🌱 Top 5 tools for the garden: the really necessary tools

Tools in the country are no less important than the quality of the seed and the soil. A real summer resident always have their favorite tools, which are always kept clean, in a shed or garage. Very often, the best gift for the gardener is just a great tool. Today in the review HouseChief edition we have prepared for you a simple but useful selection of tools.

So the top 5 useful tools for summer resident on by AliExpress, which will make him happy!. PHOTO: gamificationnation.com
So the top 5 useful tools for summer resident on by AliExpress, which will make him happy!
PHOTO: gamificationnation.com

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  • 1 stainless steel shovel
  • 2 pruner
  • 3 Cultivator
  • 4 Watering can
  • 5 Gardening wheelbarrow
  • 6 Smart garden hose with a nozzle

stainless steel shovel

The first and most important tool summer resident at any time - a shovel. It will not only help dig up the beds, but also a necessary sgrebot garbage help dig potatoes. The stronger the tool, the better. We propose a stainless steel.

This shovel will appeal to lovers and hiking, and cottagers. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
This shovel will appeal to lovers and hiking, and cottagers
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Plant Care - an indispensable condition for a rich harvest. Pruner in this case - irreplaceable thing. In addition, this tool will help to remove the dried branches, without damaging the plants by stimulating their growth.

Pruner can be useful for other work, for example, when creating a gazebo it will help get rid of extra branches and filaments that form the crown. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Pruner can be useful for other work, for example, when creating a gazebo it will help get rid of extra branches and filaments that form the crown
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Periodically, the gardener must be to free the way for the new plantings. A shovel to dig a large part of the soil and loosen the soil easier with the help of the cultivator. We offer you an interesting solution - cultivator foot-pad on the shoes.

An interesting solution for those who have back pain. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
An interesting solution for those who have back pain
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Watering can

Convenient watering can for watering point with a long neck enables you to reach even the most remote in the plant beds, providing them with tender care. This option is very convenient, because you can choose exactly what you pour, without affecting other plants.

In addition, with the watering can you protect the leaves from burning. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
In addition, with the watering can you protect the leaves from burning
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Gardening wheelbarrow

You'd be surprised how indispensable in the country could become a common garden wheelbarrow: transfer cargo, remove the leaves collected, transported board. With all of these tasks can easily cope odnokolosnaya assistant. In addition, here, on AliExpress, you can always buy a spare wheel.

Choose an option from a light and strong metal. Then you will be even easier to carry a heavy load. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Choose an option from a light and strong metal. Then you will be even easier to carry a heavy load
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Smart garden hose with a nozzle

The universal garden hose with a nozzle in the literal sense will perform for you all the dirty work. With attachments, you can choose what kind of pressure or jet you need for watering plants or for certain pomyvochnaya works.

Universal hose will not suffer because of damage or lack of watering irrigation system. PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Universal hose will not suffer because of damage or lack of watering irrigation system
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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