- Reasons for the appearance of greasy shine
- Proper care for problem skin
- How to get rid of problem skin at home?
- Cosmetic procedures
For every person, regardless of gender, it is very important how it looks. But unfortunately, for many reasons, not everyone can manage to be handsome and beautiful by nature. Every third person is puzzled by skin problems - excessive dryness, fatness, acne or acne. All this is very unpleasant and problematic. Many wonder if oily facial skin, how to get rid of at home from all its unpleasant manifestations. The main thing at the same time is to find out the reason why such a situation arose. What exactly are the symptoms that require immediate intervention, and what exactly needs to be done so that the skin on the face is pleasant, we'll figure it out in this article.
Important! The duration of treatment depends on the "neglect" of your skin. If you provide it with timely and proper care, then remove the greasy shine very quickly. If the case does not lend itself to home treatment, you will have to turn to a specialist.
to Contents ↑Causes of Appearance of Greasy Gloss
Before selecting a preparation or a remedy for eliminating the excessively greasy skin, you should find out the cause of its appearance.
Important! Isolation of sebum is a normal reaction of the human body to external negative effects. That is, the greasy sheen plays the role of a protective shell.
Consider several reasons for the appearance of excessive sebum:
- Abuse of unhealthy foods. All without exception love smoked products, spicy and salty foods. Of course, you can afford them "on holidays", and it is desirable - in general to exclude them from their diet. Such food has a negative effect on the skin.
- Unsuitable care products. Implied tonics and shampoos, which include alcohol and salicylic acid. And also with a highly greasy skin it is necessary to stop using fatty creams and peelings.
- High humidity level.
- The hormonal background is broken. This cause of occurrence most often refers to adolescents, because during this period the organism is actively developing and being reconstructed. But malfunctions can also occur in adult women in different periods of their life, it is impossible to completely eliminate this cause without appropriate analyzes.
- Stressful situations. The mental state should always be normal, without shocks and injuries. Constantly being in a tense situation, the skin begins to fade and a lot of unpleasant problems appear - acne, acne.
Having dealt with the cause of appearance, you must immediately choose the right drug, which will save you from excessive greasy shine.
to the table of contents ↑Proper care for problem skin
Only a qualified cosmetologist can consult about oily skin care. But there are several rules that every holder of this type of epidermis should know:
- Proper nutrition and proper rest.
- The correct selection of cosmetics( creams, tonal bases, gels).
- Do not use brushes and sponges to clean your face. It is recommended to wash with cold or lukewarm water without using cosmetics and appliances.
- Do not forget to expand the pores by steaming a face. Steam baths can be made on the basis of decoction of herbs.
Important! If you comply with these rules, you can completely avoid various skin diseases. Fulfillment of the above recommendations gives a guarantee of quick disposal of greasy shine from the skin of any woman's face at home.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of problem skin at home?
Treatment at home must necessarily be controlled by a cosmetologist, as one incorrect manipulation can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to carry out the following daily procedures to get rid of oily skin:
- Cleans the skin with tonics without alcohol. In doing so, use a soft sponge. You can also use soft micellar water.
- Humidification. Despite the fact that the sebaceous glands work in intensive mode, this procedure is considered one of the most necessary. You can use ready-made cosmetic products or improvised products. A mask of chopped oatmeal and milk is perfect. The mixture is applied to the face and holds for 20 minutes. After that, it is washed off with cold water.
- Deep cleaning. This procedure should be conducted no more than once a week. Usually a clay mask is used. It is necessary to mix a small amount of kaolin( white clay) with warm boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. Then apply to the skin and hold for 15-25 minutes. Afterwards - rinse with warm water. You can also use purchased masks for deep cleansing.
Important! If you suffer from acne or pimples, it is recommended to use cosmetic products, which include: lipohydroxy acid, lipolic acid and salicylic acid. They perfectly cope with microbes and exfoliate the dead cells of the epidermis.
Popular recipes for fighting greasy gloss
If you do not trust the pharmacy, experts recommend using folk remedies to solve skin problems. In addition, natural substances are much more effective and safer than purchased ones. Let's consider some popular and effective variants of masks:
- Apple - it is necessary to finely chop an apple in a blender or with a grater. Then add a couple drops of aromatic tea tree oil and one egg white. Mix the mass to a homogeneous consistency and apply to the face. Hold for about half an hour and rinse with cool water.
- Decoction of parsley - fresh or dry leaves and stems pour boiling water. Let it brew and cool. So decoction can wash in a day. It saturates the cells with vivacity and freshness. Some take it inside.
- Sour cream with honey - a glass of sour cream should be mixed with two teaspoons of liquid honey. Apply the mixture on face. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask softens the skin.
- Cucumber - has been used since ancient times and is popular to this day. It is necessary to chop the cucumber into small pieces and put on the face. Keep in this state for a few minutes. After - rub your face with a soft tonic.
- Decoction of flowers of calendula and chamomile is very effective, but it is often not recommended to use it, as it dries the skin very much. You should mix the flowers in equal quantities and pour boiling water, let it brew. In a cooled solution, moisten the cotton pad and wipe the skin twice a week.
Important! You can use masks according to your own recipe by combining the ingredients with each other. The main thing is not to overdo it and dry the skin.
Approaching the question responsibly, any woman will easily get rid of fatty shine on the skin at home.
to the contents ↑Cosmetic procedures
In order to achieve a better result in the fight against greasy shine, experts recommend that you visit at least once every two months the procedure room of the cosmetologist:
- Ultrasonic peeling clears only the upper layer of the epidermis.
- Bio-cybernetic procedure - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, restores the metabolic process and removes harmful substances.
- Facial massage - improves blood circulation.
- Biorevitalization - moisturizes the skin with hyaluronic acid.
- Mesotherapy - saturation of the skin with vitamins.
If even occasionally to carry out at least one of the listed procedures, you can become one of those who are more puzzled by skin troubles. We hope that from now on you are such a happy girl!