🏘 Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and benefits

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Despite the increasing popularity plastic window systems, Wooden windows with double glazing in steady consumer demand. Manufacturers offer a variety of designs, which differ in appearance, performance and cost. We offer to meet with possible variants. So it will be easier to choose the best.

Wooden window with glass makes the house warmer
Wooden window with glass makes the house warmer

Read article

  • 1 The use of wooden windows with glass in construction
  • 2 Especially the production of wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 3 The constituent elements of wooden windows Fiberglass
  • 4 Design features of wooden windows with double-glazed windows of various types
    • 4.1 Classic Russian and English windows
    • 4.2 Norwegian and Finnish window
    • 4.3 Further designs of wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 5 Types of wooden windows with double-glazed on the material manufacturing
    • 5.1 The performance characteristics of different types of wood
    • 5.2 The performance characteristics of different types of glasses
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 7 Leading manufacturers of wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 8 How to choose wooden windows with double-glazed windows: the recommendations of our editorial
    • 8.1 Mnogostvorchatye and single-hinged window
    • 8.2 sliding windows
  • 9 Features installation of wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 10 Caring for wooden windows with double-glazed
  • 11 Wooden double-glazed windows: photos of interesting structures

The use of wooden windows with glass in construction

Wood is an environmentally friendly product that allows the use for decoration of any premises. The choice in favor of wooden windows can be made in the construction private houses, Office, apartment or office space. Manufacturers offer products with various designs and design. It is possible to select a suitable color frame, depending on stylistic premises and the building in general.

Attention! The choice in favor of wooden windows with double-glazed windows can be made in the construction of new buildings and renovation of existing ones.

Topical solution for all buildings
Topical solution for all buildings

Especially the production of wooden windows with double-glazed

The production process quite laborious and complicated. It involves the use of special equipment and tools. To make such a window system with their own hands is quite difficult. We offer watch the following video to better understand the intricacies of the process:

The constituent elements of wooden windows Fiberglass

Modern window system has a complex design concept, involve a variety of elements. Their characteristics have a significant impact on the quality of the finished wooden block. The main elements accepted to:

  • glazed windows. In a separate frame 2-4 are glasses, arranged parallel to each other. High thermal characteristics of glass are provided at the expense of sealing compounds and glasses frame;
  • wooden profile after special treatment;
  • accessories, the quality of which depends on the service life and reliability of the wooden structure;
  • aluminum profiles providing timely removal of water. Are attached to the bottom of the frame from the outside. Provide the necessary level of protection from adverse weather conditions;
  • seals, Thus ensuring a sufficient level of sealing structure as a whole. For their installation grooves are provided;
  • additional elements, allowing to issue window opening. These include window sills, low tides, soffits.
The design of the system may differ
The design of the system may differ

Proofing characteristics wooden block will depend on the design and the tightness of the whole glass in particular. For the manufacture of the latter may be used various glass thicknesses. Exterior glass often has a greater thickness. This makes it possible to improve the sound insulation of the system.

Also thickness, importance has a thermal conductivity of glass. a special coating is used to reduce the magnitude of this parameter and improve performance glazing or film on glasses. The air chambers are filled with argon. The result is an energy-saving design, which allows to keep heat inside the house.

The amount of glass in the pane can be different
The amount of glass in the pane can be different

Design features of wooden windows with double-glazed windows of various types

Design and Design of wooden windows can vary significantly depending on whether they belong to any species. We offer to meet with the classic, English, Norwegian and Finnish windows so that you clearly understand their distinctive features.

Eurowindow is different
Eurowindow is different

Classic Russian and English windows

Traditionally, the Russian designs are made of solid wood. They may consist of separate flaps or be paired with a binding suggestive of compounds of two frames using bolts. Fiberglass similar designs practically equipped. Preference is most often given to double or single glass.

Classic designs are quite popular
Classic designs are quite popular

In English windows at the opening of the frame is lifted up and held in this position. They can have multiple bindings and, as a rule, a minimum of glass. This design allows you to efficiently dispose of the space inside the room. However, due to the sudden fall of the frame can be easily injured.

Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
During operation, you can get injured.

Norwegian and Finnish window

To manufacture the high-quality Norwegian windows northern pine or larch. For fastening of glass, instead of a sealant, a rubber gasket is used. To fix the window outside the house using glazing beads and screws. frame special structures impregnation ensures long life.

Finnish involve the use of two sash window designs and have two glass yarns. Glazing set into the inner frame and the outer - ordinary glass. Simultaneous opening of both flaps is provided with a special fitting.

Attention! Finnish windows provide vents and skylights.

Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
In Finland two flaps

Further designs of wooden windows with double-glazed

French panoramic windows Fiberglass is often constitute an alternative to conventional doors. They help to provide a sufficient amount of light into the room. They can be opened in different ways. For manufacturing, it is generally used glulam.

French wooden windows with glass create a special atmosphere
French wooden windows with glass create a special atmosphere

The German double-glazed wooden windows with no panes. They consist of one or more flaps or wide opened by tilting to a certain angle. Outside can sheathe aluminum. Sometimes further enhanced via the support part made of aluminum.

German euro-involve the use of special fittings
German euro-involve the use of special fittings

Types of wooden windows with double-glazed on the material manufacturing

For the manufacture of wooden windows fiberglass can Various materials used. This has a significant impact on the cost and performance characteristics of the finished structure. We offer to meet with the available options and their distinctive features.

Various materials can be used for the manufacture of wooden windows Fiberglass
Various materials can be used for the manufacture of wooden windows Fiberglass

The performance characteristics of different types of wood

It is most commonly used for the manufacture of wooden windows with double-glazed windows:

  • Pine. Products from this timber are relatively small cost and weight. The material has a sufficient density to ensure high performance and thermal characteristics;
  • larch. Such wood windows have a long life thanks to sufficient strength and moisture resistance. The products possess high aesthetic qualities. Larch has a natural shade, which gives the product an attractive appearance without additional staining. The material has a higher fire resistance and biological stability;
  • oak. Material with beautiful texture with a characteristic pattern of fibers. Due to the high hardness of the frame have a solid strength, easily withstand exposure to adverse environmental factors. Presented in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose the best option for a particular interior. Over time oak darkens, taking a characteristic noble shade;
  • meranti. Exclusive material having a beautiful color and a velvety texture. At low weight has high strength.

Attention! The cost of wooden windows from larch more than pine, but 40-50% less than the oak.

The wood used affects the value and appearance
The wood used affects the value and appearance

The performance characteristics of different types of glasses

Used for the manufacture of insulating glass windows 4-6 mm thick. The most demanded sheet 4 mm thick. Opt for a thicker done in the case to be glazed window opening in a noisy area or on the top floor of a multistory building.

Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Glass thickness of 4 mm are the most popular

Conventional glazing possess sufficient thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics, however, with Optionally, you may give preference to energy-saving low-emissivity, which are coated with a special sputtering. The most popular i-glass, the surface of which is coated silver ions. However, at high thermal insulation characteristics, they are afraid of the impact of rainfall. At the k-glass lower energy efficiency, but they are better withstand the effects of external factors.

Sunscreen windows are able to provide an adequate level of protection from ultraviolet radiation. They are equipped with tinted windows, covered with a special film dubbing, or have a mirror surface. Noise and shock-resistant windows require the use of a multilayer triplex glass. Possible to apply a sound-proof film.

Additional processing of glass allows you to change the performance characteristics of glass
Additional processing of glass allows you to change the performance characteristics of glass

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows with double-glazed

High performance wooden windows are provided through the use of high quality materials and accessories, as well as the exact compound elements. The advantages of such products should include:

  • environmental friendliness. For the manufacture of the frame is used natural wood, not harmful to human health;
  • vapor permeability. The porous structure of the wooden frame provides free passage of air even when fully closed design. However, when applying the protective composition, this advantage is lost;
  • presentable. For wooden windows with double-glazed characterized by beautiful appearance. If desired, the frame can always be painted in any color;
  • long service life. Products made of oak are able to serve at least a century;
  • High tightness of the structure;
  • a choice of products from the optimal price point. All kinds of wood may be used for the manufacture of the frame that has a significant impact on the final cost of the system;
  • resistance to adverse external effects. Using special formulations allows for a high level of biosafety and resistance to mechanical impact;
  • the possibility of manufacturing window assembly to order. Good workability of wood cutting elements allows us to give the wooden window with glass the desired configuration.
A suitable embodiment there exists for any aperture
A suitable embodiment there exists for any aperture

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  • the higher cost of wooden windows with glass compared with plastic counterparts;
  • sensitivity to changes in humidity in the room. Often, when excessive humidification or drying air wooden structure loses its shape;
  • the need for periodic maintenance. Wooden windows be periodically stain or cover other protective compounds;
  • great weight of wood products, which, in some cases, forced to limit their geometrical parameters, requiring the use of a sound quality accessories.
Frames need constant care
Frames need constant care

Leading manufacturers of wooden windows with double-glazed

In order not to doubt the quality of the selected system, it is necessary to give preference to products of leading manufacturers. This will also impact on the value of the wooden box. Thus, the Belarusian "Grotli", "Gries P" and a number of other systems equipped with cheap accessories, so have the affordable price, but low strength characteristics.

Among the Russian manufacturers to mid-market companies related products, "Crown", "Cozy house", "Factory of windows", "Windows Economy" and several others. Expensive cost items "Meranti Windows" or "Gold of the window." But the quality of fittings and wood in this case will be much higher.

To set the window system lasts as long as possible, pay attention to the Italian Albertini products or Molaro, and German euro-Dream Doors, Kneer, Unilux.

Unilux - proven German quality
Unilux - proven German quality

How to choose wooden windows with double-glazed windows: the recommendations of our editorial

To set design was able to perform assigned to it function, a wooden box with glass must meet several requirements. We offer to meet with the recommendations, following which, you are sure to make the right choice.

many factors to consider when choosing a
many factors to consider when choosing a

Mnogostvorchatye and single-hinged window

The choice between one- and mnogostvorchatymi hinged structures depends on the width of the opening. For their production profile is used 68-90 mm thick. The flap can perform swivel, tilt or swivel-hinged movement.

Single-relevant for a small aperture
Single-relevant for a small aperture

If a large aperture, the number of folds increases. Most often, the two of them. Such systems can be separated and paired doors. The last is very rare.

The larger the aperture, the more folds
The larger the aperture, the more folds

sliding windows

Opting for the sliding system is done in the case of a limited internal space. Sliding design presupposes the existence of at least two valves. But the exact number will depend on the width of the opening.

To open the window you just have to move the flap
To open the window you just have to move the flap

Features installation of wooden windows with double-glazed

To properly perform the installation of wooden windows, you need to know a lot of nuances. It is best to entrust the installation professionals. If you decide to perform all their hands, learn the following video:

After the installation of the window block is required adjustment of wooden windows. If it is to perform poorly, with time, due to unevenly distributed load, cracks may appear in the frame. How to spend adjustment, you can see in the following video:

Caring for wooden windows with double-glazed

Timely care for wooden windows with double glazing significantly increases its service life. To do this:

  • wash the windows with both sides using the compositions intended for the care of the glasses;
  • purify frame soapy solution or special equipment designed for the care of timber;
  • periodically lubricate fittings and process oil seals respective compositions to retain their elasticity and to prevent cracking;
  • timely to apply the paint to prevent the destruction of the frame. Work should be done in a dry warm weather.
For wooden surfaces it is necessary to properly care
For wooden surfaces it is necessary to properly care

Wooden double-glazed windows: photos of interesting structures

Design of window systems can differ substantially. Offer see photos of interesting solutions that deserve your attention:

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Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device
Wooden windows with double glazing: the types and device

Share in the comments, how wooden windows with glass do you prefer and why.