Conventional known as baking soda means good cleansing and dissolving any surface oil and dirt. For this reason, many people use it for washing pots and dishes. After washing dishes began to use special devices, housewives wonder whether it is possible to fill a soda in the dishwasher instead of the detergent?

Benefits and harms
Sodium bicarbonate, colloquially called soda relates to an alkaline chemical compounds. Alkali successfully they cleave various impurities and fats, which are on the surface of pots, pans and other cutlery. These substances are present in many specialized detergent formulations for washing dishes.
For the treatment of dirty dishes are often used not only soda, but a tool such as mustard powder. If you are the enemy use of chemical agents, you need to understand the suitability of mustard and soda for use in a dishwasher.
Using soda carries a lot of advantages. Among them, you can specify:
- naturalness;
- security;
- environmental friendliness;
- excellent cleansing properties.
Baking soda is a natural organic material, the use of which is absolutely harmless to humans. It can be eaten, so if you stay a certain amount of powder on the surface of the dishes, it does not harm health.
Getting into the flow, ash residues are not harmful to the environment, as do household chemicals. It is odorless irritant. Therefore, it can safely be used by persons who are prone to allergic reactions.
The main advantage of sodium bicarbonate is that it copes with any dirt, even with dried bits of food and fat. After applying soda leaves a clean surface on which there is no trace of chemicals. In addition, it kills germs and disinfect dishes.
From this, it can be concluded that the use of soda powder for treating tableware can. Some users dishwashers poured soda into the hole for a washing powder with it or instead of it. Despite the obvious benefits of soda, manufacturers do not recommend doing this.
The reason is that sodium bicarbonate is not completely soluble in water. If you add a glass of water with a spoonful of powder and stir, it will be seen that the precipitate formed at the bottom. Remains soda gradually clog the pump of the dishwasher, which could result in damage to the unit.
Methods of use
There are several ways to use baking soda in the dishwasher. With it you can:
- make detergent powder for washing dishes, using folk remedies;
- independently produce tablets for dishwashers;
- clean inside the machine;
- get rid of the odor.
To prepare the detergent, it is necessary to take a powder for washing children's clothes, with a minimum of chemical components. It is better that it was odorless. Tablespoon of powder mixed with a small amount of soda. This amount should be sufficient for one wash.
In order to get rid of limescale, make the following mixture. Take a glass of soda and add 1-1.5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide powder. Then drip into the mixture a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. The composition is poured onto the bottom of the machine, and include a quick washing.
At home, you can make the tablets for the dishwasher. It's easy and cheaper than buying a similar store means. To mix 150 grams of sodium bicarbonate with the same amount of borax powder. Next, add in a mixture of 200 g of magnesia (all funds available over the counter).
Mix the powder and pour the juice of half a lemon. Lemon juice can be replaced with a sachet of citric acid, diluted in 100 ml of water. Once again, stir until smooth. Put the composition in small molds and allow to fully dry. Apply tablets should be combined with the salt and rinse aid to improve the quality of washing.
mustard powder
Along with the use of baking soda, some housewives used mustard powder. He also, like soda, perfectly cleans and disinfects surfaces. Mustard is also a natural eco-friendly means, not bringing harm to human health.
Mustard powder is used both separately and in admixture, for washing and cleaning utensils. It should be noted that this tool is applicable only for hand washing. Mustard is poorly soluble in hot water and forms a precipitate which would adversely affect the operation of the apparatus.
Moreover, in cold water it is a means substantially insoluble and straying into a ball. Dishwashing machine water is heated slowly, so while they circulate cold water. Mustard score hole circulation pump, causing damage or injury.
Experts strongly recommend to use for washing equipment in the dishwashing machines only specialized products. The use of funds prepared independently, may lead to the fact that the device will have to be repaired, and it will cost much more expensive than buying detergent powder.