Every electrician knows how important it is to have to work all the necessary accessories and equipment from electrical tape to screwdriver. Today, our editorial staff has prepared a report on the most needed items for electricity, which can be purchased on the Marketplace AliExpress.

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- 1 waterproof screwdriver
- 2 Wireless elektrootvortka
- 3 Flexible drill to drill
- 4 Mini-cutting machine
- 5 Hand-held infrared thermometer
- 6 Partitive flashlight with magnet
- 7 Foldable magnifier with light
waterproof screwdriver
two shifts rechargeable batteries allow to carry out works even in the absence of power. Includes charger, drill bits and a special case. The cost of 3500 rubles screwdriver.

Wireless elektrootvortka
Useful and enjoyable addition to screwdrivers. Useful for emergency and point work. High-strength material. Powered by a rechargeable battery, can be charged via USB-port. The cost of 4432 rubles.

Flexible drill to drill
Convenient device for drilling, which allows to carry out work at an angle and in hard to reach places. The nozzle is fixed on the drill. It comes with a few options a bit. The cost of 204 rubles.

Mini-cutting machine
With such the machine It can handle small wooden products, plastic or the workpiece. Fit parts is good, low-noise machine. Fan device operates continuously irrespective of the engine. The power supply step regulated voltage of 12 to 24 V, which makes it possible to select the speed. Drive shaft on two bearings. Cost - 6057 rubles.

Hand-held infrared thermometer
With this device you up to be able to determine the temperature halves of batteries or evaluate the risk of freezing surface. Perfect for monitoring areas with cold bridges. It can operate at extremely low temperatures. The maximum unit price - 850 rubles.

Partitive flashlight with magnet
It shines in two planes, making it easier to work with him. It runs on batteries. Intuitively simple and straightforward to use. Equipped with a protective casing. Cost - 170 rubles.

Foldable magnifier with light
Powered by 3 batteries and from mizinchikovyh cable (Requires USB power or a laptop). You can adjust the position of the legs and the most magnifying glass. Comes lamp, Charging cable and user manual. Cost - 545 rubles.

And what devices you're using, at work on repairs melkosrochny appliances and household chores? Tell us about it in the comments.