😃 Surprising findings by AliExpress: Home & Kitchen

Our life consists of little things. And just when everything is perfect in the details, and comfortable, we can be called completely happy. Today in our review we will focus on five of the gadgets by AliExpress, which will make ideal imperceptible at first glance the little things that in the end greatly simplify the work of many routine things.

Little things in life often play a decisive rolFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Little things in life often play a decisive role
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com

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  • 1 Scraper Cake
  • 2 Stripes and patches on the fabric
  • 3 soft clay
  • 4 Organizer for small items and cosmetics
  • 5 Reusable roller for cleaning clothes

Scraper Cake

How long have you fond of cakes, everything works perfectly, but to create a stunningly smooth surface of the cream on the cake, you will never get? We catch our life hacking - a special scraper, which will align the entire surface. Your masterpiece is simply stunning!

The scraper will help ensure a smooth poverhnostiFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
The scraper will help to achieve a flat surface
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Stripes and patches on the fabric

If you're a mom rolling and very restless child, you definitely need to be reserved in the form of patches of fun stripes. In this case, you will save up a lot of time and effort to stitching street wear your baby. Stripes cost a penny, but they can help to save energy, time and money.

A variety of types and themes, as well as price will allow to use them all the time! Moreover, they all have an adhesive layer, which does not require prishivaniyaFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
A variety of types and themes, as well as price will allow to use them all the time! Moreover, they all have an adhesive layer, which does not require suturing
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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soft clay

This acquisition by AliExpress will save you a subtle moments of your life. With print, you will be able to leave the impression of a pen or legs of your baby for life. Clay is made in different colors, which will pick up the option for all your gifts.

Most of these prints is inserted into a special frame or collage, which give parents in the first year of life krohiFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Most of these prints is inserted into a special frame or collage, which give parents in the first year of life crumbs
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Organizer for small items and cosmetics

Comfortable, yet compact organizer for cosmetics appreciate any woman. Place in it can be any origin. At the same time, the construction itself does not steal space bath or table.

Very convenient organizer for the storage of varnishes and small accessories for drawing makiyazhaFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Very convenient organizer for the storage of varnishes and small accessories for applying makeup
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Reusable roller for cleaning clothes

Familiar to all sticky roller for clothes was reborn after the creation of the new version - the gadget has become washable. Now for cleaning the surface of roller sufficiently rinsed in warm water. At the heart tissue does not, as a special coating that attracts dust.

How effective instrument in the case, users tell. But the price makes it possible to test it on sebeFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
How effective instrument in the case, users tell. But the price allows you to experience it for yourself
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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