Humidifier is gaining popularity. It cleans the air in the room and leads to normal microclimate. It improves the condition of the person, indoor plants and animals. For long-term and high-quality operation of the device you need to take care of him.
How often and what is required?
The first step is read the instructions. For cleaning using water, a cloth, a brush, a detergent solution with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
Get into the habit to clean the humidifier every day. During the day, it accumulates dirt, it promotes the growth of bacteria.
Rules of care and disinfection:
- Before cleaning, disconnect the appliance from the network.
- Deliver a tank of water.
- Brush and soapy water to remove plaque from the inner surface of the ionizer.
- Rinse the detergent container under the tap without filling mechanism of the device.
- Wipe dry cloth humectant.
- Pour fresh water into the tank.
Thoroughly clean the machine you need every three days. Proceed on the basis of daily cleaning:
- Pour the liquid from the reservoir.
- Rinse water tank.
- Wet acetic cloth into the solution tank and wipe. So removed the mineral coating.
- Thoroughly rinse the device under water and wipe dry.
Disinfect humidifier is necessary every five days. This prevents the occurrence of fungus and other microorganisms.
Disinfect humidifier in a well ventilated area:
- Prepare a solution of one-half cup of hydrogen peroxide to 4 liters of water.
- Add the product tank.
- Turn on the machine and turn off when the steam appears.
- Drain the solution after 2 minutes.
- Wash the container and fill it with fresh water.
- Turn on the device for three minutes and drain the water again.
- Rinse and dry the tank.
Obrabatyvyte solutions not only the tank, but the nozzle.
We are struggling with a touch, scum, mold
Mold, scale and plaque affect human health. They are toxic and allergenic. Settling on the lungs can lead to bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, flu or common cold. Therefore, it is important to constantly clean the humidifier.
Getting rid of plaque
It sells a variety of effective tools, but it is possible to cope with a touch and the home. For this is the way to home, how easily and quickly get rid of the plaque:
- Ingredients: water - 1 liter, soda - 2 hours. l.
- Fill with soda water and stir. Means struggling with a hint of softening it.
- Pour the mixture into a container and turn on the humidifier hour. Scale itself fall behind on the machine surface.
- Rinse the device.
- Pour pure water and leave to work for 10 minutes.
- Pour the water. Rinse the container and wipe with a dry cloth.

It is better to do the procedure on the balcony.
winning limescale
Hard water - the enemy of the humidifier. Because of it, there is a scum. The solidified deposits deposited on the inner surface of the apparatus for heating or evaporation of water. To clean the humidifier from scale, special tools are not required. Use the same ingredients as in the fight with the mineral coating.
Citric acid corrodes rapidly scale. Just pour 100 g of acid per 1 liter of water. Use it in the same way as the solution of baking soda and your ionizer will be like new.
We destroy mold
Mold - the most dangerous problem. It causes the most damage to health. Timely disinfect the air ionizer, to prevent her manifest.
If so you are faced with a mold, then quickly remove it. Citric acid, soda, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, it is easily removed and Related fungus. The course may go aggressive means, for example, a chlorine solution:
- In order not to hurt himself toxic substance observe ratio: 1 teaspoon of chlorine per 4 liters of water.
- Pour the solution into the reservoir for an hour and drain.
- Thoroughly rinse the container several times that on the walls of the apparatus do not chlorine remains.
Ultrasonic humidifier: cleaning features
There are different types of ionizers: steam, mechanical and ultrasonic. The latter is considered the most convenient to use.
To clean the ultrasonic humidifier using the same solutions with vinegar, baking soda and citric acid. The principle of treatment like a mechanical humidifier, but it is not necessary to include. Simply pour into the tank means and leave for 12 hours. If included no special brush, you can use a soft cloth rag.
helpful hints
For maximum effect, a humidifier and a long service life, follow the simple rules:
- Use a humidifier to filtered water.
- Time to change the filter.
- Clean Ionizer with constant use once a week.
- After cleaning, wipe dry all parts, to avoid the appearance of mold.
- Clean with a soft brush or cloth.
- Avoid getting water on the mechanical parts.
Treat with care and use a moisturizer for the appointment. Time on clean and be sure to disinfect. Replace the filters, so that the machine is not out of order. Do not be lazy to look for the device and get to work diligently for you device.