How to Install the washing machine on a wooden floor

The best option for the car wash installation - on the concrete floor. With proper installation will eliminate the risk of vibration with displacement. But many are also interested in how to set up the washing machine on a wooden floor. It's a little more complicated, because laminate flooring or other wooden floor requires mandatory training firm foundation before you connect the device.

Before moving on to work on the ground, it is necessary to define the place for the washing machine correctly. It must meet the general requirements, regardless of the model:

There are two ways a manufacture base under the car, which are complex performance and durability:

  1. The concrete pad for the installation which will have to dismantle the laminate planks.
  2. Podium of the fiberboard to metal supports.
Installing the washing machine


The best way of upgrading the coating under the washing machine is the preparation of the concrete base. It has sufficient strength and good rigidity, which allow confidence to keep loaded washing machine in all operating modes. The disadvantage of this option - a time-consuming. In addition, it will require a large number of tools and materials.

Tools and materials

To perform this work will need to purchase:

  • solution for the future size of cushions;
  • boards for support under the cut boards;
  • plywood formwork;
  • polyethylene for waterproofing;
  • nails, screws.

Under the material necessary to pick up a set of these tools:

  • bucket;
  • spatula with increased working plane;
  • Drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution;
  • hacksaw on a tree;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level.

Fill the base

Before you begin, you need to disassemble the laminate or other wooden floor. The following is designated perimeter of the base of the future and the size of the machine to start its manufacture:

  1. Along the edges of pillow support, set of bars under the removed board.
  2. Make a plywood formwork, it Cover the film of polyethylene.
  3. Inside the casing for durability pillow lay rebar.
  4. Pour the prepared solution, align it under the timber floor.

That the solution has hardened sufficiently before installing the machine need to wait about two weeks.

Podium made of plywood

Such a base to produce simpler and cheaper. He did not take much time, but gives concrete strength. It means that an option to temporarily solve the problem of sustainability, requires periodic monitoring and design updates.


In here you need a set of materials:

  • thick plywood sheet is not less than two centimeters;
  • Steel pipe sections four centimeters or corners of the same material;
  • rubber mat.

Of tools for working with these materials are needed:

  • Drill with appropriate nozzles for drilling holes in the plywood;
  • handsaw for wood and metal;
  • level structure alignment.
Washing machine installed on a wooden floor

Making the podium

In this case, no need to dismantle or laminate boards, which simplifies and speeds up the work. If necessary, will have to strengthen the floor, eliminating unwanted course of boards. After that, you must:

  1. Make perimeter markings on dimensions of the device.
  2. Drill according to established labels.
  3. Cut the tube into four parts and install them in the holes aligned horizontally.
  4. To produce a plywood stand slightly larger than the perimeter of the car.
  5. Set the sheet on the support with fastening at the corners.
  6. Strengthen the pillars solution.
  7. Place the mat that does not allow slippage.

It remains to be installed on finished ground washer and align adjusting feet. You can then move on to the communications connection.


After preparing the substrate can begin to connect the communication. This will require:

  • Ball valve with a nozzle;
  • siphon;
  • fum-tape;
  • adjustable wrench.

The sequence of actions includes:

  1. Disabling of cold water.
  2. Installation of shut-off valve with a nozzle.
  3. Connecting it to a water supply hose.
  4. Installation of a siphon to the drain pipe.
  5. Accession to the drain hose.

After all stages of the installation of the washing machine, it can be included in the network to run a test to check the laundry in the absence of vibrations and efficiency of the basic functions.