The aesthetics of the interiors kitchens modern apartments imposes special requirements to household appliances, such as a mandatory element of a refrigerator. He should organically fit into the overall concept of the kitchen, without compromising its design and keeping its functionality. The best choice for these purposes will be built-in refrigerator.
To fully realize these advantages, it is necessary to have an accurate representation of how to choose a built-in refrigerator. If the apartment is not new, fully re-planning is not assumed, the refrigerator is adjusted for available space. On the contrary, in the new residential area is planned to place under the specified technical parameters of a future purchase.
In any case, accommodation and specifications require the most attention.
Any refrigeration unit, including a built-in need of good ventilation for normal functioning, providing efficient heat transfer between the compressor and the atmosphere, it is aligned horizontally and vertical. Therefore, furniture box, in which you are installing should
- leave enough space between the rear side and the wall (7 to 10 cm);
- ensure perfect flat position, without having to align;
- to provide the greatest possible access for the use of internal space and maintenance.

Defining the technical parameters of a future purchase, it is advisable to pay attention to the following:
- type (fully or partially embedded),
- sizes,
- number of chambers,
- control,
- power consumption,
- climate class,
- defrost system,
- noise characteristics.
Fully or partially embedded
When complete change of environment and development of a new kitchen design can be installed fully embedded device. This machine is not from the general kitchen design concept. It is completely hidden in the niche, and closes the same door as in a kitchen cabinet.
If it is a complement to the existing situation preferred embodiment may be partially recessed refrigeration appliance. He has no decorative doors and / or niche is devoid of one of the side walls.
To properly solve the question of how to choose a built-in refrigerator, you need to have some of the range of the dimensional characteristics that are such household appliances. A variety of models provides a wide range from the very small to large single-chamber, requiring a lot of space. It is important not only to the width and height of the household appliance, but also the depth to which it will "lie."
Height (cm) | Width (cm) | Depth (cm) |
40-220 | 30-160 | 40-70 |
If a model is selected, you must remove its size and order kitchen environment with their account. Conversely, if the niche is ready, it should make a choice based on its size.
Area, size and camera
In small spaces with limited space best one will be a small apparatus with a height of about 50 cm. The disadvantage of this choice is likely to become no freezer because small devices typically single-chamber or, at best, are provided, the camera of a very limited size.

On the large kitchen it is possible to accommodate oversized refrigeration unit. Such refrigerators are more practical and functional, combine two cameras: refrigerating and freezing. But when set too high units may be a problem with the combination of furniture. It can be avoided if to accommodate the niche is large, or is made under a particular model.
Another option for solving the problem with excessive height is the acquisition device made by the concept of side-by-side. This folding machines with horizontal placement of cameras. They allow you to enter the unit's built-in situation with height restrictions and to provide comfort from the use of a freezer.
Features of management to select the embedded device does not have much importance, its criteria are similar to a conventional refrigeration unit. The only exceptions are units with an external control panel, placed on the door. In this case, you must provide the appropriate changes in the design of the outer decorative door.
As usual devices built-in refrigerators can be equipped with manual, mechanical or electronic control. Selecting depends on individual preferences, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:
- manual setting modes using the controller easier and more familiar to those who are used to deal with the old Soviet apparatus, but in this case there is no possibility of exact temperature setting;
- Semi (mechanical) assumes Numeric setting basic operating parameters, and the rest are regulated in the automatic mode;
- with electronic tuning, all the parameters of the predetermined device in the program, are displayed and adjusted by the user if necessary.
Power consumption
In the current environment to choose the right appliance excluding energy parameters impossible. Some refrigerators can significantly save energy consumption. Therefore, to determine the preferred model is important not to miss this moment. There are several classes of energy efficiency appliances. For economical indices include devices A, B, C. Since 2003, entered the indices for high-performance devices A +, A ++. EPI represents the actual power consumption from the normative.
A ++ | A + | A / th> | B | C |
less than 30% | from 30 to 42% | from 42 to 55% | from 55 to 75% | from 75 to 90% |
Keep in mind that with high efficiency machines are more expensive, but cheaper to operate.
climate class
This criterion refers to the climatic conditions in which the appliance retains its functionality and can work without interruption. There is the following classification of climatic classes:
Index | transcript | Temperature (+ ° C) | Humidity |
T | tropical | 18-38 | reduced |
N | subnormal | 16-32 | within the normal range |
SN | subtropical | 18-38 | increased |
ST | normal | 16-32 | within the normal range |
For countries with average temperatures and humidity indicator to choose the right model to climate classes N and SN. N index allows installation in areas with conditioned and increased ventilation. Apparatuses with SN class can be used in unheated rooms.

defrost system
Proposed consumer freezers may be manual, semi-automatic or automatic defrost system. In the first case the necessity of defrosting is determined individually and carried out manually. Semiautomatic used to reduce the cost of dual-chamber models, where one defrosted manually, the other automatically.
Technologies no Frost or drip of thawing, do not require human intervention in the process of defrosting, provides maximum operating comfort and save time owner.
noise characteristics
Embedded devices, for obvious reasons differ low noise levels. However, the lower the figure the better and more comfortable environment in the room. Noise from these consumer devices may range from 25 to 45 dB. The norm is considered an indicator within the 38 - 47 dB.
Level | decibels | analogue sound |
Low | 25 | quiet rustling |
intermediate (up to 34) | 40 | the clock |
intermediate (up to 44) | 40 | human speech |
Tall | 50 | work typewriter |
Reviews and brands
Reviews for built-in refrigerators are not always unambiguous. It can be found opposite impressions of the experience with their use. Among the most reliable units of this type, the reviews that are mostly positive, often appear:
- Liebherr, produced in Bulgaria and Germany;
- Gorenje, produced in Slovenia;
- Atlas of Belarus;
- Indesit Russian assembly.