How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling with his hands

Replace an old chandelier in an apartment or house will not be difficult, unless of course it is a normal ceiling. But how to hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone, without damaging the fabric? In this article we will review in detail all the nuances associated with this issue.

How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling
A beautiful chandelier on a beautiful ceiling. What else you need to decorate your home

Read article

  • 1 Features chandeliers mounting for suspended ceilings
  • 2 to lighting equipment requirements for suspended ceilings
  • 3 Requirements for fasteners chandeliers
  • 4 Disposition of attachment points to the tension ceilings chandeliers
  • 5 A set of essential tools for the installation of electrical equipment on a tension ceiling
  • 6 Create a mounting base and means of the fixture mount
    • 6.1 We hang a chandelier on the hook
    • 6.2 Installation chandeliers on the suspended ceiling with his hands using a mounting plate
    • 6.3 Attachment of the luminaire on a cross bar
    • 6.4 How do I attach chandelier to Stretch ceilings using dowels butterfly
    • 6.5 Advantages and disadvantages of different types of mounting chandeliers to Stretch Ceilings
  • 7 Connecting the chandeliers to the mains
  • 8 Decorating seats mount chandeliers to the tension ceilings
  • 9 Video tips how to hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling
    • 9.1 Photo Gallery
  • 10 A few words in conclusion

Features chandeliers mounting for suspended ceilings

The main problem of the installation of lighting fixtures in the ceilings is that the PVC film used in creating a structure relatively fragile material which is easily damaged by sharp edges of metal or high temperature from lamps. Since the web directly to attach the chandelier is not possible, it is necessary for the process of fixing the location and form of the lamp to think before mounting the ceiling structure.

All work related to the installation of lighting fixtures must be completed before stretch ceiling installation
All work related to the installation of lighting fixtures must be completed before stretch ceiling installation

If the ceiling unit decided in favor of the tension structure of PVC, the following quality lighting choose the LED or energy-saving lamps, which not only saves energy, but not so much heated decorative canvas. Preferably to use energy saving lamp or 35W incandescent lamp up to 40 W, the plafones it is desirable to direct downward or to choose such lamps, in which the lighting elements are arranged in the 20 ÷ 25 cm from the surface ceiling.

Also, when installing chandeliers on a tension ceiling acts as kind of attachment, which largely depends on the design height.

to lighting equipment requirements for suspended ceilings

Now on sale, you can choose lighting for every taste
Now on sale, you can choose lighting for every taste

Not every person who has decided to install in their home suspended ceiling knows that not every chandelier is suitable for such a structure. By lighting equipment for such ceilings are special requirements, namely:

  • ceiling chandelier should be able to change its position;
  • height of base (preferably selected products with a minimum of metal because after prolonged use in contact with PVC may occur deformation by heating the web);
  • desirable to select the design with universal shades;
  • the depth of the ceiling. Preferably fly chandeliers with shades fully closing the fixture structure;
  • Choose lighting without sharp edges that can damage the canvas ceiling.

Requirements for fasteners chandeliers

Before buying lighting for suspended ceilings, it is necessary to pay attention not only decorative piece but also on the type of attachment. By fastening method depends largely on the reliability of the chandelier mounting on suspended ceilings. There are several main types of attachment:

  • with a hook (the oldest and most proven method of fastening, even for the most demanding of lighting);
  • through the mounting plate;
  • using a Phillips platform;
  • using dowels butterfly.
A large chandelier need to secure fit
A large chandelier need to secure fit

Before attempting to install a ceiling, you need to pre-select the installation site to determine how the mounting and wiring, which is held in a special corrugated pipe.

Disposition of attachment points to the tension ceilings chandeliers

At the time of installation of ceiling chandelier to stretch ceiling must be selected and executed mounting location wiring harness. Incidentally, it is desirable that the installation of the ceiling and chandelier installation was carried out by professionals. In such a case it is able to avoid embarrassing mistakes and get it right.

It is best to hide the wires in the corrugated tube, the more it meets the rules of electrical safety
It is best to hide the wires in the corrugated tube, the more it meets the rules of electrical safety

You can perform an open wiring, which was subsequently hidden canvas stretched ceiling or resort the hidden option, in which the wires have to hide in the ceiling panels, cutting down them special Stroebe. In the case of open wiring will have to hide it in the corrugated plastic tube, which is to eliminate the likely impact sparks on PVC film.

Carrying out additional wiring needed if planned transfer of the fixture to a different location. And, again, this issue must be resolved before the direct mounting tension ceiling. However, many experts recommend - even if the fixture will remain in the same place, it is better still carry out a new wiring line (capacity of the device is changed, the old wiring is exhausted and etc.).

A set of essential tools for the installation of electrical equipment on a tension ceiling

Before you fix the chandeliers on the ceilings should be, inter alia, to prepare a specific set of tools and materials:

  1. Drill with a percussion mechanism.
  2. A set of drill bits for concrete and wood.
  3. Screws with "settlers".
  4. Wooden blocks.
  5. Screwdriver Set.
  6. Pliers, wire cutters and pliers.
  7. Wire to length and cross section.
  8. Electrical tape, mounting plates and Corrugated.
  9. Building skobomet to secure the wires (as needed).
With this set of tools can be set and the chandelier and the suspended ceiling. Yes, almost everything can be done!
With this set of tools can be set and the chandelier and the suspended ceiling. Yes, almost everything can be done!

Important! Before carrying out all work related to electricity, you must be sure to completely disconnect an apartment or a house in the central switchboard.

Create a mounting base and means of the fixture mount

We have already mentioned that there are several ways how to securely mount chandeliers suspended ceilings. Now let us consider each type separately and installation in more detail.

Powerful anchor hook can withstand the weight of a large chandelier
Powerful anchor hook can withstand the weight of a large chandelier

We hang a chandelier on the hook

To install the chandelier with the mounting hook will need:

  • Drill with a drill or percussion mechanism;
  • set of drill bits for concrete;
  • mounting hook (hook or anchor) to Novosel (usually comes with the lighting device);
  • hammer.

Primarily by the perforator in a ceiling, at the installation site, it is necessary to make a hole whose diameter corresponds to the size newcomer. Next, using a hammer to drive in the hole made by the foundation for the hook. After screw mounting hook in new settler to the desired depth. The most common is the diameter of the anchor 6 ÷ 14 mm.

To avoid damage to the PVC film on the need to establish a place of fastening termokoltso, and only after that to cut material
To avoid damage to the PVC film on the need to establish a place of fastening termokoltso, and only after that to cut material

Once prepared the place for the installation of chandeliers begin to ceiling installation. On the canvas, in a place where it will be carried out by the installation of the lighting device, it is necessary to paste special plastic ring within which a sharp knife to penetrate PVC film and after that connect and Chandeliers.

Attention! It is important to accurately determine the location of the hook under the PVC film before pasting and cut through the plastic ring canvas, as if to make a mistake a few centimeters, it can spoil not only the appearance, but also expensive material.

Here is the mount the chandelier hook
Here is the mount the chandelier hook

Fixing the chandelier on the hook is the best way for suspended ceilings, and this installation even an inexperienced person should not take long. But not any lighting fixture can be installed using this type of attachment, so let's get to the following types of fasteners.

Installation chandeliers on the suspended ceiling with his hands using a mounting plate

This method is used when the fixture mount structure provided on the mounting plate. Dimensions of platform determined by the size strap, and thickness - weight chandeliers. The mounting bracket should be flush with the guide stretch ceiling.

stage photoDescription
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneConstruction cord find the center of the room and set the string in the level of all guides for stretch ceiling.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneIn the resulting center of drill hole for a mortgage for the mounting bar.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneWe fix the bar in the concrete slab.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneNext to the first bar to fasten the second, wherein the drill three holes - the keeper for electric wire and sides for screws. The two need to put special pads not to pinch the wire and more accurately display mount chandeliers relative to the top level.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneStrip the ends of the wires (necessarily de-energized home electrical) and fasten them by means of a bar of adhesive tape so that they do not interfere in the process of ceiling mount.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneAfter the web is strained and cooled must find a place where a chandelier is attached and mark it with the mounting termokoltsa.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alonePromazyvayut termokoltso adhesive, ensuring that the layer is continuous.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneFasten termokoltso on site chandeliers and always check it as gripped hardens with PVC film.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneOnly after the ring and glued joint strength can be verified inside the cut hole for mounting plate chandeliers.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneInstall the mounting plate and fix the luminaire to the wooden base with screws for wood.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneConnect the wires and lamp power. It is advisable to carry out the connection together.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneSet chandelier itself directly on a mounting plate and screws fix decorative nuts.

For more information about the process, how to install a chandelier in the suspended ceiling will help the video below:

Attachment of the luminaire on a cross bar

Such an option attachment is most suitable for the installation of massive chandeliers that require additional support. Just as in the previous embodiment, must be sufficient base which is made of thick plywood or boards. Wooden framework should conform to the dimensions of the cross.

Wooden platform on four pillars
Wooden platform on four pillars

The web 5 must be made of holes reinforced termokoltsami - central to output wires and four small for direct mounting of the lighting device.

As is the case with the mounting fixture bar mounted on the crosspiece and fixed with a decorative nuts bundled with lamp.

This chandelier is necessary to secure fit
This chandelier is necessary to secure fit

How do I attach chandelier to Stretch ceilings using dowels butterfly

Mounting chandeliers to the ceiling by means of tensioning anchors butterfly is only possible if the lamp has a weight of not more than 3 kg. This fixture consists of a holder (petals) and a metal hook with a thread.

Such anchor hook with petals stand anything
Such anchor hook with petals stand anything

The ceiling and the mounting platform to make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the dowel in the closed state. Fasteners received in the insert opening until it stops, and the hook screw. As the screwing dowel hook petals are opened and tightly fixed in a fixing hole of the concrete.

Once the dowel is installed, it is possible to suspend the chandelier in the same as in the above described embodiments.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of mounting chandeliers to Stretch Ceilings

To determine a suitable mounting the fixture you need to consider the pros and cons of each type. For convenience, selection is a table:

PhotoView of fastenersBenefitsdisadvantages
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneHook
  • Easy, quick installation;
  • secure location.
  • It is not suitable for any lighting fixture
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneMounting plate
  • The simplicity of design;
  • suitable for most types of fixtures.
  • Need for additional timber-framed for mounting chandeliers.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alonecrossing
  • Is indispensable for the installation dimensions and the massive lighting
  • The complexity of the installation;
  • the need for a partner.
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling aloneDowel Butterfly
  • Suitable for all types of chandeliers;
  • easy and fast installation.
  • Less reliable fastening compared to other embodiments.

There are several ways in which you can attach a chandelier on the ceiling, but they are not suitable for suspended structures. This is due to the fact that all of these options provide a completely free access to the floor panel, which can not provide the ceiling with PVC film or fabric.

Connecting the chandeliers to the mains

Following the preparatory work, it is natural that before attaching the chandelier to Stretch ceilings, you must connect the fixture to the house mains, apartments or office. To efficiently, correctly and comfortably perform the desired operation assistance partner. It is also necessary in addition to some of the recommendations that follow, observe basic rules of electrical engineering.

Electrical connection to be performed carefully and only when the power is off
Electrical connection to be performed carefully and only when the power is off

As already mentioned, it is desirable to put the wiring in a plastic corrugated tube. The work is very important to use a quality insulating tape, and all operations are performed with the power off. The most common variant of the connection wires and lamp household power - twist. With such a method should be well insulated space compound and hide it in Corrugated. High-quality insulation will prevent damage to the fabric of the ceiling not only wires, but also possible sparks.

Copper and aluminum conductors can be connected only by means of an adapter
Copper and aluminum conductors can be connected only by means of an adapter

Sometimes it happens that the electrical wire, aluminum, and lighting fixtures - copper. In this case, you can not use the way lay, as it increases the chance of a short circuit. When different materials need to use wires special terminals or adapters made of brass.

When installing the lighting unit and its network connection is recommended to use rubber gloves. This will protect against electric shock and will prevent the blade from damaging the ceiling.

When drilling in concrete ceiling, use a special indicator that helps determine the hidden wiring and to avoid damaging it.

Attention! To connect the lamp correctly, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's detailed instructions, which is attached to the chandelier.

Decorating seats mount chandeliers to the tension ceilings

Decor options are many - it all depends on the imagination and Finance
Decor options are many - it all depends on the imagination and Finance

Set the chandelier on the suspended ceiling is not everything, we still have to cover the surface after installation remain beautiful and neat. Place of installation of the lighting device can decorate in the following ways:

  • the use of sockets made of polyurethane, which is in no way yield to the classical plaster outlet;
  • remaining after mounting material can make good zadekorirovat installation site, but it must be greater than the diameter of the lamp platform;
  • You can use special decorative stickers that are now sold in a large assortment.
Rosette on the ceiling only emphasize the beauty and elegance of the chandelier
Rosette on the ceiling only emphasize the beauty and elegance of the chandelier

This is only the basic ways to decorate the place mounting fixture, you can also show imagination and decorate it according to their own way, making the ceiling decor unique.

Video tips how to hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling

Here are some videos with tips on how to hang a chandelier suspended ceiling. The price of the work depends on professional skills, the complexity of installation and ceiling construction.

This video demonstrates how to drown chandelier Stretch ceilings:

In this video shows the platform installation feature for lamp

Installation features large chandeliers:

Photo Gallery

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How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone
How to Hang a chandelier in the suspended ceiling alone

A few words in conclusion

We have considered how to install lighting on a tension ceiling. If you follow the instructions given and Video tips you can manually perform the installation of the lamp, but it should be done all very carefully and accurately. If, however, you are not confident in their abilities, it is best to contact the experts. Believe me, the cost of the master will be less than the repair of the ceiling or fixture. Or maybe you have your opinion on the written or useful advice, then share with our readers in the comments. Good luck!