Thermo or tea: it is better to choose?

It is difficult to say at once that it would be the best choice - Thermo or kettle. Each model is designed according to user requests. Let us compare these two instruments and consider what is best for everyday use.

It is an electrical device for heating and boiling water. Using a periodic heating it maintains optimum temperature at a predetermined level. It consists of electric heaters - tubular water heating elements.

Features that distinguish from Thermo electric kettle:

  • The combination of functions of two devices - thermos and kettle. Apparatus liquid boils and off while maintaining the desired temperature. The water does not cool down for 8-10 hours.
  • There are units with water heating element that heats the fluid to a set value.
  • Thermos able to boil a large volume of water and the temperature drops below 65 ° 12 h. Embedded elements consume up to 600 watts per day.

Cons devices:

  • Unlike kettle consumes more electricity. Maker uses it only when the brewing water, and thermal device constantly maintains the temperature.
  • Most models are equipped with filters that need to be changed every month.
  • Some devices have a reservoir for water, which can adjust the liquid temperature. The device may perform the functions of the cooler, serving hot and cold water.

kettle device

When there is no need for constant heating of water, your best option is an electric kettle. It is small and consume little power.


  • Maker is compact, it is convenient to take with you and move from place to place.
  • It consumes current only during the boiling water. family daily energy expenditure of three people is about 650 watts.
  • Just a few minutes to get a hot drink. Thermo heats the water longer.


  • The model with the average price only with a timer function and turn the lock. Instruments are expensive can have hours of heating function thermostat.
  • In most cases, the kettle body is strongly heated, particularly metal. Dense thermos support wall is not heated heat.
  • Consumes more than 600 watts per day, while the Thermo - 300.

Construction and operation of Thermo

Thermo combines the functions of a thermos and kettle, and in some cases even cooler. Capacity device from 5 to 10 liters. The cost, depending on the functions of 700-4000 rubles.

For heating the liquid to a predetermined temperature pattern present in each thermostat stepwise or stepless type. Origin regulates the heating temperature at certain values, the last - from 50 to 100 °. Device with high heat resistance: After 5-7 hours after boiling liquid will remain hot. kettle temperature immediately after heating 90 °.

The makers have provided protection device against overheating, the thermostat embedding. Many models have built-in alarm clocks, watches and modes. The liquid injection is carried out in a thermos with the integrated or manual pump. 20-30 minutes the liquid boils and is hot to 15 hours.

Construction and operation of the electric kettle

On the question of what is better, an electric kettle or Thermo, difficult to answer. Kettle compact, operating from the mains and is intended for boiling water. The volume of the popular devices 1-2 l.

Manufacturers facilitate life, equipping devices with additional features: the heating function and the clock. Small teapots are not suitable for a large company. It is best to buy a model of a medium-sized 2 liters.

efficiency devices

Reflecting on the matter, that the economical, electric or Thermo, people are concerned about the financial side. Thermos boil a large amount of water, and 10 clock will be to maintain the temperature.

Model with built-Tan consumes about 200 watts. If we take into account the function of heating, consumption will amount to an additional 300 watts. As a result of 500-600 W or 200 W with a heating function. A device with additional functions consumes a month up to 1500 watts.

Although mobility, consumption electric kettle above. If several hours in boiling from 150 watts per cycle. Family of three people consumes approximately 800 watts per day, so Thermo economy is undeniable.


premium devices can be modified:

  • blocking inclusion without water or accidental launch;
  • watch or alarm clock;
  • heating function or the thermostat;
  • integrated control with your mobile phone.

Thermo average economical and advanced functionality. Most Popular:

  • adjustable temperature control;
  • an additional fluid reservoir;
  • function surge protector;
  • water level indicator;
  • timer;
  • caps lock;
  • portions regulation.

Modern Thermo displaces other electrical appliances. Compared to the average tea it more economical and functional. Enough time to boil the water and it will keep the temperature of 10-12 hours.

If there is a constant need for boiling water, pick a budget, and a mobile electric kettle. If it is difficult to decide, guided by user feedback.