Repairs in the apartment - it is troublesome and costly. Every prudent owner is trying to buy the materials so that the surplus remained. But here is the wallpaper, especially with a large figure, always remain. Fit the pattern makes the cut extra pieces, and it is difficult to calculate everything to the centimeter. How to use the remnants of wallpaper to use? Interesting tips on the subject shared our reader Catherine Kudrichi from Podolsk. She sent to the editor HouseChief detailed instructions with photos.
Good afternoon! Last summer I had a big renovation in the room his son. Perestilali floors, ceiling and pulled-stick wallpaper. They chose for accent walls corresponding to the boy, ships, maps, and adventure. Price per roll - about 3 thousand rubles. Not cheap, I must say, so throw away the remains of my hand was raised. I left a big piece just "fire" case for decoration, and everything else decided to start up in business. Here's what I got.
Read article
- 1 Book covers
- 2 A simple idea for drawers
- 3 Boxes for storage
- 4 Pirate coasters hot
Book covers
Thick paper and beautiful pattern - it can be used to design books. I started this work with the diary of his son.

I must say that on the blog, I did not stop. Then my son along hem set his cognitive magazines, and the cover made of the same wallpaper. On open shelves for books in his room, the roots look very good.
A simple idea for drawers
If you have a desk or dresser drawers, and this is at all, then you probably know how the bottom is constantly collects some debris. For example, in my son's desk drawers can be found on the slate pencils, pieces of Sturkie and other trifles. This litter is inevitable, and often spoils dnisch5a boxes. To avoid this, you can just put on the bottom of the paper.

In any case, it's better than paper. In addition, the piece can be cut out exactly the size of the box.
Boxes for storage
I try all things are laid in cases that there was nothing to see, but in the nursery a small closet, and often on the lid are some toys or box, which had no place. I decided with the help of old wallpaper to use this space for storing, keeping it in order.

What I like about this version? Firstly, it looks neat, no clutter. Second, if necessary, an easy box can be removed and get out of it all that is needed. Finally, these are in harmony with the design of the opposite wall, which is labeled exactly the same wallpaper. And decorative hearts can even sign the content to make it easy to navigate.
Pirate coasters hot
And one more idea to use old wallpaper. She came to my mind when I went over the old children's books. I am opposed in principle to throw the book, you do not think bad. But children grow up, and store books-baby has no sense.

This is not an exhaustive list of ideas from the old wallpaper. They can be used for other purposes, for example, the paste over the inside of the cabinet, or even make the blinds on the windows. But my supply ran out at this stage.
Thank you Catherine for the detailed story and good photos! wallpaper remnants - a good material for decorating and creativity, so do not rush to get rid of them. In addition to Catherine material we offer you this video, which has more ideas on the use of residues of wallpaper:
We welcome your comments and new materials for the category "not a woman's business." Send us your photos and the description of the work process. We are waiting for your bright impressions and results of interesting experiments!
PHOTO: Catherine Kudrichi
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