☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors: structural features and the order of the various types of installation

If a small area of ​​the room and set the swing structure is not possible, it is necessary to order the sliding or sliding interior doors. Such systems do not take up much space and fit harmoniously into the interior. Offer to deal with the existing varieties in order to make it easier to choose the right model.

To open the flap requires a minimum of space
To open the flap requires a minimum of space

Read article

  • 1 Design and operation of the sliding doors of various types
    • 1.1 Parallel-sliding door to the room
    • 1.2 Door coupe and cluster model
      • 1.2.1 Sliding doors single-wing door versions
      • 1.2.2 Double-leaf sliding door systems
    • 1.3 Cascading and vnutriproomnye model
    • 1.4 radius doors
    • 1.5 Sliding-folding interior doors
      • 1.5.1 Sliding interior doors-accordion: design features
      • 1.5.2 Sliding interior doors notebook
  • 2 The materials used for the manufacture of sliding interior doors
    • 2.1 Wood and MDF
    • 2.2 Features sliding glass interior doors
    • 2.3 The combination of materials
  • 3 Standard sizes of sliding doors
  • 4 Colors sliding doors
  • 5 Features installation of interior sliding doors
    • 5.1 With one or two guide elements for the parallel-sliding door
    • 5.2 Sliding-folding doors
  • 6 Nuances of manufacturing sliding interior doors with their hands
  • 7 Choosing a sliding or sliding interior doors
  • 8 How much are the sliding interior doors: a review of prices for options

Design and operation of the sliding doors of various types

The design of the sliding doors can vary significantly. In some flaps move in parallel, in other - are displaced relative to each other. We offer a look into the options and their distinctive features.

Design may vary
Design may vary

Parallel-sliding door to the room

Such sliding or sliding door to the room on the principle of operation close to the sliding model. Leaf can move in different directions, or one by one. Some models are equipped with a special mechanism to ensure a simultaneous displacement of the second leaf sliding doors at a time when they begin to open first.

To open the aperture, shutter shift enough
To open the aperture, shutter shift enough

Door coupe and cluster model

In the operation of such structures shutters are displaced along the vertical surface. In this case, each species has its own design features, which you should definitely read.

Design may vary
Design may vary

Sliding doors single-wing door versions

The advantage of sliding Interior sliding doors It is the ability to save space, because they are often mounted in a small area of ​​the rooms. In single-blade models can move in any direction.

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☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Cluster models assume the existence of a special niche in the wall, into which a connecting wing single-leaf sliding door is displaced at the time of opening. The cassette may be included in the kit, or made yourself.

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☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Double-leaf sliding door systems

Among clamshell models of this type are the most popular door-coupe. It may be suspended, some sliding doors rollers are attached to the upper end and moving along one rail. Perhaps the use of two rails with upper and lower roller and two guides.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

The operating principle of double-leaf cluster model is virtually identical. However, in this case the tape has to have the both sides of the door opening or doorway to do so, so that it can simultaneously accommodate two paintings.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Cascading and vnutriproomnye model

Cascade systems involve multiple flaps, each of which moves on a separate rail. This makes it possible to shift all sash to the side at the same time, or move only one of them. Are often used not only at the device interior designs, but also in space zoning inside the room with the help of septa.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

For a small space are optimal for this vnutriproomnye structure. Their execution involves installation webs directly inside the opening. The flaps are moved towards releasing aperture for passage half.

radius doors

The distinctive feature of these systems is the arcuate shape of the guide webs and corresponding configuration. More often than similar products made of glass or glass inserts. It is also possible to use polycarbonate or acrylic.

Attention! Radius models are made individually for a particular aperture.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Sliding-folding interior doors

Compact systems that do not require free space for opening the flaps. This allows you to more efficiently dispose of the interior of the room. Can be opened only in one direction or both. Structurally divided into "book" and "accordion"

Sliding interior doors-accordion: design features

They consist of a large number of interconnected lamellas small width. Typically, the width of each band is selected according to the wall thickness. During the operation the slats are displaced, and the web is folded like an accordion. The rollers are mounted on the center of each element.

Due to the structural features of these products have a low sound insulation characteristics. Sliding interior doors-accordion They are used not only for the design of the doorway, but also for space zoning. For the manufacture of lightweight materials are used more often.

Attention! If you expect heavy use of interior door, it is necessary to abandon such a structure.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Sliding interior doors notebook

Part Door-books typically includes 2 - 4 parts. The elements have a greater width than the sipes "bunching." Set of rollers is carried out in place of the compound webs. At the time of the opening of the canvas folds like a book. Various materials can be used for the manufacture of shutters, including array and glass.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

The materials used for the manufacture of sliding interior doors

Exterior and interior doors sliding quality depends on the type and characteristics of the materials used to manufacture them. We offer to meet with the main species and their distinctive features.

Various materials can be used to manufacture
Various materials can be used to manufacture

Wood and MDF

Wood is a classical one. For sliding and sliding systems often use fine wood, significantly increases the price interior doors. A distinctive feature of this material is heavy. To in-service structures did not arise difficulties should initially choose firm accessories and include two guides: top and bottom.

from an array of doors are heavy
from an array of doors are heavy

MDF - not less than demanded material. It has a lighter weight and often decorated veneer various woods. On environmental indicators, they are not inferior to the tree, but they have less weight and cost.

MDF will be cheaper array
MDF will be cheaper array

Features sliding glass interior doors

If you decide to buy a sliding glass interior doors, keep in mind that manufacturers offer products in different versions. The web may be manufactured entirely from high-impact glass or be decorated with glass inserts. For manufacturing the carcass of a door system uses plastic or aluminum profiles, the surface of which the decorative coating is applied. Manufacturers offer sliding doors, glass doors, consisting of one solid sheet without a skeleton. Such designs have specific requirements for the installation work.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

The combination of materials

Combined models involve the use of several materials. The most popular solutions are sash decorated with glass inserts. Also a combination of metal and glass may MDF and solid wood, glass and other plastic.

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment

Standard sizes of sliding doors

The dimensions of these products are standardized. Depending on the destination premises, buy the sliding interior doors can be a web having a width of 550 to 900 mm and a height of 2 m. You can find your favorite model need to catalog the majority of manufacturers to easily size.

If the door opening dimensions are different from the standard, it is possible to make the sliding door on request. This design will cost more.

Dimensions depend on the blade aperture size
Dimensions depend on the blade aperture size

Colors sliding doors

Selection of a suitable color solutions made in view of colors used in the design space. Manufacturers offer a wide range of door designs. When choosing a care should be taken not only coloring finishing materials, but also furnitureAnd other interior items.

White linen are relevant for any interior
White linen are relevant for any interior

It is quite popular White color, Particularly in combination with SLR and glass inserts. They help create an atmosphere of romance and lightness. With design wenge colors can add luxury and solemnity of the door structure. These doors should be installed in rooms with high ceilings and wide openings.

Attention! Emphasize the severity of lines will help the dark door on the bright wall.

Dark door look good on the wall light
Dark door look good on the wall light

Features installation of interior sliding doors

The procedure for the installation work is dependent on the design features of a particular model. We offer to meet with the way you are installing interior sliding and folding doors.

Installation procedure is very important
Installation procedure is very important

With one or two guide elements for the parallel-sliding door

The order of assembly work depends on the specific hardware used. The importance in this case is the number of guides and rollers, the weight and dimensions of the flaps.

If the installation will sliding system with a guide from the top, to install interior doors with their hands, Learn the following video. There is shown in detail the sequence of execution of works:

If the two guides, installation of interior sliding doors begins with the removal of the threshold. The construction of the lower guide takes the brunt, but only provides the top vertical position.

Sliding-folding doors

Installation of these systems is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentMeasuring the geometric parameters of the doorway.
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentCut off all the elements of the system in size. The length of the side profile should be at least 3 cm less than the height of the opening, and the slat length - 4 cm. The upper guide must be equal to the width of the opening.
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentFollowing the instructions, gather the door leaf.
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentSet the top guide in the opening and fasten the middle. Turn guide and insert the assembled fabric.
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentTurning the upper guide, finally fix it in position.
☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartmentFasten the vertical profile. Set the desired accessories.

Nuances of manufacturing sliding interior doors with their hands

If you decide to make a sliding interior doors with their hands, we advise you to buy ready-made kits that contain all the necessary accessories. This will not only improve the quality of the manufactured structure, but also significantly increase its service life. We offer watch a video, which tells about the nuances manufacture of interior sliding door with his own hands:

Choosing a sliding or sliding interior doors

If you decide to buy interior sliding doors, is first to decide on their structural features. When choosing, be sure to take into account the width of the opening and the number of folds that will be installed. Noteworthy material of construction of the design and the quality of accessories included in its composition. To set the system lasts long enough, it is essential to give preference to products approved manufacturer.

How much are the sliding interior doors: a review of prices for options

product price depends on many factors. We offer to meet with the average rates for the various options, so you can buy a suitable interior sliding door at the right price:

"Tviggi V4Β» (Wenge Veralinga)Ekoshpon. Weight 17.5 kg. Thickness 36 mm.
Sliding door "coupe 2Β» PROFIL DOORSThe width of the flaps 60 to 90 cm. The height of 2 m. The sets of rollers able to withstand a load of 120 kg.
Wenge "Style" (blank)Weight 8 kg. leaf size 840 Γ— 2020 mm. It is made of PVC.
"Porta 50"Ekoshpon. hi-tech style. The thickness of web of 36 mm and a width of 60 - 90 cm.
Type C-12 to "satinato"Slat width 300 - 450 mm. The thickness of the webs 38 mm. MDF.

Review about Sliding glass doors Dorma:

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4060554.html
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4060554.html

sliding doors Dorma

Feedback on sliding doors Slidors:

☝️ sliding or sliding interior doors - magic wand to save space in the apartment
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6301977.html

sliding doors Slidors

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