Do you remember that feeling, evening, muted music, a glass of wine. But it is the final story. And we'll start with a spectacular submission. If you believed that to host your own home bar - luxury, we will dispel your pessimistic, offering a simple and inexpensive selection goods with AliExpress for the realization of this idea.

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- 1 Holders for glasses
- 2 Reusable ice
- 3 Stands for bottles
- 4 Device for dispensing soda and fizzy drinks stronger
- 5 coasters
- 6 Bottle opener
- 7 Capacity for ice
Holders for glasses
Even the most simple locker or nightstand They can easily turn into a mini-bar, if equipped with special holders for glasses. Their number depends on the depth of the design and of your desire. The main thing - get the desired effect, clean and dry the glasses will be kept in view.

Reusable ice
If you felt that cool drink can only frozen water, then you are far behind the times. More effectively "work" special metal cubes in the shape of a stainless steel ice. You do not need to wait long when they "grab", and they keep the cold much longer.

Stands for bottles
No mini-bar, which would have been without storage of alcoholic beverages. There are dozens of different options shelves and nightstandsWhere you can arrange a "strategic reserve of alcohol." We offer budget and strong enough option for standard-sized bottles. In addition, you can, purchase a few shelves, Fixed to each other.

Device for dispensing soda and fizzy drinks stronger
This device turns your the kitchen in at a pub. An interesting tip will allow fast enough to fill the glasses foamy drink. In addition, you get a spectacular stop, which tightly cover the kiss.

None bar is complete without a spectacular coasters. Use usual, in our opinion, too boring, so we invite you to a retro-version - in the form of mini-LPs. They are wide enough to install on them any glass.

Bottle opener
If your intention is a bar, be sure to purchase a reliable and practical opener or corkscrew for bottles. The stronger and it will be easier this instrument - the better. So you'll always be fully prepared. No one wants to spend the evening in search of this important accessory. We propose a two in one: can opener and corkscrew.

Capacity for ice
And the last accessory in the list of essential items for the home bar - capacity for ice, made in the form of the bucket. This is an important element of the beverage flow. Himself ice can be purchased in blocks. But the tank must save it as much as possible in its original form. That is why the bucket often has a heat-resistant layer.

Do you like our collection? Are you ready to host a mini-bar at home? Tell us, what would you be filled with what would be of our ideas were used.