Monitor can be used to visually display the information. Any screen can be used to display images from a computer graphics card. Monitors - universal device. But this does not mean that the unit for use with static graphics, will be as well to cope with playing movies.
Choose the display you need based on the type of tasks that are planned to be solved with the help of this device. Choosing a monitor should first pay attention to the type of matrix, and only then deal with the possibilities.
There are several types of matrices: IPS, LED, TN + Film, OLED, LCD. There is still a CRT, but they are outdated. These devices resemble the old TVs. Hidden inside the cathode ray tube, mounted in the CRT. It allows the screen to show the picture.
- IPS monitors
- LED monitors
- TN monitors
- cheap monitors
- TV monitors
- Monitors 144 Hz
- Moniory with DVI output
- Monitors with HDMI
IPS monitors

Unlike TN, IPS in crystal molecules are arranged not helically and in parallel. This arrangement allows the crystals to achieve a wide viewing angle and excellent color reproduction. Everything looks bright, juicy and realistic. In addition, the contrast of the image at the proper level.
However, with this arrangement, the crystals in the matrix increases the response time of the pixels. And it's not good. The fact that the smaller the response time, the better to cope with the dynamic display pictures.
On this basis - IPS monitors are in no way suitable for video playback. On the professional work with video files better to remain silent. On moving objects appear loops, and the work will be difficult.
So, IPS is more suitable for professional designers and photographers. Those people, who value authenticity of color, viewing angles and high sharpness and contrast of the image. To summarize the information we list the main advantages and disadvantages of IPS.
So, the pros:
- color reproduction;
- contrast and sharpness;
- angle;
- the brightness of the image.
Now pay attention to the IPS cons:
- RTT pixels;
- price.
When buying IPS display should clearly understand the justification for such a step, as such a device costs a lot and is focused on a narrow circle of professionals.
IPS displays are widely used by Apple in monoblocks iMac. Despite the response time, IPS from Apple showed itself at its best. Perhaps Apple has another technology. While it is unknown. The company does not tend to share secrets.
LED monitors

Technically, LED displays, there is not because it is impossible to produce small screen diagonals of light-emitting diodes. Thus the term referred to as LCD, which are illuminated from the LEDs. As technology has emerged and OLED. These are the same LEDs, but organic.
OLED light-emitting diodes are divided into active and passive. The difference is that in the active matrix OLED diode each controlled by a separate transistor. This type of display is the most expensive. Therefore, monitors that use OLED technology is very small. But viewing angles are in their order and with no contrast problems.
Moreover, the response time is still less pixels than the matrix TN. The OLED matrices is equal to microseconds. In this technology there are also disadvantages, and most importantly - "life expectancy" of LEDs. After a year of using the display have to throw away and buy a new one. And given the high cost of OLED, this option can not be considered practical.
Another advantage of OLED - a record low power consumption. The fact that organic LEDs consume little energy for their operation. Therefore, even the screen of gigantic proportions is able to consume minimum electricity.
In addition, because of the design features of the OLED, displays produced much thinner LCD. For those who are important dimensions of this important aspect.
Pros OLED:
- color reproduction;
- image contrast;
- viewing angles;
- Energy consumption;
- thickness.
Now OLED cons:
- fragility;
- expensiveness.
Based on the foregoing, it appears that OLED acquire extremely impractical anyway. Even though numerous advantages. The cost of these displays, perhaps, would not have stopped the majority of buyers. But what to do with the fragility of OLED devices?
TN monitors

Now for the monitors using TN or TFT technology and LED backlight. Such displays are the cheapest. They are suitable for all daily tasks. A response allows their use for gaming and video playback at 60 frames per second. But they do have drawbacks.
Color depth and contrast is poor, the viewing angles are small. It is enough to turn the display case and the colors become inverted. But the life of TN impressive. With proper care, they can last 10 years. And this is not the limit.
LCDs with LED backlight are the budget segment and produced by all manufacturers. Only one Apple provides "Maki" exclusively IPS screens. And other manufacturers have long used TN + LED technology. There is nothing surprising. The low cost of these devices makes them a priority product in the arsenal of any manufacturer.
In displays constructed by TN technology, the crystals are arranged twisted in a spiral - it improves the response speed of pixels (compared with the matrices IPS).
Supernormal characteristics of TN displays do not shine. On the positive side stand only a small pixel response time and power consumption. For professional applications (photo, design), such devices is categorically do not fit. But with showing films cope fine.
Modern TN displays are based on TFT technology. The difference is that the TFT matrix - active. Therefore, it decreases response time and viewing angles are improved. Liquid crystal displays using TFT technology, different viewing angles. Here are just a color reproduction have the same trouble. No contrast or saturation.
The advantages of TN and TFT include:
- response time;
- low cost;
- durability.
But the downside are frankly no color and small viewing angles. Anyway, TN or TFT - the preferred choice for the office computer.
Cons do not affect the popularity of TN and TFT displays. This is due to the fact that most people simply do not pay attention to such specifications. For the average "user," the main thing - the screen size. And the rest - then. This approach is unacceptable when choosing a display.
cheap monitors

The cost depends on the diagonal of the screen. The more inches, the more expensive. It should also take into account the technology on which the matrix is produced. Cheapest option - TN + Film or TFT. These devices are not strikes notable holes in the budget, even if the purchase screen with a "giant" diagonal.
Acquire TFT monitor small size is not recommended. The service life of such screens - 10-12 years. During this time, the small size of the screen will become so obsolete that even ashamed.
The optimum size of the diagonal of the screen to date - 24-27 inches. Youngest brother does not make sense, since most of the developers of games and sites are guided by such screen sizes. A monitor with a larger screen sizes have significantly more expensive.
If you chose the IPS, there will have to save on size. IPS with wide screen are expensive. But you can pick up a small version for adequate money. These monitors, even the cheapest models are supplied with connectors for connecting to a computer via HDMI. It is plus because the quality of the image in this case will increase significantly.
Another inexpensive option - TN + Film with LED backlight. Today it is the most common solutions. They are used everywhere. Due to the cheapness of production of such a device, you can count on a low cost. this is what is necessary for most users. Since IPS monitors, after all, largely designed for professionals.
When choosing a low-cost device should not forget about the interfaces connected. The most common today - DVI. However, not harmful and have a fallback connection to a computer. Let the device be much more expensive, but better to be safe.
If one end of the refuse, to "catch" a spare connector. It is recommended to buy a device with HDMI and USB connections. Via HDMI - quality pictures turn out better, and the USB connector - enables you to watch videos without using a computer.
Thus, an inexpensive monitor has the following characteristics. Screen size 24-27 inches, TN + Film matrix or TFT with LED backlight, HDMI connector and a resolution of Full HD.
About screen resolution: on the market there are many models with 4K resolution. In the framework of the "low-cost monitor," they do not fit, because the screens with this resolution are quite a few. Therefore, only Full HD.
TV monitors

Relatively recently, the lineup of computer accessories added variants of devices with built-in TV tuner. The so-called TV monitors that combine the functions of a computer screen and TV.
This is useful, but there is a question about the screen diagonal. The fact that the device with a diagonal of 21-23 inches can hardly be used as a substitute for television. A model with a diagonal of more inconvenient to use a computer. Such a vicious circle. But someone it will not be confused.
TV monitors are made by TFT technology. There is nothing surprising, since this is cheap and simple technology. Soup equipped with connections for external devices: HDMI, USB, SCART, SPIDF and output to connect an antenna.
In essence they - TVs with a VGA port for connecting to a computer. The computer can be connected to a device using the HDMI connector. USB connector into the device, to play the video recorded on a USB storage device. SCART connector is used to connect the old DVD or Blue-Ray player. The similarity with the TV increases that included a TV monitor is a remote control.
Such an apparatus is provided with good dynamics. This is understandable - the TV must have its own sound system. From the usual computer device in this product have only one name and response time.
The acquisition of such a device is justified in terms of practicality. If you buy a TV monitor with wide screen, there is no sense to spend money on television. While the image quality will differ. However, most users will not notice the difference.
Monitors 144 Hz

For people who are addicted to computer games, no small importance is the refresh rate. For the most part, the frequency depends on the diagonal of the screen.
If the small displays, notebooks enough frequency to 60 Hz, the seventeen-inch monitors supposed to have the screen refresh rate no less than 100 Hz. Recently, manufacturers have been able to make TN matrix updated with a frequency of 144 Hz. Accordingly, the declined RTT matrix.
Soup with a refresh rate of 144 hertz is usually positioned as a game. This is not surprising, since the main smooth games. And without the inclusion of a vertical sync in games, in conventional device, it is very difficult to achieve smoothness.
When the refresh rate of 144 Hz, you can avoid many of the artifacts. the image quality of such devices is much higher than their stogertsovyh "colleagues".
Device with such frequency will be useful not only for gamers. Those who are engaged in professional or amateur video editing will also be able to evaluate the full potential of such a device. In other cases, its use is not justified.
The cost of these devices is higher than usual. However, you can choose the device in the TN matrix, which is not so expensive. Furthermore, such devices are typically equipped with HDMI connectors in order to reduce artifacts when transferring images from the video card.
For the average user, of course, it does not matter how many hertz in device. Conventional computers have enough user in the standard range of 85-100 Hz. Those who are very fond of all sorts of action games, it makes sense to think about buying OLED. Even TN with the frequency 144 Hz is not any comparison with the OLED.
Moniory with DVI output

At its core is a DVI output, allowing you to transfer images directly to the computer's graphics card to the monitor by means of digital technologies. Now almost all devices are supplied with DVI connectors.
The point is that obsolete connector VGA, still used by the manufacturer, can not provide adequate image quality. Because it uses an analog image transmission technology. This is why most manufacturers supplying their monitors with two connectors - DVI and VGA.
What is the advantage to connect using the DVI? Depending on the type of DVI connectors (D or I) can define certain characteristics of connection. The most common type is a DVI-D. It implies a possibility of only a digital connection. No adapter is impossible to get it to pass the analog signal.
Type DVI-I is less common, but more loyal to analog images. With a simple passive adapter, you can connect an analog device to this connector. Although what to do so - is not clear.
The fact is that the undoubted advantage DVI connection is a high picture quality, which is very difficult to achieve when using analog connections.
There is another slightly modified type of DVI. However, it is only used by Apple in its line of Cinema Displays. He called ADC. However, it is so exotic that meet him in real life almost impossible.
There is yet another type of DVI-A. But it is mainly used only in adapters DVI-VGA. And then as a fork. Other types of DVI are so rare that they do not consider any sense.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that DVI is so popular. It provides a remarkable quality of the output image. That is why it is used almost everywhere.
Despite the positive aspects of DVI and digital data, many users habitually use VGA. Probably for them so clear and familiar. But soon the manufacturers finally abandon the outdated terminals. And in five years will disappear and DVI. Already gaining strength HDMI. It is likely that they will replace the outdated DVI.
Monitors with HDMI

An HDMI connector on the device display visual information - a big plus. When connected to a computer via HDMI you can achieve high image quality.
HDMI technology supports 4K resolution and the ability to transmit 32 channels of audio. If you connect a monitor via HDMI, image quality will be better. Furthermore, HDMI cables usually equipped with protection from interference, i.e. problems with signal transmission will not.
Now manufacturers are provided with HDMI connectors, even the cheapest model. In this sense is not a lot, as a cheap device will not be able to unleash the full potential of the HDMI technology. Buy a monitor can be connected via HDMI is not a problem. All manufacturers has an impressive range of models that support this technology.
It is safe to say that it is possible to select a monitor "for themselves" and at the same time spend a small amount of money. Excellent proven devices with a matrix based on TN and LED backlight technology. For professionals, the best solution would be to model IPS or OLED matrix.
Almost all modern Soup equipped with a full set of connectors for connecting to a computer with all means available. As for the TV, they have a full set of connectors, and even the remote control.
In general, the market has a huge number of various kinds. From cheapest to most expensive. Which one to choose depends on the buyer. Manufacturers have tried to meet the most unusual requests. And they succeeded.