No Frost in the fridge: it is, working principle, advantages and disadvantages

Not many of the buyers by reading in the data sheet "is equipped with a refrigerator No FrostĀ», understand what they mean. Meanwhile, it is one of the modern technologies, which simplifies the use of such devices.

In contrast to the drop, the system requires almost no human intervention. The principle of operation is automatic. This is possible due to the design - is hidden under the insulation heater-evaporator.

  1. Most models of the evaporator is switched a couple of times a day.
  2. The temperature rises by a few degrees in the working chamber.
  3. Frost on its walls melt.
  4. Moisture drains into a special tray and gradually evaporates.
Scheme of No Frost system
Scheme of No Frost system

Also special circuit vaporizer such refrigerators equipped with one or more fans. They enable air to circulate inside the machine, which removes residual moisture and makes the camera dry.

What is Full, Free and Total No Frost

This technology is available in two versions:

  1. Option Free Frost - a combined version. It is used in the two-chamber units with top and bottom freezer refrigerator. At the bottom of the drip system is used, and the freezer works with the No Frost function. Manual defrost is only required for the refrigeration department. Due to a compressor, the price of such modifications inexpensive.
  2. Full No Frost. The design uses double Kits - compressors, evaporators, coolers, cooling circuits. the air is further circulated between the chambers of the refrigerator. Due to this support optimum moisture, which helps avoid the formation of frost. Maintenance of such models is almost required. You must wipe the soiled parts of the time that the unit remains clean. Price above combined. No Frost with the addition of Total is another name Full No Frost.

Variety allows you to choose between an affordable cost and manufacturability. With a limited budget, you can choose a combined version.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages No Frost defrosting systems typically indicate undemanding to clean. However, the pros list is much wider:

  • inside the refrigerator is maintained optimal humidity, the condensate does not accumulate, no streaks of moisture;
  • presence of forced circulation accelerates cooling, the temperature difference across the chamber is minimal;
  • faster the freeze products in the freezer;
  • after opening the door quickly recovering temperature regime;
  • in some models it provided an opportunity to freeze-drying. Due to it keeps food fresh longer.

Disadvantages of these devices due to the design features, but the quality of work they do not affect:

  • Receive yields drop counterparts because of the additional equipment;
  • attempts to keep the working volume leads to an increase in external dimensions. The height of such aggregates larger than standard;
  • energy efficiency slightly less, but this does not affect the total consumption of electricity in the apartment;
  • the device can hardly more noise due to fans running. But manufacturers increase noise insulation, which partially solves the problem;
  • Product contact with air leads to zavetrivaniyu products. They need to be protected in the form of food packaging films or plastic containers.

With these shortcomings can be tolerated. It is more difficult to come to terms with the price - it is higher than that of conventional models.

Who should buy a refrigerator No Frost

Comments and reviews of experts indicate that there is a specific target group, which these units are best suited:

  • such purchase will approach residents humid regions;
  • those who can not afford to waste time on the regular maintenance of appliances;
  • families where the products are purchased once a week.

Manufacturers assure that the defrost refrigerators are not necessary. But to completely abandon the defrosting impossible. Once a year and a half, they have to be washed out. To do this, disconnect the device from the network. If you do not carry out such a service, the duration of correct operation of the device is reduced.