How to check AQUASTOP in the dishwasher

Modern dishwashers have a system of protection against leaks, which are called Aquastop. The sudden surge of leakage, rupture or wear of seals can lead to significant costs, especially when flooding neighbors. Therefore, this protection is very important for smooth and safe operation of the dishwasher.

Aquastop casing looks like a valve on the liquid supply hose. The sudden change in pressure it is activated and the flow of water into the cleaning tank is stopped. The easiest option - to protect mechanical drive, which is also called the outer. Its efficiency is slightly lower alternative more technological options.

types of protection

Depending on the price of different types of Aquastop can be installed in the dishwasher. They have different design and operation principle. All three of these options:

  1. Mechanical - the easiest.
  2. Mechanical with absorbentovym filler - is more complicated.
  3. Electromagnetic - the most technologically advanced and reliable.


This species is gradually disappearing. structurally It represents a plastic housing on the filling hose, which is installed inside the valve with spring. At normal pressure, water is supplied in the normal mode. It leads to a change of the spring actuation, which firmly locks the outlet. System reliable and prevents leakage in 85% of cases, but is inferior to other embodiments.

Mechanics with an absorbent

Mechanical part consists of a plunger valve and a spring. Chemical component has a special tank. Operating principle:

  • when leaking water flows into the reservoir;
  • by contact with moisture increases the volume of the absorbent;
  • triggering happens the spring which presses on the plunger;
  • the latter closes the valve.

High-grade system provides virtually wholly prevent leakage.

The only drawback - the inability to re-use. After triggering the filler hardens, and with a casing pipe needs to be replaced with new one.


This type provides 99% protection. It may be formed in or odnoklapannom Two valve embodiment. The casing is complemented by a tray with a float, which is located at the bottom of the machine. The system is activated when water enters into the housing. Then the following happens:

  • water flows into the sump;
  • when full, the float rises;
  • they raised the lever closes the contact;
  • electrovalve closes water flow.

Symptoms response

When activated, locking the water supply is stopped, the machine will not start the washing mode. However, this situation may occur for other reasons. Before making a decision AQUASTOP condition, you need to know why it worked. To do this, examine the inlet section of the hose and check the condition of the pallet. Moreover, when faults in the error code displayed.

Error code

To inform the user about the status of the device on its front panel display is provided. the language of communication of the machine consists of a special code, which informs you of errors. In the models of the German brand Bocsh E15 system response code.

The value displayed is always written in the manual. But check the cause of tripping through the code value is not always possible.

Visual inspection

In situations where it is not, and the device fails to work, you must examine the condition of the valve. His close contact with the inner edge of the nuts is a sure sign of activation of protection against leaks. A haven of need:

  • disable the supply of water;
  • remove the hose from the AQUASTOP;
  • verify that between the valve and the fastening nut is no gap.

Status tray

On machines with electromagnetic protection an additional way to check - check of the pallet. For this purpose, the front side of the unit is necessary to remove the bottom cover plate and check for the presence of a pallet of water in it. Its presence confirms the valve lock.

Regeneration operating state

Plus mechanical protection is that it can be used repeatedly. After the elimination of the causes and consequences of the leak enough to cock the spring until it clicks and the device is ready for use. Alternative options would require the replacement hose. simple procedure takes a few minutes. you must:

  1. Shut off the water.
  2. Disassemble the exhaust hose from the housing.
  3. Screw new.

In the presence of an electromagnetic version need to connect the casing contacts with recognition sensor. You can then resume the operation of the machine.

With Aquastop leak almost always be eliminated. However, it is a small chance still exists to the leakage does not become an unpleasant surprise, regularly inspect the dishwasher and the area around the leak.