- Matting Powder
- Maturing Powder for long-lasting matting effect
- Special matting wipes
- Matters with matting effect
- Lemon tonic
- Cosmetic ice
- Moisturizing mousse
- Balanced ration
- Baby powder
- Recommendations for daily care:
- Proper care for oily skinskin of the face
Beautiful matte complexion every girl dreams to have. Very often, women, especially the young, have to face an unpleasant problem, such as oily skin. In this article we will consider some amazing tips that help to solve the problem of how to make the matte skin at home, eliminate ugly fatty shine, which is unaesthetic and spoils the applied make-up.
to the contents ↑Matting powder
Matting powder helps to get rid of the oily face shine for several hours and creates a matte base. In the modern market there is a huge variety of this product, so each girl will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. You can choose both compact and friable powder, because they act the same way, and everything depends on individual preferences.
Important! Matirujushchaja powder removes fat shine only for some time, therefore it is not necessary to hope for long-term effect. Even a very expensive and high-quality powder should be applied to the face once every few hours.
In order to make a matte complexion, you must carefully apply powder on the chin, nose, cheeks and forehead. It is better to avoid the zone around the eyes, because in this area the skin is very thin and delicate. Producing this process is most convenient with a large three-dimensional brush or special sponge.
Important! To enhance the effect matting powder should be applied to the tonal basis. Girls with oily skin, especially in the hot season, better prefer specially designed foundation for oily and problem skin. This product will fight with overproduction of sebum, as well as hide redness and all the flaws on the face.
to the contents ↑Scrub for long-lasting matting effect
The use of foundation and powder allows for a few hours to make the skin of a matte complexion. However, such means can not solve the problem of fatty shine, since the powder and tonic only mask the oily skin. To clean the face, you can use a wonderful cosmetic product, which is very easy to prepare at home.
How to make the facial skin matte with a scrub:
- Mix a small amount of facial cleanser or gel with matting effect and a pinch of ordinary baking soda. This process should be done in a small glass bowl.
- Apply the prepared mixture to the skin of the face with flowing massaging movements, and, it is necessary to avoid the area around the lips and eyes.
- Prepared matting agent can cause a slight tingling, so the scrub should be kept on the face for no more than 1-2 minutes.
- Wash the matting mixture with warm running water.
- Moisten the face with a nourishing mask or moisturizer.
Important! Make skin cleansing with such a scrub twice a week. As a result, the pores become narrower and more pure, and the effect will be evident after a single use of the prepared matting agent.
to the table of contents ↑Special matting wipes
Folding napkins are favorites of girls. They perfectly cope with the removal of greasy gloss on the face with both day and evening make-up. Make such napkins from a special material that can not break makeup.
Apply matting wipes is very easy and simple. To do this, you need to apply the napkin to the problem areas of the face, where there is a greasy shine. Basically - this is the surface of the forehead, chin, wings of the nose, apple cheeks.
Important! Matirujushchie napkins are very convenient in application, help to save time, they easily to place in any bag.
to the contents ↑Masks with matting effect
Matting masks are purchased in shops in cosmetic departments or if necessary they can be prepared independently. There are a lot of masks that are very effective and simple in the making process.
Aloe mask
Aloe vera mask perfectly can solve the problem of greasiness of the skin. How to make the facial skin matte at home using a mask:
- Cut the bottom sheet of aloe.
- Clean it from spines and cut into small pieces.
- The cut leaf is squeezed through gauze.
- In the received two teaspoons of juice add protein of one egg and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
- The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the face. For this, it is most convenient to use a sponge or cotton pad.
- After drying the first layer of the mask, apply the mixture on the face several times in a row, until the prepared mixture is completely used.
- After this, wait about ten minutes and rinse your face with warm water.
Masks made of clay
Mask made of clay is one of the best natural remedies. Anyone who at least once used this mask, noted a positive result:
- Mask of blue clay helps to cleanse the skin, as it absorbs excess fat from the pores of the skin. In addition, it contributes to the fight against black dots. Long-term use of blue clay can even slightly narrow the pores.
- In addition to the blue clay, you can also use pink, green, black, white clay. The application of each of them is a useful mask for both the face and the body.
Important! This clay mask can be used 2-3 times a week.
How to make a matte skin with a clay mask:
- A small amount of clay must be mixed with warm boiled water to a mushy condition and applied to the face.
- You can also add a small amount of grape seed oil, which has a non-medicated property and does not allow excessive drying of the skin.
- In the presence of inflammatory zones on the face, you can use 2-3 drops of essential oil of lemon or add a few drops of tea tree.
- Mask must be applied in a thick layer, so that there is no rapid drying, periodically wet the dried out areas with water.
- After 15 minutes, wash the mask with warm water.
- After this procedure, a light nourishing cream is mandatory.
Important! You can not abuse this method, because clay is a strong remedy and is able to over-dry the face. As a result of improper application, instead of positive, a negative effect is obtained, after which it is necessary to treat damaged areas of the facial skin.
Roman mask
To prepare a Roman mask, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
- Mix two tablespoons of pea flour and two tablespoons of whey from the milk.
- The resulting mixture should be applied to the face.
- After complete drying, the mask is removed, applying circular movements of the fingertips.
- Then alternately you need to rinse your face with hot and cold water.
Oat and cucumber mask
Oatmeal-cucumber mask helps to eliminate excess sebum and prevents the appearance of acne. How to make the skin matte with an oatmeal cucumber mask:
- In a blender, you need to mix one small cucumber and one glass of oatmeal.
- After this, add a spoonful of yogurt to the resulting gruel without any additives.
- The mask should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
The result is a matte and soft facial skin.
to the table of contents ↑Lemon tonic
All sorts of drying lotions perfectly cope with the elimination of greasy gloss and give a matt shade to the skin of the face:
- To prepare the desired composition, squeeze out the juice from the half of the lemon and add to it 20 ml of cucumber juice and 35 ml of vodka.
- After preparation, this mixture must be poured into a dark bottle, closed with a lid and stored in a refrigerator.
- If necessary, daily clean the face with a prepared preparation.
Lemon tonic is able to fight with subcutaneous inflammation, purifies the pores of the face, normalizes the work of subcutaneous secretion.
Important! Before applying this lotion, it is mandatory to conduct a test for the presence of an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to treat a small area of skin with a lemon tonic and after 15 minutes evaluate the result.
to the table of contents ↑Cosmetic ice
To give the skin a matte shade, the use of ice based on medicinal herbs can be applied. How to make the skin matte at home using cosmetic ice:
- Brew flowers of chamomile, linden, bark of oak or birch with steep boiling water and insist one hour.
- After this time, strain, pour into ice molds and freeze.
- Wipe face every 3-4 times a day, then apply hydrogel or moisturizer.
Important! After the cooling procedure is not recommended immediately apply cosmetics, you need to leave the pores to breathe.
After two weeks of regular application of cosmetic ice, the facial skin becomes matte, greasy shine appears much less often, which greatly pleases the owners of combined and oily skin.
Important! Cosmetic ice can be used only in the absence of abscesses and vascular asterisks. This procedure is categorically contraindicated for those who have a predisposition to couperose, who have too close the location of the vessels to the surface of the skin. In this case, prepare an ordinary broth chamomile and rub their skin 3-4 times a day, the effect will also have a positive result.
to the table of contents ↑Mousse for washing
It is necessary to choose the optimum variant of a gel or foam for washing corresponding to your type of dermis. In addition, you need to buy a special face brush, which has a medium stiff bristle. It helps to combat excessive greasiness and excellently copes with the removal of dead particles.
How to make the facial skin dull with mousse for washing:
- To open the pores, it is necessary to wash with warm( strongly hot) water.
- After this, rub the mousse between the palms of your hands and massage your face well.
- Further applied composition does not need to be washed off, but it is good to rub the face with a special brush, especially paying attention to problem areas, such as: the wings of the nose, forehead, chin.
- At the conclusion of these manipulations you need to close the pores. To do this, wash with melt water or you can wipe the skin with cosmetic ice.
Balanced diet
Few people know that the state of the skin is greatly affected by a balanced diet. So, if you take very fatty foods, then the subcutaneous glands work intensively. Therefore:
- For beautiful matte facial skin, try to avoid fried, salty, sharp, peppery dishes. Healthy food should be prepared in a multivariate or stewed in the oven.
- Mandatory diet should include fish products, meat, stewed vegetables, baked potatoes and various seafood.
- We should not forget about seasonal fruits and berries.
- In winter, you need to eat fresh or frozen vegetables that control the water balance.
- You also need to refrain from frequent use of black coffee, you can drink it only with milk.
- Freshly squeezed juices and green tea must be present on the table, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid a day.
- Very good use of purified water, which should be about 2 liters a day.
Baby powder
Basically, the dullness of the skin is given in the winter season, when there is no tan and the skin of the face is still light. How to make the skin matte at home using baby powder:
- Wash with tar soap that cleans pores and removes greasy shine.
- After that, you need to grind between the palms of the child talc, not having perfumes and impurities, cover their face.
- To remove excess, you can apply cosmetic sponge.
Important! In addition to the baby powder, the mineral powder perfectly copes with the task, which does not clog the pores, in contrast to the compact and crumbly composition. The principle of action of such cosmetics is very simple: after application, the mineral powder draws the fat from the pores, releasing them at the same time.
to the table of contents ↑Recommendations for daily care:
- First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude to face care. You need to go over your cosmetics, because you may have to replace some of them.
- You can not use the usual toilet soap, which overdry the skin, but you need to use cosmetics with drying effect when drying.
Important! Some people somehow think that the skin soaked in toilet soap is good. This is a big mistake, since the skin after toilet soap begins to very quickly produce sebaceous fat, which softens and protects the epidermis. As a result, we observe quite the opposite result with a shiny and flaky face. To solve this problem, it is necessary to apply a high-quality makeup gel, which should contain medicinal herbs, such as green tea, chamomile inflorescences, mint.
- It is necessary to wipe the face with a special tonic, but do not use alcohol-containing products.
- Some people think that with oily skin, you can not apply creams. And this is a mistake. Light creams that, when applied, do not leave a greasy shine, are ideal for a greasy skin variant, and you need to eliminate the use of oil-based cosmetic products.
- How to make the skin matte? When choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to water based products. Means for make-up on an oily basis is suitable only for dry skin of the face or skin, which suffers from peeling in frosty weather. If the skin is shiny, then the application of this cream will give it an even more oily shine.
- You need to use soap. For daily washing, soap-based products are suitable that can cleanse the skin. Lotions for the body, cosmetic milk and other products that do not foam are not recommended for a fat skin variant, they are only suitable for removing makeup.
Important! Choosing decorative cosmetics, you do not go too far with the use of too strong a means that can dry the skin of the face.
- A very good remedy is a lotion that helps make the skin matte. To make it, you need to take 5-6 dry laurel leaves, pour them with one glass of boiling water and let it brew for about three hours. This means you need to wipe your face every day.
Proper care for oily skin
How to make the skin of the face matte at home? In the process of caring for problem skin, there are three very important steps:
- Any skin care, prone to shiny effect, begins with a cleansing procedure. In this case, to remove make-up it is necessary to use only special products based on drying components - foams and gels for washing.
- Then you need to use a tonic lotion that does not contain alcohol. It helps dissolve the thin film formed by surfactants, which are contained in cosmetics for washing. In addition, the feeling of tightness disappears and the phage balance of the skin aligns. The use of tonic or lotion helps to narrow the pores and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Important! The composition of the tonic should include moisturizing and anti-inflammatory ingredients - chamomile, calendula, aloe, tea tree.
- Then go to the peeling phase. For this, scrubs are used that contain soft granules on a synthetic basis. They are capable of careful action. During their use, the facial skin is not damaged or scratched.
Important! Some people use peeling, which contains concentrations of fruit acids. After using it for a while, you should avoid direct sunlight on your face. An excellent result is observed from the use of peeling-rolling. If you use peeling twice a week, the complexion improves noticeably.
That's all the wisdom with which you are now familiar. Therefore, now make the skin matte, smooth, smooth and soft at home, you will be much easier. The main thing is to really give this attention and allocate time for proper care.