presence of special strips against slipping from the hands, the comb is convenient to use in the treatment of pediculosis at home and even when combing and treating wet hair.
- Ideal for prevention.
What else is necessary to know about the control of parasites?
All of the above information will certainly help you decide which comb of lice will be better for you. But there are a few more nuances that you need to know about when fighting against parasites.
Tip # 1
No matter how you try to avoid pediculicide shampoos, but with these drugs, the comb from nits works much more efficiently. After washing the hair with a special shampoo, the hairline becomes softer and cleaner, and the comb is much lighter and easier to slide over them. Adult lice will quickly die from shampoos, and after that they will only have to comb out of their hair.
Important! After even a single shampoo application, adult lice no longer appear.
Tip # 2
No matter how good and efficient the comb is from lice, it does not guarantee a complete 100% disposal of nits, because nits are so small compared to the thickness of the hair that some of them will necessarily slip through.
In order to loosen the attachment of nits to the hair, use special folk remedies, in particular:
- Cranberry juice.
- Potemkin water.
- Vinegar.
Important! The natural acids found in these remedies help to eat away the secret with which the egg is attached to the hair, which means that the nits will be easier to tear off when combing. Moisten hair with the above mentioned products about 30 minutes before the combing procedure.
Tip # 3
For one procedure, comb against lice can not rid you of all parasites. Individual lice or nits will remain on the head, and after a few days, young lice will again be released from the surviving nits, so comb the hair with a special crest at least 4, and preferably 10 times.
Tip # 4
If a child has a child in the house, it is necessary to purchase a special comb, after all, when visiting a kindergarten or school, a summer camp or a hike, a child may become infected with pediculosis, and it is not advisable to use chemistry and experiment on the baby's hair.
Tip # 5
Carry out combing over the bathroom or spread sheet so that no parasite can escape or accidentally fall to the floor, to the bed or to the upholstered furniture.
Tip # 6
Take care of the safety of the person who will handle your hair. He needs to undress to the waist so that the parasites that are removed do not get on the clothes. Hair should be hidden under a kerchief or tied.
Currently, pediculosis is successfully treated. It is only necessary to choose an effective remedy, after consulting a doctor. The dead lice and nits are easily removed by means of special crests. If you continue to follow the prevention and rules of personal hygiene, and in the house you will hold a densin section, then pediculosis will be defeated forever.