Japanese could think such drainage systemAbout which we will tell you in this review. It is called «kusari doi» and is a horizontal trough along the edge roof and metal chain, sinking to the ground surface and the vertical drainage replacing tubes.

The simplicity and beauty of Japanese designs drain
By installing the drain of resort chains in those cases when it is necessary to take roof rainwater and overhangs are quite broad and strongly in favor of the wall. Installation downpipes in this case significantly spoil the exterior of the building, while the chain suspensions original design more beautiful and practical.

Usual downspout can easily become clogged with small branches, leaves or break by strong wind or even rupture of the frozen water in winter. Chain hanger is not in danger, moreover, if it is covered with ice, it can be easy to break, or wait until it melts. Rain chains are much cheaper than conventional drainage system, and repair them is much easier, if necessary.

The simplest design of "Japanese" gutter is a conventional chain hanging from the edge roof. But what the Japanese fellows, this is what they are used to all the improvements and do not limit your imagination general ideas. The modern market offers a wide variety of chain drains designs. Original suspensions are not cheap, but it does not mean that you can not make design their own hands. You can, for example, attached to a suspension of small metal bowls, decorative umbrellas or pebbles. The main thing that the elements for decoration, were strong and heavy enough to rain suspension is not swayed by a small breeze.

The advantage of «kusari doi»
The main advantage of the chain drain - simplicity and ease of installation. Typically, the suspension is fixed in the hopper through the chute bracket of stainless steel. However, such an option attachment has its drawbacks. With strong icing and untimely removal of ice is likely to break the gutter. There is another method of securing the drain of Japanese chains. Fixing occurs by anchor bolt, Screwed into the wall under the drain funnel or rafter roof structure.

Bottom chain quite some heavier load, and drop into the hole drainage system or to collect rain water tank. With the second embodiment to the edge of the suspension should be attached sufficiently large and heavy to circuit under strong gust not escape.

Chain drain - a practical solution, which also allow the original to decorate exterior house. Rain chains are easy to install, available in a wide range on the market and, moreover, they can be easily manufactured and install yourself.
In the video you can see how beautiful the water is drained from the roof of the drain chain