Humidity in the room - a very important factor. It too high can lead to dampness, mildew and pathogenic fungi, and this has a negative impact on human health. The main way to combat the high humidity setting quality remained until today ventilation systems. From another survey HouseChief edition, you will learn about the innovative materials that allow without special devices to regulate the level of humidity in the room.

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1 Innovative plaster from Swiss developer
- 1.1 It features an innovative design
2 Development of German scientists
- 2.1 The feature of using a porous glass
Innovative plaster from Swiss developer
From the high humidity in the room is almost nowhere to go. On it affects the climate of the region, the first floors of high-rise buildings, steam from cooking and bathing. Previously regulate moisture levels could with powerful ventilation systems and special dehumidifiersBut science does not stand still, and today the situation is quite different. Not so long ago engineers known company STO AG (Switzerland) together with the Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology EMPA created a new kind of plasterThat reduces the likelihood of condensation on the walls of the premises to a minimum and, therefore, eliminate the appearance of mold and mildew outside and inside the building.

The main feature of the new and unique construction material is that it can absorb moisture directly from the air. Due to this ability new plaster superior in many ways all known analogues, created on the basis of lime.
One of the creators of the innovative material - building physicist Thomas Stahl of EMPA federal laboratories claims that for a basis of plaster mineral components were taken, not characterized by high cost and user-friendly operation. According to the developers, innovative plasterWhich is capable of regulating the humidity level to effectively absorb up to 90 g of water vapor per 1 m². These data were obtained and confirmed by the results of numerous tests and studies, including the principle of standardization to Nordtest, adopted by the EU.

It features an innovative design
Developers plaster especially emphasize that humidity has an impact not only on health and well-being of people living in the house, but also on the energy consumption figures. It is noted that space heating with dry air expended minimal amount of thermal energy. It is also noted that people living in private homes, more comfortable feel at a relatively low level of humidity.
creators also argue that to achieve the required level of humidity innovative plaster must be applied layer does not exceed 10-20 mm. This greatly reduces the likelihood of condensation on the so-called "Cold bridges". The plaster absorbs excess moisture from the air, stores it and emits back a few hours later. That is the room without windows, such as the bathroom, need to ventilate and reheated. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly water and wear-resistant. It is very easy to apply.
Swiss development are already interested in the leading company for the production of finishing materials. This is not surprising, since the new plaster according to the principles of production and operation meets the modern requirements of "green" construction.

Development of German scientists
German researchers, like their Swiss counterparts, sought a way to control humidity levels in a residential area. Eventually, they came to the decision to add a mixture of plaster, porous Vycor glass. This inexpensive component proved an effective means for maintaining optimal humidity conditions in residential buildings with a high degree of tightness.
The inclusion of porous glass plaster mixes can have a "compensation effect" on the humidity level in the accommodation. Modern standards and the construction requirements dictate that, in order to effectively retain heat, homes must be airtight. However, steam generated during cooking of food or water treatment, may cause increased air humidity. This, in turn, will lead to the appearance of mold or pathogenic fungi. On the other hand, energy efficient homes equipped with powerful ventilation systemsMay occur the problem of excessive dryness of air.

The feature of using a porous glass
The scientists of the Institute Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC (Germany) opted for a porous Vycor glass as additives to plasters. The fact that the pore size of the material and shape of the particles can be controlled. Fillers may be set a size of several nanometers to several micrometers. As the porosity and particle size specified in the manufacture accurately, that can effectively regulate the level of humidity in the room. Glass "flakes" quickly and efficiently absorb, store and slowly give back the excess moisture in the air.
According to Ferdinand Somorovsky, a researcher at Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, large surfaces of walls and ceilings, with processing of materials to include glass particles, can be used to control and equalization of seasonal and diurnal variations humidity.

The developers claim that plasters with the addition of porous glass can absorb much more moisture than alternative materials such as zeolite or fiberboard. For example, in a room volume of 30 cubic meters, the ceiling and the walls have approximately an area of 40 m². The whole surface can be finished with humidity regulating compositions. To reduce the humidity in a room with such a 72% to 47% of the plaster will be absorbed moisture of 180 ml.