The time has come when we can hardly imagine life without modern appliances. "Smart House" provides our lives with everything you need. Electronic systems with a minimum of human intervention prepare food, make cleaning, guard house and provide us with the necessary information. All these gadgets are not cheap and just imagine what a disaster can result in a short circuit! To avoid this, you need grounding. In this article we will talk about how to make a grounding in a private house with his own hands. 220 - standard voltage in the network, and we discuss in detail how to do so that it does not cause harm to people or domestic appliances.

Read article
- 1 Information for those who still do not know why you need to ground
- 2 Grounding and vanishing: what is the difference and whether it?
- 3 How to make a grounding in a private home, taking into account standards
- 3.1 Grounding of a private house with his own hands: schemes and recommendations
- 4 Requirements for grounding circuit in a private house
- 5 We make calculations
- 6 How to make a ground connection 220 in a private house with his own hands: step by step
- 7 Separately, grounding some units
- 7.1 Gas and electric boiler
- 7.2 Water Heater
- 7.3 Power socket
- 8 Check the ground work
- 9 How not to turn the ground into a deadly weapon or what not to do in any case
- 10 Installing a lightning rod in a private house with his own hands
- 11 A few words about ready to set the ground for private homes
- 12 results
Information for those who still do not know why you need to ground
Why do we need grounding? It's hard to find someone who does not know what electricity is. The first negative experience from contact with him received a lot as a child, putting his little fingers in socket. Remember these invigorating sensation? The thing is that the human body is 70% consists of a liquid, but it is known to be perfectly conducting. And if we draw through the body a powerful flow of electricity, tissue collapse.

Sometimes it is surprising how adults get into trouble with electricity, knowing these basics.
Important! If you happen to be near the broken wire high-voltage power line, leave the danger zone, hopping on one leg. As soon as you put two feet on the ground inevitably will get an electric shock.
Incidentally, professional electricians, repeatedly broken this most current, are used not only insulated tools and special gloves, but the dielectric shoes. It does not provide a closed circuit.
Someone might say, well, I do not go under the towers of power, I am under its own roof, in safety. No, they say, such a need to be grounded for a private home. And it will be wrong. Just as perfidious house 220 volts and waiting for you to relax. A simple example: you have established the modern electric boiler and connect it to the circuit battery. All wonderful for the time being, while the heater did not come suddenly out of order and did not get phase on his body. Well, if you touch the battery decides adult, he has little chance to survive. And if a child?
That is to avoid such catastrophic consequences, and must be grounded in the country, in a house, apartment, office.
Grounding and vanishing: what is the difference and whether it?
Grounding - a metal frame (circuit), which is the link between the power grid and the home ground.

As ground running? Contour is dug into the ground near the house and is connected to the mains at home with the help of guides. Each home outlet fit three wires: phase and ground zero. Modern manufacturers of electrical equipment (boards, sockets) do not produce models without grounding.
In old-style electric systems used vanishing - this is when "the earth" to be displayed in the contacts panel and connected directly to zero. And it turned out that at the same time was zero and the ground.

Important! There are Kulibin that when installing new sockets with earthing set a jumper between the ground and neutral and believe that so take care of security. Actually, if the zero conductor accidentally breaks off, then the ground will not. From this outlet in open wiring, for example, in a house made of logs, just to be on fire.
The vanishing is considered less efficient security system than ground. Why? The distribution panel under such a system should a machine that is triggered by a short circuit. It is set to a certain critical current strength. If the "breaks" less than, for example, 18 and 10 amp, equipment simply does not work. But the people of such a strike may well be seriously injured.

Thus, we can conclude that the grounding and lightning protection in private homes - the best choice. But for an apartment in the structure should be chosen vanishing.
How to make a grounding in a private home, taking into account standards
Planning arrangement of the ground, you must first understand the terminology. The basic concepts that you need to know:
- The grounding conductor - is carried out with the maximum conductivity, a connecting unit (power consumer) to the earth electrode.
- earthing - a frame made of a material resistant to corrosion, highly conductive current is buried in the ground.
Important! For efficient operation of the earthing switch must be recessed into the ground on two feet below the freezing and below the drying in hot climates. Earthing rods must be constantly wet soil.

In the process of studying the issue you may encounter with the term "land". Under it usually combine all the components of the ground structure.
The contours of the ground in a private house, on arrangement of requirements:
- installation structure is not used mechanical drilling soil, have to dig a pit;
- as used earthing steel corner length of 3 meters;
- for construction take 3-4 corner. They should be a bond between the metal strip using welding;
- It is attached to the structure grounding conductor with a cross section of 6 mm2, the second end of the conductor connected to the shield.
There are several important requirements, and the regeneration of the circuit need to perform at least one of them:
- equalize the potential values;
- set for automatic shutdown of electricity in an emergency;
- use wiring with robust double insulation;
- install isolating transformers to different objects on the site.
How to make ground described in the standard GOST R 50571.5.54-2013. In particular, this document discloses that it is impossible to do in similar work. We only mention the most important two things: can not be grounded on piping (even plastic) and leaving the grounding conductor on the surface without adequate protection from moisture.

Grounding of a private house with his own hands: schemes and recommendations
Even land suburban homeownership completely built up, you can always find a place for the circuit. It is quite possible to place on the territory of the garden or flower bed. Contour is sunk into the ground and does not harm the plants.

grounding scheme in the country with their own hands begins with determining the number of consumers and wiring installation using a grounding conductor in each outlet. The ground bus is put in the general panel.
The circuit at 220 or 380 volts voltage differs not fundamentally. Contour is the same, there are only nuances in connection methods.

Important! It is impossible to place one terminal to another. If this is done, in the oxidation process increases the resistance and the next in the chain of consumers will be without protection.
The grounding conductor extending from the panel to the circuit, should be intact. Any twisting or even welding It increases the resistance and lowers the efficiency of the system.

Tires can be connected around, a line or a triangle. The triangle has traditionally been considered the most reliable design. Even an accidental separation of one bus, the circuit will work.
Note! The legislation does not require the owners of private houses grounding installation. No need to ask for the job of certified professionals. The entire structure can be set personally.
Requirements for grounding circuit in a private house
Remember high school physics course? Current tends in the direction of least resistance. If break in the insulation layer conductive devices, the energy will go where the resistance is lower. So in the appliance breakdowns occur in the metal housing. It is not necessary that the appliance will stop working at the same time, but the owner will certainly receive discharge, barely touching the body.

What is the ground loop? To perform its task, it must be made of a material readily conducting electric current. A great option - copper-plated steel parts, they will last for a long time, as little susceptible to corrosion.
Why is it better to use a metal corner, and not, for example, a pipe? Can and the pipe, but it is easier to score in the corner of the earth. It hammer, since its surface must tightly contact with the ground to work effectively. Pipe harder to score, but if there is not a corner of the hand, descend, and she even thick smooth fittings.
Important! Distance from home circuit should not be less than one but not more than ten meters.
We make calculations
The calculations for the circuit can be made about, you should only know the basics. There are formulas that are used by professionals and they must be applied in the case in your home which housed the powerful appliances that consume large amounts of energy.
Important! By setting the loop, do not cover it with paint, varnish or other protective compound. This will significantly reduce the efficiency of the system.
To calculate the resistance of a tire, use the following formula:
R = U / I
Wherein U - voltage (by voltmeter indicators), and I- current (ammeter on indications).
There is a formula rod resistance, which can be used to make the calculations, if there is no ammeter or voltmeter. Evaluate how much more difficult in this case to calculate how many ohms must be grounded:

The value ρ in these formulas - the specific resistance of the soil. If you know the content of the soil in the region where the plot, you can determine this value from the table:
type of soil | The average value of resistance, Ohm * m |
Clay | 60 |
Humus | 50 |
Sand-clay | 150 |
loam | 60 |
peatlands | 20 |
chernozems | 50 |
Recommendations from the professionals:
- in dry soil with deep groundwater using long rods, dry soil has a high resistance;
- Do not use a thin metal for loop, it is rapidly destroyed by rust.
Tip! If in doubt in their calculations, use the computer program "Electric", "Calculation of grounding devices," "Ground" or "Shark". They help not only to calculate the required parameters of a grounding structure, but also to organize lightning protection.
Example of calculating the ground for a private home with the help of "Electricians" program to videos:
How to make a ground connection 220 in a private house with his own hands: step by step
Grounding devices in a private house with his own hands does not require any special skills and special tools. It needs only shovel, Maul and welding machine. We have already said that the ground loop in a private house with his own hands 380 or 220 is not fundamentally different. So we offer you a simple sequence of actions:
Photo | Description of work |
![]() | Mounting ground loop begins with a circuit device and determining its location. The optimum distance from the house - 3-5 meters. |
![]() | Tire using metal corner or smooth steel rods. Valves are not recommended for the circuit. She Hardened, and it violates the current distribution over the cross section. In addition, these rods are very susceptible to corrosion. |
![]() | For circuit must dig a trench depth of about 80-100 centimeters. The width of the trench is not important, but note that you will need to continue to pursue it weldingSo think about how you will be comfortable. |
![]() | The distance between the vertical earthing - 1.5 - 2 meters. To facilitate the plugging rods are tapered. If the corners are used, they also cut off at the ends so as to easily enter into the ground. |
![]() | If you use steel rods, it is possible to mechanize the work of their own hands. ground loop in a private home can be driven via a special nozzle to the punch. |
![]() | In chiselling hammer mode gradually pins on the depth of the trench leaving a surface approximately 20-25 centimeters rod. |
![]() | When all vertical busbars are hammered, welded to the metal strip. It is not recommended to replace the welding bolts. In the oxidation process horizontal and vertical contact earthing is broken. |
![]() | After installation, horizontal earthing conductor is necessary to connect it with a shield. To do this, at the end of large welded bolts, which will be fixed and the conductor. Welded seams can be treated against corrosion with a special compound, but the dissent in any case does not stain! |
![]() | It only remains to fill the trench with soil and tightly compacted. From above you can drop flowers or shrubs. |
And a few more tips in the video how to make ground in the country with their own hands:
Separately, grounding some units
In a private house, there are some powerful devices that consume large amounts of electricity and posing an increased risk. It is important to perform a correct grounding of the units to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Gas and electric boiler
On the question of grounding gas-fired boiler in a private house should be approached with great responsibility. Otherwise, you can not only lose the automation, very sensitive to sharp changes in voltage, but also run the risk of life, since the gas can explode from any sparks.
Do not relax, if gas service inspector demanded from you earthing installation. This is not strictly prescribed rules. Take care of your own safety, do not wait unpleasant consequences.

For boiler You can use a homemade circuit which we have already spoken, or purchase ready-made kit.
Note! A separate circuit for the boiler can be placed in the basement of the house. It needs only one square meter to set the design.
Related article:
How to choose a gas boiler for private houses without errors, described in this article. Also here you will find an overview of popular models, details of installation work, step by step instructions, tips and expert advice.
Water Heater
The most common mistake in grounding water heater It is to connect it to the phase wire in the socket. It threatens emergency knockout phase. To prevent the consequences of such a trip can only be an automatic device, but it is not present in all units.
It is believed that the connection of the grounding terminals to the circuit in the ground lead to premature corrosion of the heater body, but then of two evils choose the lesser. Experts recommend that in conjunction with the grounding circuit mounted with a water heater and a residual current device.
As ground water heater in a private home in the following footage:
Related article:
Which company is better to choose water heaterWhat their species exist, the principle of operation, characteristics of individual models, the recommendations of experts - read this detailed review.
Power socket
Grounding outlet - a way to secure all the other appliances in the house. To take care of home security should be more at the time of field wiring. For this purpose, a three-core wire in which it is "zero", "phase" and "earth". Very convenient, if the wire braid will have a different color, it greatly simplifies installation.
Modern manufacturers produce outlet, in which it is difficult something to mix. For everyone terminals are clearly marked, so that the outlet can be connected even a novice.
How grounded outlet in a private house in the instruction video:
Check the ground work
It is not often, but it happens that the system drain undue stress for some reason does not work. May be wrong even professional electricians that talk about self-taught. And maybe it's not your fault, and natural causes, for example, broke off solder on the conductor.
To be sure of your own safety, do not be lazy from time to time to inspect the ground loop. This should be done at least once every three years.
What you need to check:
- and grounding conductors;
- compounds space;
- priming.
How to check the grounding in a private home:
How to check the joints | To check the integrity metallosvyazey use a hammer with a handle made of insulating material. TAPPED should cause rattling of the conductor. You can check the circuit work multimeter. The device must not show more than 0.05 ohms. |
How to check the soil | Test soil should be carried out in dry weather. For these works require special equipment, the most difficult kind of work done. What could change in the soil, for example, as a result of drainage system significantly lower the level of groundwater and the circuit will be in the dry land, which is a poor conductor. In principle, the primitive verification can be carried out using a garden drill. |
How to check Guides | To test requires a long wire with bare ends. Check in a screwdriver indicator panel, whether ground loop voltage (usually yellow), it should not be. Touch one end of the conductor to the contact "zero" in blue, the other - to the yellow wire. It should work equipment. on again RCD. Leaving the end of the conductor at the contact "zero" touch with outlets and electric appliances in the house. If dissent works equipment every time will turn off the power. |
Related article:
RCD: what it isThe device, the operating principle, labeling, the main selection criteria, a review of known manufacturers and brands, connectivity options devices, the recommendations of experts - all this you will find in our material.
There are signs of violation of the system, which can not be ignored.
Please note, if:

If you can not check the circuit work yourself, look familiar electrician, but not celebrate the meeting of old friends before will check. Electricity requires a sober approach.
How not to turn the ground into a deadly weapon or what not to do in any case
It can not be used as a grounding circuit for water, or heating pipes. Firstly, the circuit integrity is not guaranteed, can be used as the plastic inserts, and secondly a contact may be broken due to corrosion.
Can not be combined PE-conductor and a working contact "zero" of the separation point. If this is done, the PE-conductor are formed considerable tension and the machine will continue to operate, giving a false alarm.
You can not put a jumper between zero and Re-conductor in the socket. Otherwise, any neutral conductor will break phase to the housing of the appliance.
Installing a lightning rod in a private house with his own hands
A lightning arrester is required for each country houses. The sad statistics show that each year in central Russia dozens of fires in private homes is happening precisely because of a lightning strike.
For lightning protection of a private house, you can use either a bare conductor with protection against corrosion. These may be steel or duralumin mast galvanized metal can be used.

The simplest design of a lightning conductor consists of three parts:
- Lightning - a conductor rising above the highest point of the roof. This can be a metal rod, a thick steel wire or steel tube. Important to the rod material was not less than 50 mm square millimeters. Instead of the rod, you can use a cable strung along the ridge above half a meter from the roof. Cable is suitable only for roof slate or ceramic tile. Pull it over the roof and fixed on the nearest tree or wooden masts. All Lightning collectors connected to the collector by welding.
- The collector - a guide section with a corresponding material: Steel - 50 aluminum - 25, copper - 16 millimeters squared. The collector should be directed strictly from top to bottom, without twists and bends. If you bend the susceptor at a right angle, it lights up at the time of lightning. The collector must be attached only to the materials resistant to fire. Should not be fastened directly to the collector on a wall at home. It should be held at a minimum distance of 20 centimeters. Make sure that the collector does not touch the windows, porch, doors. Connect the collector with the receiving rod must be welded. The weld can be treated with a preservative against corrosion.
- earthing - part of the lightning rod, the guide category in the soil column. His suit as well as for home electrical circuit. But the lightning rod should set up a separate structure, in any case can not connect it to a household circuit!
Detailed video, how to make a lightning rod in a private home:
A few words about ready to set the ground for private homes
Make ground loops with your own hands is not difficult and expensive. But for those who are not ready for such a feat it is possible to buy the ground for private homes. Price finished set - from 4 thousand. In a set of electrodes and go tips, Couplings, clamps and head. The earthing kits are usually used to give from copper-coated steel parts and assembly takes place by means of bolts. Not the best option, but to build and install such a device can even schoolboy.

So if you do not know how to handle the welding machine - is a way out. In any case, the installation of such a set will cost you much cheaper than the work of professional electricians. By the way, the cost of installation of grounding in a private home starts from 25 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the house, the number of consumers and the remoteness of the site. And this is without taking into account the materials, a price for the work. Grounding in a private home - quite a feasible task for the home worker.
grounding kits
Nobody has the right to force you to install a grounding circuit on the site. No supervisory organization does not penalize you for lack of a lightning rod. This is the case when only depends on you the safety of all family members. Do not neglect it, because the installation of a lightning rod and grounding device - is not such a difficult task and will cost 4-5 thousand rubles.
We'll be very grateful for additions and recommendations in this topic, your experience will help a lot!