- What is the imitation of the fireplace?
- Why is a false fireplace installed?
- Fireplace made of
- furniture We make fireplace from drywall
The fireplace in the house always looks very cozy, beautiful, gives an original atmosphere and a special mood. But to arrange a real fireplace in the home, not everyone has the opportunity, especially if it is an apartment. The technical part must be observed, and this is the heat-resistant materials of the finishes and the fireplace itself, and a full flue that is absolutely impossible to create in a multi-apartment building. But there is still a way out - the imitation of the fireplace with our own hands in the apartment. To make such a beautiful thing yourself is a double pleasure, but one must know how to organize the whole process correctly.
to the contents ↑What is the imitation of the fireplace?
A design that simulates a portal and a firebox is called a false fireplace, which is impossible to distinguish from the original at first sight. Its most important advantage is that it is not necessary to build bulky chimneys and fireboxes.
Types of
Decorative fireplace are performed in a variety of stylistic directions, and they are conventionally divided into the following groups:
- authentic;
- conditional;
- symbolic.
What is the difference:
- Credible false fireplaces, they have similarities in appearance with real fireplaces. During their development, the appropriate dimensions and design are observed, the only difference is that inside the furnace there is no real fire.
Important! In it you can hide the bio-fireplace, which will quite resemble a natural flame. This option does not belong to the category of cheap, but the construction itself will look quite plausible.
- There are conditional artificial fireplaces, the portal of which protrudes from the wall. This portal can be issued in absolutely any style. Inside the firebox you can accurately put firewood and put a few candles.
- Symbolic fireplaces are made of any materials. They have a feature - they have few real designs. You can even depict them on the wall of the room.
Important! Each imitation fireplace in the apartment will emphasize the advantage of the interior and hide almost all the shortcomings.
to the contents ↑Why is a false fireplace installed?
In apartments of multi-storey houses conditions for installing a real fireplace, no. They can not be equipped with a chimney, besides, the floors are not suitable for such structures. With all this, there are special requirements in order to get permission to build a hearth.
Universal option for the apartment
Simulating the fireplace with your own hands using plasterboard - this is the most suitable option for any apartment. It can be done by someone who does not have special knowledge and skills. Creating a design with your own hands is quite fascinating.
Independently you can make an exclusive thing that reflects the mood, as well as the tastes of its owners at home. Using bulbs that mimic the flame, you can replace the open fire in the apartment.
Important! Despite the fact that the fire does not light up inside the fireplace, we do not recommend putting flammable objects in it. This is mandatory condition, if the role of lighting will be heating batteries, or will be used electrical appliances.
Pluses of fireplaces
Artificial fireplaces have a huge number of advantages:
- does not need to have a lot of money to equip the structure, you only need to purchase the necessary materials;
- absolutely all materials are in easy accessibility;
- decor can be changed at any time, depending on your mood;
- a huge variety of decorative materials can help to realize absolutely any imagination.
Fireplace made of
furnitureBefore you make a simulation of the fireplace with your own hands in this way, carefully analyze whether you have any unnecessary furniture in the apartment. Old servant may well play the role of decorating the interior, if it is processed into a false fireplace. The entire structure can be supplemented with a backlight, by means of which an imitation of fire is created in the fireplace.
- First, remove from the sideboard doors and pedestals, which are located below. There will be a section located in the upper compartment of the sideboard.
- Turn the structure on its side, fix two bars in front, and attach the plywood on top and bottom - now the fireplace will have the required thickness.
- In the cabinet door, make a small hole. It acts as a blower. It is in this part you can lay real firewood.
- The role of the mantelpiece, as well as the pedestal, will perform wooden backs from old beds. Preliminarily remove the legs from them.
- Once the fireplace's frame is made, you can start decorating it. Remove all polishing. Surfaces must necessarily be rough.
- Then cover all parts of the upcoming fireplace with a primer, pad and make the surface even. Using acrylic paint, paint the falsh-fireplace.
- Corners can decorate with artificial stone or decorative bricks. Once all the elements are in place, the finished product can be installed.
- Simulating a fireplace with your own hands is done quickly and fairly simply. Along the entire perimeter, place the LED strip in red or yellow.
- At the bottom of the structure you can pour pebbles or sand. In order to simulate fire, you can use modern devices.
Important! If you do not want to use the LED ribbon, you can use the electronic photo frame. On its LCD monitor you can play a variety of animated files. All you need is to download the image of the flame and then enjoy the comfort.
to the contents ↑We make a fireplace from plasterboard
We can make angular constructions from gypsum board. They will be very handy in small rooms, because in a large room the construction will clutter up the space:
- First of all, you have to make calculations. If you want to cover the battery with a design, then make the hearth mobile. In the event that an emergency situation occurs, the fireplace can be easily pushed aside.
- After you have compiled the calculations and diagrams, you can start to collect the fireplace. First make a frame. For this you can use the ceiling profile.
- At this stage, we recommend making electrical wiring. Depending on how many exit points there are, make the appropriate number of holes.
- To simulate fire, use LED strip. The fireplace can be made with double walls, among which lay a non-combustible heater. If there is no need to hide the battery, you can install an electric fireplace in the furnace.
- Once the frame is made, you can decorate it. In order to decorate the fireplace, tiles will do. To lay it it is necessary on a special glue which maintains high temperatures.
- For decoration we recommend to take ceramic facade tiles. Elements of gypsum will be a decoration of the design.
- Be sure to leave holes in the walls of your fireplace. They are important for careful circulation of air, which will heat the battery.
Important! Doors in the falsh-fireplace do not. In case you really want to have a fireplace with a door, then make it from a transparent material. Through it, your artificial flame must be enlightened.
Simulating the fireplace in the apartment creates a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Some decorate the structure with candles, which have different parameters and are located throughout the fireplace. Excellent will look mirror inserts, which will reflect the rays of illumination, giving the focus of mystery. That is, the ideas of decor and the creation of such a piece of interior - more than enough. Focus on the standard rules of assembly, connect their imagination in them, and then uniqueness and comfort in the interior you are provided.