🚪 Protection door: painting, lock box and surveillance system

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first the door It can be considered as the skin of an animal, which our ancestors used to hang in front of the cave to keep warm. Later passage piled stone for protection from predators. Over time, to protect their property from thieves people began to install heavy massive structures made of solid planks and logs. Thieves do not stop, no matter how improved doors and locking mechanisms, but that does not mean you have to sit back and do nothing. In today's edition of the review online magazine HouseChief.ru experts give a few recommendations, how to make the doors more reliable and complicate the intruders from entering your apartment or house.

Statistics burglaries should make to think seriously about protecting your property
Statistics burglaries should make to think seriously about protecting your property

Read article

  • 1 Recommendation №1: the front door - not a decoration for the film
  • 2 Recommendation №2: locking mechanisms
  • 3 Recommendation №3: the strengthening of the door structure
    • 3.1 Protection of the castle larvae
    • 3.2 Strengthening a lock slot
    • 3.3 Protection door hinges
    • 3.4 Strengthening the door frame
  • 4 Recommendation №4: surveillance system
  • 5 A few words in conclusion

Recommendation №1: the front door - not a decoration for the film

It is difficult to achieve the security and inviolability of the home, if shaky frame structure will be good instead of the wooden door beams and plywood or Fibreboard. It is best to install the doors of durable materials:

  • hardwood;
  • fiberglass;
  • metal (Not less than 2 mm in thickness).

The door structure must be strengthened from the inside and is equipped with locking, which will not allow to dismantle it out of the box with a jack. It is also recommended when installing or frame / door replacement to make sure that the opening was carried out. With this method the robbers will be much harder to get into the house.

It is not recommended to install the front door glass. Although it looks very nice, but remember the American films: it is easy to get into the house with such doors! Glass can be embossed and then quickly enough to open the lock. For greater security, additionally equip the front door a metal outer grating, which greatly complicate the penetration into the house or apartment.

Solid front door of thick metal is not so easy to hack
Solid front door of thick metal is not so easy to hack

Recommendation №2: locking mechanisms

Even the most solid front door is useless without reliable locking mechanisms. Lock locks you need every time you enter the apartment, or get out of it. A common cause of intruders in the room and the theft becomes something that the owners simply forget to close the door.

Very often, entry into the apartment or house occur at night, when the hosts already fast asleep. Burglar able to quietly open the locks and move silently in the dark. Therefore, besides the main lock must be installed on the door mortise bolt of durable metal. Plate locking device should go into the door frame at least 26 mm.

For added protection at home during your stay there special set mortise lock with latchWhich is not designed to open from the outside. From the outside this locking mechanism is not visible and without breaking the door leaf or to the box it is not accessible.

A good way to protect the door from breaking - installation of two castles. One of them is the main and should be equipped with oblique latch and the handle, and the second - optional. To protect your door pick locks with a protection class of burglary not below 4. You can also choose models with two or three locking systems.

Security does not provide the number of locks, and their reliability
Security does not provide the number of locks, and their reliability

Recommendation №3: the strengthening of the door structure

Even reliable lock the door will not protect against hacking, if it is the design and the door frame does not have sufficient strength. Therefore, let us consider how we can strengthen them and thereby reduce the risk of penetration into your apartment or house.

Protection of the castle larvae

Burglar often knock out or remove the lock cylinder with the help of primitive tools. To counteract this must install protective plates or rings. Such protection is put on grub on both sides of the door and connected to each other by means of screws with round hats, located outside. Most modern locks are already sold with a similar defense mechanism. It will knock against larvae and complicate the opening of the castle.

These pads will protect the larva of cracks in from
These pads will protect the larva of cracks in from

Strengthening a lock slot

Reinforce the keyhole slot in the door frame, so this is one of the weakest areas, especially in wooden structures. Metal protective plate must be made of ductile metal and attached to 4-6 of screws not less than 80 mm in length. Protection often too low quality is used or mounted with short screws, which achieve a casing and can be easily dislodged.

The place where the beams of the castle part of the door frame must be well fortified
The place where the beams of the castle part of the door frame must be well fortified

Protection door hinges

To attackers were not able to enter the house by removing the door from its hinges, it is necessary to make them inaccessible. To do this, arrange loops on the inside of the door. If they are set out, reinstall the door, and if this is not possible, then fasten them with a non-removable pins.

Inner loop - a more reliable way to protect than the outer
Inner loop - a more reliable way to protect than the outer

Strengthening the door frame

One way to penetrate into the house - knocking the door frame with the door. Usually it is attached to wooden mortgages established in the doorway still in construction. To complicate the breaking out of the door design, it is necessary Drill the wall, the floor and the upper jumper insert embedded metal, which is welded to the frame, or use anchor bolts length of at least 80 mm.

It is best if the door leaf will have a special compartment for locking mechanisms, further enhanced strength steel sheets. It is also necessary to equip the box stiffness transverse ribs in place of locking jacks.

The door frame to the wall it is best to strengthen the long anchor bolts
The door frame to the wall it is best to strengthen the long anchor bolts

Recommendation №4: surveillance system

To ensure the safety of their homes can and should use a variety of security systems. These tools include System security alarm and CCTV. Surveillance camera or video-eye if you do not help by breaking the door, then at least in the attackers searching. Noting the existence of such security systems, thieves in most cases give up their intentions.

Also good scare availability burglar alarm system (sound, light or energized by the remote protection). Seeing that the apartment is connected to the alarm system in combination with sophisticated locks, thieves in most cases abandoning their criminal intentions. the CCTV Cameras not only show who is behind the door, but also to give an image to your receiving device (smartphone, laptop, tablet, and PC) and remote protection of the police or a private security company. Also equip its security system motion sensors, Connected to powerful lights and sirens. Once under the bright lights in the field of view of cameras and deafened by a loud audible alarm, the thief is unlikely to continue in attempts to penetrate your home.

🚪 4 easy ways to protect the apartment from the breaking: the recommendations of professionals
The video surveillance system will allow to create additional protection for your home

A few words in conclusion

To protect your home from thieves inadequate penetration strong door and reliable locks. All problems stem mainly from our carelessness. Do not leave your keys under the mat, do not forget to check the door before leaving home and less talk about themselves to strangers. So you can better protect your home from thieves. We hope our review has been helpful to you, and you will never be unwanted guests.