- Stand from cans
- Stand for colors on window sill
- Floor stand
- Mobile stand
- Stand from branches
- Ideas for creativity:
One of the easiest ways to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your house is to justify your green corner. Few people in the house have no flowers. They raise our spirits, purify the air and revitalize the interior. To save space or create some special composition, many prefer to use flower stands. Such supports are of two types: floor and wall. They must be strong, otherwise - the whole of this design can just collapse on the floor. You can buy a ready-made bag in the store, or you can make a stand for flowers with your own hands. Let's consider various variants: what can be a support for flowers by own hands, ways of realization of various ideas on creation of similar accessories.
to the contents ↑Stand from cans
If you have an unnecessary board and several cans, you can make a beautiful color support:
- First you need to process the board. First of all it must be degreased. Then cover with dark acrylic paint. Such paint is not toxic, dries quickly and does not have a strong smell.
Important! You can make an imitation of antiquity. To do this, after a layer of dark paint, a layer of lighter or more white paint should be applied. When the board dries, we ground the surface with a spatula or an iron brush. We apply scratches of different lengths in a chaotic manner.
- We mark with pencil the place of installation of cans. Take the pipe mounts and screw them with screws in the right places. Banks are installed on these fasteners.
- Now you need to decorate the banks themselves. You can paint them with acrylic paint - in one color or in different colors, or somehow decorate them with improvised materials. It all depends on your imagination.
- After painting, fill the ground and plant flowers.
- Now it remains only to screw the structure to the wall.
Important! Such a stand is best used for shade-loving plants.
to the table of contents ↑Stand for flowers on the windowsill
Very often in the apartment the only bright and sunny place is the window sill. But if there are a lot of flowers, then physically there is not enough room for everyone. Solve this problem with the help of a suspended flower stand.
Important! Such a design is calculated for a certain number of similar pots. As the structure is pendant, special attention should be paid to the fastening.
- First you need to determine the length of each shelf and the number of pots on it. We designate the location of the pots on the boards. To do this, you can turn the pot upside down, then circle it with a pencil. Then we retreat to a certain distance and circle the next one.
- Use a jig saw to cut these circles. The edges can be treated with sandpaper.
- Make holes for fasteners. At the corners of each board, drill holes with a large diameter. Holes should be at the same distance from each other.
- Now you need to prepare the rope. It should be strong and twisted. It is necessary to form two cuts in length of 2-3 m.
- We stretch one of them through the left holes, the other - through the right ones. It is better to do this from the bottom up. Under each hole you need to make a knot.
- On the top of the window opening, you need to make the mounts for the stand. Drill holes with a drill and attach the anchor bolts there.
Important! The mount must sit securely in the concrete so that the whole structure does not fall off.
- The ready stand is painted with acrylic paint. It is desirable to cover with varnish or other means to protect wood from moisture.
When everything is dry, hang the stand, put the flowers in the pots and install the pots in the holes.
to the contents ↑Floor stand
You can make a floor stand for flowers with your own hands. It can be formed from several pots of different sizes:
- The base is taken by the largest pot, then there will be several smaller vases, and the small pot will finish the composition.
- Pots will be attached to the iron rod, forming a pyramid.
- The length of the rod will determine the height of your stand. The rod needs to be picked up thick enough in diameter if you plan to string on it thick pots.
- In medium pots, the holes need to be tilted.
- In the largest pot, which is taken by the base, the hole must be made strictly vertically.
- We fix the reinforcement in a large pot and then string the remaining pots on the rod.
- Vases fill the earth and plant flowers in them.
- You can arrange this stand with flowers in any convenient place.
Important! You can make a decorative option for small pots. Pots must be primed, dyed and tinted to your liking.
to the contents ↑Mobile stand
If you have large flowers in the house in massive pots that you have to move, you can make a mobile flower stand for yourself.
To do this, you need a massive round board and four wheels for furniture:
- The wooden board must be treated immediately with a varnish or other moisture repellent.
- From the wrong side of the wooden board marking cases: divide the circle into 4 equal parts, having passed through the center two perpendicular lines.
- We attach wheels to the upper points.
Important! Wheels should be chosen based on the weight of the pot. The bigger and heavier the pot, the bigger the wheels.
We turn the resulting stand and put a pot on it. Now your flower can be easily moved to different places.
to the contents ↑Stand from
You can make a very original stand from ordinary branches. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare:
- smooth branches without knots;
- burlap;
- cylindrical container;
- twine.
You can glue the parts together with an adhesive gun.
- Cut the branches in such a way that they are the same length, and their height was several centimeters greater than the selected capacity.
- Twine bundles stacked in a row of branches. It is enough to make one strong knot on each workpiece.
- The width of the blank from the branches should be equal to the volume of the container, so as the branches are bound together, they need to be applied to the cylinder.
- Then the container is wrapped with burlap. The lower part of the fabric is wrapped under the bottom and glued to the bottom of the tank with an adhesive gun.
- We wind the cylinder with tied branches and fasten them with twine.
Ideas for creativity:
- The easiest way to make a stand is to use a regular saw. Take a few wooden circles of different diameters, connect them together, and you will get an interesting pyramid.
Important! Wooden parts must be pre-treated with a protective water repellent or simply varnished.
- If you collect a lot of plastic plugs, you can pick them up in size and color, connect with each other with glue. They can be laid out in the form of a circle, or make very original multi-level designs. The main thing is that the stand should be stable and securely glued together.
- You can use old unnecessary things and give them a new life. For example, iron legs from an old sewing machine or metal chairs that have already lost their appearance.
Now, inspired by the ideas, start creativity! We are sure that you will get very interesting flower stands with your own hands, with which you will create a mini oasis in the house.