Normal humidity - a factor that affects human health. It prevents the development of many diseases. If the humidity in the apartment less than 55%, the humidifier is needed.
Humidifier - a device that saturates the air with moisture. It can be used at home and at work. His work will not distract you. There are several types of devices.
A device to the tank. Inside the tank is filled with distilled water. From this liquid gradually flows into the pan with a removable cartridge.
Air is sucked in at the expense of the fan and falls on wet cartridges. They left out the dust and leaves a clean and humid air.

It got its name from the fact that highlights the hot steam, like a teapot. Him It can be filled with any water. Work will not be affected.

The most advanced equipment from the group of humectants. They have a high capacity and small size. For the small amount of time to moisturize large rooms.
They work quietly. Their principle of operation consists in converting electricity due to ultrasonic vibration, which forms steam. He goes outside and humidifies the air.
Contraindicated to those who will not clean it regularly. The humidifier due to poor water and untimely cleaning microbes will develop a high speed. During the evaporation they enter the room. The room is covered with a whitish bloom, where the conditions for mold and other harmful bacteria. To avoid these problems, use distilled water and flush the humidifier.
air cleaning

This device with a built-in fan. It is filled with distilled water, which wets the small drums.
While working through wet air passes drums, humidified, cleaned and returned to the room. She works silently, consumes little power. Expensive.
Benefits and harms of devices
Evidence, why do we need a humidifier in the apartment, and what it has advantages:
- It saturates the air with moisture, making it more useful and comfortable for humans. Breathing becomes easier, less flaky skin looks healthy.
- Is the benefit for newborns because their mucous is very delicate and dries quickly. Because of this, they formed crusts in the nose, which prevent free breathing.
- Dry air causes harm to humans, dehydrating the body. Blood thickens progressively worse circulating through the vessels. Begin frequent headaches, malaise.
- It provides benefits to asthmatics and those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- The humidifier will need parents if their children often suffer from bronchitis or sinusitis. Children overdried mucosa - a favorable environment for the development of harmful bacteria.
- It reduces the amount of dust in the room, which is especially useful for pregnant women. Its excessive amount leads to allergies or infectious diseases.
- Too dry air causes dermatitis or rash in infants. As soon as the humidity increases, the problem of the child disappear.
- Lack of moisture reduces process efficiency, harm normal sleep, causes eye redness.
- Humidification is useful for plants, furniture, flooring, because it is smaller and rassyhaetsya deformed.
Among all the advantages of the analyzed appliance it also has disadvantages:
- The steam humidifier as a result of careless handling may cause a burn, because allocated steam is very hot.
- Continuous operation of the steam device significantly raises the temperature in the room, making becomes stuffy and hot.
- Cold humidifier should be cleaned inside. If you do not, then eventually it will accumulate dust, develop harmful microbes. During operation, they will be released together with the steam.
- Paper filter ultrasonic devices require regular replacement every three months.
- Humidifiers consume large amounts of electricity, they need to fill the purified water.
- High-quality device will cost a lot of money. Then it will last long and will operate without interruption.
When choosing a moisturizer home, you need to pay attention to the opinion of doctors.
According to doctors about the benefits and dangers of such a humidifier:
- too high humidity (over 80%) can cause angina, which affects children and adults;
- rate of humidity for the child of 50-70%;
- humidity indicator for adults 45-60%;
Steam humidifiers are widely used in medicine. They set the nozzle for inhalation and treat their patients with respiratory problems.
According to doctors, the use of the device in question is useful in winter and in summer, when the air conditioner. They are air dried.
When the instrument there is a need
There are several important reasons why you should use the device in any time of year.
Reasons to use:
- Too overdried air in winter due to battery life, heat.
- If after dinner in the apartment are constantly a lot of sunlight, it provokes heat and air-drying.
- Constantly large accumulation of dust associated with the location of the house near the road or industrial facility.
- Too high a temperature in the street in the summer and low in winter leads to a natural decrease in humidity.
- When the humidity level in the room is less than 40%.
- The review mentioned that the humidifier significantly improves the immune system, improves the general condition.
where to apply
The main purpose of the humidifier - the saturation of the air mass with moisture. This should be done in order to avoid dizziness, loss of strength, infectious diseases, allergies. Humidity of at least 55% is necessary to man, and the plants that grow in the area.
Devices also detain dust, harmful microparticles. They are needed in cities, where more air is polluted by exhaust and factories.
With a humidifier, you will improve health, increase immunity. Better poured into distilled water appliance. It will extend the work and bring benefits to the body. Clean regularly in order to avoid the spread of bacteria.