Household appliances tend to break down during prolonged use. Humidifiers are no exception. If damage is not serious, repair humidifier can be performed independently.
Consider the principle of operation of each group.

These humectants blows air stream of the water. Alternatively, using pumps air is pumped through the water. This method is slower than the other.

They work like conventional humidifiers. But there are steam volatile element, whereby the humidity in the room increases the efficiency. The main disadvantage is that during the heating of the air is heated body.

Ultrasonic devices used ceramic vibration plate. Its rapid fluctuations knocked out from the water surface the smallest particles, which expels the air fan.
Safety and efficacy of ultrasonic devices allow them to dominate the market for air humidifiers. This best-selling devices, so their example let us consider the algorithm works and repair features.
Principle of operation
This is how the device works:
- The tank is filled and pure demineralised water. Ideally, the water should be distilled.
- When liquid passes through the cartridge, it is further purified and softened.
- After heating the water enters the vaporization chamber.
- The chamber has a membrane that knocks from the water surface the smallest water droplets to form a cold vapor.
- Steam under low speed fan rises to the spout of the rotary atomizer.

To the water does not spread bacteria pairs irradiated with ultraviolet germicidal lamps. But they are not available in all models.
Possible additional functions:
- air ionizer,
- ultraviolet lamps,
- cartridge,
- LCD display,
- hygrometer to control humidity,
- remote control from the console.
Companies create climate systems. They have a set of functions:
- water filter;
- Filter for air purification;
- bactericidal filter;
- ultrasonic humidifier;
- ionization unit.
The humidifier has a safety circuit. It is responsible for off power in case of overturning or critical reduction in the liquid level.
Devices with hygrometer disabled when the Value data set humidity.
Diagnosis electrical
If the humidifier stops working, first disconnect it from the network. Then check the power supply in the network itself and the status of the power supply cable, which can be broken.
If you have a device on the Venta, check the integrity of the fuse in the plug.
Try to remove the accumulated moisture and during the day, thoroughly dry the unit. In many cases, this is enough to restore the work.
The most common problem in the electrical part. The short circuit occurs due to improper use or device of incidence. Due to the fall shift gaskets and damaged the integrity of the housing.
The problem may occur due to negligent use. The humidifiers have two openings for filling water and steam output. Often, people pour water into the hole for steam to escape, resulting in breakage.
If the model has a voltage converter, restore the device is possible with the replacement unit.
The problem may be in the device, therefore it is necessary to open the device. If there is moisture, damage could occur in the electrical section. Such repair entrust the skilled person.
First, you can eliminate the blocking of automatic protection. To do this, inspect the parts that consume electricity. All of the control and fan coil plate should be uniformly colored. The fault location can be detected blackening.
Dismantling housing
Instructions for dismantling the humidifier:
- Unplug the appliance.
- Remove the water tank.
- Turn the body.
- Dismantle the body. There are two options: if the housing is mounted with screws, unscrew them, they may be hidden under the rubber feet; If screws are not found, the body bears the latches - slide the blade along the line of contact and the latch housing, find a place of fastening and press.
Now you see all the components of the humidifier. If you are not engaged in the repair of such equipment, take a picture of the starting position of all the elements. This will help to collect the device back.
Common Troubleshooting
For repair needs tester or multimeter, electrical knowledge and soldering skills. If you have it all, read about the most common faults and how to repair climato.
Of the device is not going to couples
- generator injury;
- oxidation board contacts;
- fan is broken;
- damaged membrane in ultrasonic humidifiers.
To fix the damaged parts need replacement: the generator, fan, membranes or stripping board contacts.
The device is not activated
- A clogged filter. If it is clogged, replace it.
- Problems in the electrical: wire, power board and the control unit. If the wires are damaged, replace them. Charges may darken. Check her multimeter to find and replace the damaged item.
- The voltage across the motor winding. If voltage is present, the problem of the fan and must be replaced. If voltage is not present, then the problem is in the motherboard.
humidifier flows
When leakage of the humidifier, check the tightness of water supply system. Open the casing fill water and a look which may occur: in the tank, tubes or pallet.
Check the mounting flow cell. If you were not able to fix it and the flow remains, replace the element.
Excessive noise during operation is most common with fan pollution. To correct pick the body, clean and lubricate the fan thermal grease.
unpleasant smell
Unpleasant odor during operation of the humidifier is connected with the reproduction of bacteria or molds.
To resolve this problem, rinse each item with special antibacterial agents. Do not use aggressive cleaning solutions. Improvised can use weak ammonia solution or hydrogen peroxide.
Most breakdowns humidifier can be repaired by yourself. Difficulties arise in the determining step damage. This may require special devices: tester and multimeter. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations to change and clean the filters in a timely manner, the repair is not required.