How to disassemble and repair the washing machine door

If exactly follow the guidance of the washing machine, the problems with its door does not arise. This simple detail that requires no complex, but binding rules to use. If you broke the door of the washing machine, it is easy to fix.

Drain all water from stiralki and turn the power off. Open the door to view the details.

Use dielectric screwdriver.

If the handle broke off and the door blocked cars:

  1. Use the emergency opening, if it is provided in the device. Pull the lever or cable below the bottom panel, in the region of the drain filter.
  2. If the chip was left handle, try to open the hatch pliers.
  3. Pass the rope between the body and the door on the lock side and pull both ends by pressing down on the lock.
  4. Try to get to the lock manually via the top of the machine. Remove the top cover of the instrument and try to open the lock, the door is closed.

Common Problems and solutions

There are 5 common problems with the door and in all these cases the device is easy to fix.

Items that can be damaged by:

  • UBL,
  • latch,
  • glass,
  • plastic support,
  • a pen.

fault UBL

If you no longer operate the hatch locking device, it can become clogged. Disassemble the unit, check for obstructions and clean. Most often UBL stops normally blocked due to overheating. In this case, the item can not be restored.

To mount the device and install a new, need two screwdrivers: Phillips and flathead.

  1. Pry the clip blade screwdriver and remove. It looks like a circle of a steel wire and spring.
  2. Remove the part of the cuff in the area of ​​the castle mount.
  3. Unscrew a couple screws performing attachment blocking.
  4. Remove the hand unit and pull the chip.
  5. Install the new UBL, having got it inside the washing machine and screw the screws.
  6. Put back cuff.
  7. Install the clamp into place with the help of two screwdrivers. After performing all work.

The problem in the latch

In case of breakage of the door, check the lock washer. On the problem may indicate a lack of click at the time of closing the door. On the lever that enters the hole, a burr may occur. Because of them, the device is no longer closed.

Unscrew the door and put on the table. Get rid of burrs with a file. Apply a graphite grease, and then remove the excess, not to spoil their clothes during washing. What remains is the installation of the door.

In case it is easier to replace it with a strong deformation of the latch with a new one than to make repairs castle. This procedure may take a long time and there is no guarantee that will be able to bring a washing machine to a working state. Better to spend a little money than to be caught off guard lock does not work correctly. Sometimes the problem is not in the latch, and weakened mounts and hinges. In this case, adjust the position of the hatch, the latch is easy to sign up in the hole.

damaged glass

If the glass in the door is removable and can be ordered new, it will be the best option. If you can not remove the glass, it is to repair the damaged part of the washing machine. This will require a polyester or epoxy resin.

Epoxy resin poliefernaya

To remedy the situation, stick polyethylene adhesive tape to the front side of the glass, leaving no gaps. Damaged area close reinforcing tape, which is used for plastering. Prepare a resin: hardener mix the base and in said proportion.

Pour the mixture into the damaged area and wait for polymerization. After one day, remove the plastic wrap. Remove stains with sandpaper and glass will look like new.

Broken plastic support

Even in good washing machines plastic deteriorates over time due to the negligent use of the device. When you break the hatch support can adhere tightly, causing the risk of flooding. If this item is spoiled, remove it and fix the damaged part of the vise. Nail diameter should be 4 mm. Spila it to the desired length, if it is different.

Drill a through hole in the support size of 3.8 mm. Hold the nail with pliers and heated to 180ºC. Thereafter, insert it into the drill hole and wait for 3 minutes until tack cools. Still needed door and refit.

broken handle

Since the handle on the access door is made of plastic, it can not be repaired in the home. To replace the element, remove the door and remove the screws that hold the plastic rims. Install a new pen.
The door can quickly break down due to excessive physical exertion. Be careful, because to use the machine of great strength is not necessary. In the case of serious damage, refer to the master, because as repairs need to be sure one hundred percent.