βœ‚ matchbox in the case: a chest of drawers for small items of material at hand

Household appliances often deliver much of a hassle. Paper clips, small bolts and other small things have lost property, crumble, and as luck would have it, is in the wrong place. Staples hammered into the box slot, the buttons are the most cowardly way on the floor with the edge up, but if you are looking for quickly pin, it usually will not appear on the site right now, and will show up someday, and in the most unexpected corner. To cope with the chaos will help only designed storage system with a small compartment where you can put all these Poteryashka. You can certainly buy a plastic organizer. But if you are not looking for easy ways, and, especially, like to convert waste material into something useful, then you useful experience of the author youyube-channel DIY workshop.

Where do without matches

Matchboxes live in every kitchen. Even if you have a modern stove ignition, once they can be necessary, when there will be an emergency shutdown of electricity. In addition, many people simply love to use them, they are used to from childhood. So that a match does not stop the production of the work, and the trash constantly sent a tiny cardboard box. In the meantime, they can be useful for storing the smallest detail. But here's the problem: do small boxes, store them in all directions at all uncomfortable. It turns out that they must somehow combine into one, and even so it was so easy to use organizer.

Putting komodik organizer

To make a chest of drawers for small items, it will only have an even number of matchboxes and gun with hot glue. You can also use the PVA, but with the glue will succeed much faster and more securely.

For the best experience out of the box you need to remove the moving part and leave only the shell. The movable component in handy later
For the best experience out of the box you need to remove the moving part and leave only the shell. The movable component in handy later
The wide part of the box cover several lines of hot glue. We must work quickly
The wide part of the box cover several lines of hot glue. We must work quickly
Connect the two boxes together and press for a few seconds. Hot glue cools instantly, securely fixing parts
Connect the two boxes together and press for a few seconds. Hot glue cools instantly, securely fixing parts
So join the fourth part of your inventory boxes. In the version of the author - is 7 pieces, that is, on the whole the organizer took him 28 boxes. You can make and organizer of more or less, the main thing - that it was even.
So join the fourth part of your inventory boxes. In the version of the author - is 7 pieces, that is, on the whole the organizer took him 28 boxes. You can make and organizer of more or less, the main thing - that it was even.
When two rows are complete, connect them together, glued on the side of. Try to keep the boxes were placed very precisely in relation to each other, then turn out neat rows
When two rows are complete, connect them together, glued on the side of. Try to keep the boxes were placed very precisely in relation to each other, then turn out neat rows
On one of the walls need to paste a piece of cardboard, cut exactly to size. The adhesive in this case is applied to the edges of the cardboard boxes. This wall is necessary so that the moving parts are slipped inside.
On one of the walls need to paste a piece of cardboard, cut exactly to size. The adhesive in this case is applied to the edges of the cardboard boxes. This wall is necessary so that the moving parts are slipped inside.
Once you are ready to four rows of boxes, connect them with each other through the same intermediate sheet of cardboard
Once you are ready to four rows of boxes, connect them with each other through the same intermediate sheet of cardboard

It turns out that the entrance to the slide will be located on two sides. You can arrange the series in a different way: on all four sides or only one if the stick boxes on a large sheet of cardboard. But such an organizer in a row will be unstable, we need to think about how to fix it to some kind of support.

The basic design is ready, you can simply use it by inserting the sliding part. But if you plan to keep a chest of drawers in a prominent place, you need to be sure to decorate it.

Decorating organizer of Matchbox

Options decoration of this design very much. You can use decoupage, Stickers, or come up with something very original.

The author used for registration organizer corrugated paperboard. They wrap organizer and attach to the hot glue over the entire surface - especially at the edges to cardboard kept up a prominent position
The author used for registration organizer corrugated paperboard. They wrap organizer and attach to the hot glue over the entire surface - especially at the edges to cardboard kept up a prominent position
Pull-out of the box and look so neat, but if you want them to be even better - you can make them loose leaves of white paper. To do this, cut sheet in the strip width of the box and glue them
Pull-out of the box and look so neat, but if you want them to be even better - you can make them loose leaves of white paper. To do this, cut sheet in the strip width of the box and glue them
Paper glued inside the sliding part, and with a stop on the edge, to the visible part, too, everything was neatly
Paper glued inside the sliding part, and with a stop on the edge, to the visible part, too, everything was neatly
To control boxes required knob. They can be made of round beads
To control boxes required knob. They can be made of round beads

Each of them is glued with hot glue. But this is hardly a reliable fixture, as the load on the handle will still be, and the beads can easily fall off if excessive force. The author thought out and this issue - with the bottom side of each sliding part he stuck tongue transparent tape. And you can pull for him, pushing a tiny box. Transparent tape invisible, and beads in this version - a decorative technique.

All work will take you quite a bit of time and do not require any special skills. The more you collect boxes of matches - the more branches will turn out in your diary. In it you can store all the little things: the nails and seeds for the garden to the beads and the beads. If you do not decorate the boxes with beads, you can subscribe to their content of ledges, it will greatly simplify and speed up the search for the right things.

In addition, we offer you one more option of manufacturing boxes of the same Matchbox:

How do you like the idea of ​​the author? Try to do something like that, and share your impressions in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube-channel "DIY workshopΒ«