πŸ‘· Timber houses: one-storey buildings and their distinctive features

Despite the abundance of building materials, single-storey house from a bar in steady demand. Good machinability and presentable appearance of the wood allows to erect buildings of any size and configuration. Offer to get acquainted with interesting projects, assess the merits of this property and learn the basic stages of construction.

Lumber house - an ideal solution for those who want to build comfortable housing
Lumber house - an ideal solution for those who want to build comfortable housing

Read article

  • 1 Single-storey house from a bar: the advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Projects of single-storey houses of timber of various species
    • 2.1 Projects of single-storey houses made of unshaped timber
    • 2.2 Examples of typical projects of single-storey houses made of profiled beam
    • 2.3 Interesting projects are one-storey houses of laminated veneer lumber, and their distinctive features
    • 2.4 Finished projects of one-storey houses made of Finnish timber
  • 3 Projects of one-storey wooden houses of timber, depending on the building size
    • 3.1 Single-storey house from a bar 6 by 6 meters: the organization of the interior space
    • 3.2 Disposition of the single-storey houses of timber 8 by 8 meters
    • 3.3 Single-storey house from a bar 9 by 9 meters: current projects
  • 4 Recommendations on the choice of material for the construction of the house
  • 5 Technological features of the construction of timber houses
    • 5.1 Features of the construction of one-storey houses made of glued beam
    • 5.2 Construction of single-storey houses made of profiled beam
    • 5.3 Finnish construction houses of timber
  • 6 The procedure for construction of houses of timber
    • 6.1 Laying the foundation
    • 6.2 Production of the floor and the crown
    • 6.3 installation of walls
    • 6.4 Installing ceilings and roofs
    • 6.5 Finishing work
  • 7 How are one-storey houses from a bar under the key: price review

Single-storey house from a bar: the advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of single-story lumber houses is their indisputable advantages:

  • construction within a limited timeframe. A team of three people able to build a box for two - three weeks;
  • ease of construction, make possible the implementation of its own;
  • availability. Even built a turnkey one-story house of timber cost is relatively inexpensive due to the low cost of the material;
  • the possibility of failure of interior decoration, which requires serious financial investments. The wall of the shaped elements has an attractive appearance;
  • good heat and sound insulation characteristics provided by the high performance wood. When choosing a sufficient thickness of material can be dispensed from performing Thermal insulation work;
  • light weight;
  • environmental friendliness.
The configuration and structure of a single-storey area may differ substantially
The configuration and structure of a single-storey area may differ substantially
Interior finishing becomes unnecessary
Interior finishing becomes unnecessary

The disadvantage is the tendency to catch fire, aging and rotting wood. Resolve these disadvantages can be by treatment with special compounds.

Processing of special structures to increase the service life of a wooden house
Processing of special structures to increase the service life of a wooden house

Projects of single-storey houses of timber of various species

Manufacturers not only offer a one-piece material, but produced by other technologies. Offer see designs of single-storey houses made of beams, which can be constructed turnkey by contacting a specialist company and studying the catalog.

Typical project: an affordable solution that deserves attention
Typical project: an affordable solution that deserves attention

Projects of single-storey houses made of unshaped timber

Check unprofiled material may be characteristic of tetrahedral form. This configuration makes certain requirements to design projects and subsequent construction. Observing the general requirements, we can build a country house or cottage desired area with minimal financial investment. Offer see designs of single-storey houses made of beams, developed relevant organizations, so you can choose a beautiful home for himself.

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Examples of typical projects of single-storey houses made of profiled beam

Configuration shaped timber eliminates the sealing of joints in the construction of single-storey houses. Also, the development of the project takes into account the fact that the low humidity level material significantly reduces the time to enter the house in operation. Eliminating the need for waiting for the shrinkage of the structure.

We offer to meet with the standard designs and appearance of finished houses, which can be used in the development of its own:

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Interesting projects are one-storey houses of laminated veneer lumber, and their distinctive features

Quite often, for the manufacture of single-storey buildings used glulamHaving high performance. It makes it possible to develop a project of any complexity. Most often, preference is given to the buildings of the classical form. However, if you prefer, you can always add modern elements and original features, such as terrace.

The configuration of the house may be different from the classical
The configuration of the house may be different from the classical

Manufacturers offer laminated products with different cross-sectional shapes and different sizes. For their manufacturing slats softwood glued together by a special technology. As a result of completed houses have smooth and beautiful walls that do not require further treatment. The material is not prone to cracks when changing temperature and humidity conditions. However, its cost is higher, but because the cost of construction is increasing steadily. This narrows down the field of application.

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Finished projects of one-storey houses made of Finnish timber

Square one-story home of the Finnish timber usually does not exceed 250 square meters. When developing a project must take into account the fact that the building will be used for the material, the width of which at least 22 cm. In addition, the Finnish houses traditionally most of the area is occupied kitchen and living room. All rooms include huge windows.

Attention! To erect Finnish houses used advantageously laminated type.

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Projects of one-storey wooden houses of timber, depending on the building size

The area of ​​the rooms and their location depends on the structure of the quadrature. In developing the project single-storey wooden house from a bar, be sure to take into account the number of family members and family traditions. We offer to get acquainted with interesting options.

Area of ​​the house with one floor - an important criterion in the zoning of the internal space
Area of ​​the house with one floor - an important criterion in the zoning of the internal space

Single-storey house from a bar 6 by 6 meters: the organization of the interior space

Despite its small size, one-story house from a bar measuring 6 by 6 meters in steady demand. Most of these projects are bought in the construction of a country house. However, it is also suitable for a small family residence.

We offer to meet with management options available interior layout:

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Disposition of the single-storey houses of timber 8 by 8 meters

The increase in area allows to provide more room. Instead of one bedroom or bedrooms, bathroom with a living room, in single-storey houses from timber 8 by 8 meters provides at least two bedrooms.

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Single-storey house from a bar 9 by 9 meters: current projects

when designing Project one-story house from the beam 9 by 9 meters provides not only accommodation, but also technical. This area is sufficient to accommodate the boiler. kitchen area can be significantly increased. If you do not know how to arrange the room, look at topical solution:

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barπŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

Recommendations on the choice of material for the construction of the house

Ordering the construction of a village house from a bar under the key should be properly choose material. From this depends not only on the performance characteristics of the structure, but also its service life. Particularly noteworthy are the strength and density of the wood, depending on the wood species.

The choice of wood is able to have a significant impact on the cost of construction
The choice of wood is able to have a significant impact on the cost of construction

Most often, preference is given to conifers. Pine is not only able to serve a long time, maintaining an external negative impact, but also cost quite cheap. From eating should be abandoned. Such wood is difficult to handle. In addition, it has a shorter life.

Opt for cedar or larch is extremely rare. If higher performance, this wood has a higher cost. Not everyone can afford to buy a one-storey house from a bar of this type.

Attention! Preferring glued mind, there is no fear of occurrence of cracks or changes in the geometry of the walls during subsequent operation.

Laminated veneer lumber different geometric precision
Laminated veneer lumber different geometric precision

Technological features of the construction of timber houses

Type of timber used has a significant impact on the technology of construction work. We offer to get acquainted with the nuances, which help to avoid typical mistakes.

Type of material used has an impact on the construction technology
Type of material used has an impact on the construction technology

Features of the construction of one-storey houses made of glued beam

Manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber is to use the dry slats. As a result, the finished material humidity does not exceed 15%, and the outer layer is coated with special protective impregnation.

The absence of shrinkage adds features of the construction of one-storey houses made of glued laminated timber. Installation of the roof can be started immediately after the installation log, finish - in a few weeks. This time is sufficient to shrink the bowls, and the geometric parameters of the timber will remain constant.

Compound boards operate butt-half, and other methods. The first method is the easiest. Resort to it in the construction of cottages, so it is the most economical option. When assembling care should be taken to "cold" castle, requiring additional warming. With it, you can prevent cold air coming into the house.

Attention! Similarly constructed storey of the bath timber.

The method may differ notching
The method may differ notching

Construction of single-storey houses made of profiled beam

Manufacturers offer a corrugated board with different levels of humidity. It is possible to select a material with a natural moisture content and, after drying chamber. Last is more expensive, but it allows you to complete the construction work much earlier.

The dried material was subjected to profile milling. Compound by tenon-groove ensures a snug fit of adjacent elements. As a result, you can eliminate the use of thermal insulation materialIf the transverse dimensions of timber - 20 cm and more. In other cases, it is not necessary to abandon the warmth.

Attention! Profile Form may differ.

Typically, manufacturers offer profiled beam size. This eliminates the additional works in the construction site. Owner only assembles the box. This significantly reduces construction time.

The presence of the profile provides a snug fit beams
The presence of the profile provides a snug fit beams

Finnish construction houses of timber

During the construction of houses using Finnish technology of double walls consisting of two layers of small thickness of the timber. Formed between layers of a layer thickness of 10 - 15 cm was filled with thermally insulating material. Most often, preference is given to mineral or ecowool.

construction technology frame houses allows the use of glued and profiled timber. Preference is given to well-dried material as a narrow beam dries badly as part of the framework. The shrinkage of the structure is typically less than 3%. As a result, the window and door system can be installed immediately after construction.

Dual beam - a guarantee of a comfortable stay
Dual beam - a guarantee of a comfortable stay

The procedure for construction of houses of timber

If you have decided on their own to build a one-storey house of laminated veneer lumber, rather than order it turnkey, stick to a particular sequence of actions. We offer you to get acquainted with the main stages of construction, so you can become the owner of a durable and warm shelter.

Construction work should be performed in a certain sequence
Construction work should be performed in a certain sequence

Laying the foundation

base type is selected based on characteristics of the soil on the site and the design features of the building itself. The most common and versatile embodiment is melkozaglublenny strip foundation. However, for areas with soft soil this is not an option. In this case it is necessary to lay with raft foundation. Works are carried out in the following sequence:

  • performed marking territory;
  • around the perimeter of the house and in the load-bearing structures excavated trench locations. It should be located below the soil freezing;
  • established formwork;
  • formed of sand and gravel airbag;
  • poured concrete.
With raft foundation will hold one-storey house, even on soft ground
With raft foundation will hold one-storey house, even on soft ground

for installation pile foundation must be available specialized equipment. The tubes used as supports with sufficient transverse dimensions.

Pile foundation - the best option for any soil
Pile foundation - the best option for any soil

Production of the floor and the crown

After the foundation is laid the accountant apparatus crown. With it will be provided by the connection log and foundation of the house. Sequence of operations depends on the kind of a base.

On strip foundations first laid waterproofing material and heaterAnd on it - a thick bar. at the corners by joining elements bonded "in the half-tree" and the fixed pegs. For fixing timber to the base using metal anchors. To the beam inside secure the metal brackets designed for laying lag.

Before packing timber base veiled waterproofing and insulating material
Before packing timber base veiled waterproofing and insulating material

If the foundation pile, work as follows:

IllustrationDescription of the action
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barA crown is placed on the end cap of the pile. This area allows you to securely lock the cell and prevents its movement during operation.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barCompound crown elements operate "in a half-tree." On the insulation material is placed next row.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barFor laying the lag grooves are provided. After installation you can start assembling the walls.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barLaid logs, clogging them into prepared grooves. Top to fasten joists floor boards.

installation of walls

After mounting the rims erecting walls. The work is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barLaid the initial beam, stykuya him with the crown of the plane of the groove. The second row is mounted in the lock, ensuring a tight connection.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barFixed beam dowels, made from the same wood as the material itself. Nageli drive should be very careful to avoid distorting elements.

Installing ceilings and roofs

Mounting roof is made as follows:

IllustrationDescription of the action
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barOn the walls are stacked ready overlap. As a rule, for the manufacture of ceiling beams material is used with suitable transverse dimensions. Mounted on top of the rough ceiling floor. It is attached to the ceiling joists.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barAssembled truss system. Fasten lath elements.
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a barMounted roofing material. Be sure to follow measures to improve roof insulating characteristics.

Finishing work

Interior finishing is performed exclusively on their own. Offer see photos, to find the idea for the subsequent implementation:

πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar
πŸ‘· Warm, affordable and comfortable housing: building a one-storey house from a bar

How are one-storey houses from a bar under the key: price review

If you decide to order a turnkey one-storey house from a bar, the price will depend on the material, surface and design features. Typical housing will cost much cheaper built on an individual project.

Mean rates for the same area as follows:

Characteristics used timberstructural characteristics
structure size, mThe average price (as of November 2018) rubles.
Glued 150 to 150 mm6 of 6340 000
6 7.5351 000
7.5 8395 000
9 of 9687 000
Glued 150 to 200 mm6 of 6425 000
6 7.5432 000
7.5 8495 000
9 of 9840 000
Profiled 145 to 145 mm6 of 6370 000
6 7.5380 000
7.5 8425 000
9 of 9780 000
Profiled 145 by 195 mm6 of 6450 000
6 7.5478 000
7.5 8560 000
9 of 9942 000

Share in the comments, which project a single-storey house from a bar you like, as well as in your area is available for the price of such buildings.