In recent years, one-bedroom apartments are in high demand among different categories of people: students, young couples and the elderly. This is due to the practicality, functionality and affordable price of this type of residential property. However, many believe that it is practically impossible to arrange "odnushku" so that it comfortably lived at least two people, not to mention a couple with a child. In this review, the experts online magazine HouseChief tell you how to make your small house functional and comfortable using various options planning studio.

Read article
- 1 General recommendations for the planning of small-sized housing
- 2 types of planning
- 2.1 Typical
- 2.1.1 Corner apartment
- 2.1.2 rectangular configuration
- 2.1.3 Construction of square-shaped apartment
- 2.2 Custom layout "odnushki"
- 2.3 Studio apartment
- 2.1 Typical
- 3 The methods of zoning in a studio apartment
- 3.1 Allocation of functional zones with the help of multi-level solutions
- 3.2 color distinction
- 3.3 Partitions and sliding design
- 3.4 Screens and curtains as a means of zoning
- 3.5 Cabinets and shelving design
- 3.6 Using lighting to zoning apartment
- 4 Optimizing space studio
- 4.1 bachelor apartment
- 4.2 Accommodation couples
- 4.3 Arrangement "odnushki" for couples with children
- 4.4 Photo Interior bedroom apartments with interesting options planning
General recommendations for the planning of small-sized housing
To equip a studio apartment so that it was functional and comfortable for stay - quite a complicated task that often requires the involvement of a professional designer interiors. As a rule, "odnushka" is an apartment with a small area of ββa single room, a kitchen and combined bathroom. However, even small-sized housing can be comfortable, functional and visually appealing.
On the comfort of living affects not only the total size of the apartment, but also a competent planning, well-chosen color scheme and a moderate amount of decorative elements. Below we look at some effective ways of arrangement compact spaces and nuances of interior design, which will help better organize the space of your home.
Correctly done layout studio area of ββ25 mΒ² or 40 allows:
- visually enlarge the space;
- ergonomically assemble pieces of furniture;
- more efficient use of the already small floor space.
How to make pereobustroystvo studio - a personal choice of each individual. You can dramatically reschedule their housing, or do a little "blood", changing the interior design. Since the small-sized apartment basically become students or married couples without children, most often owners of such property prefer open studio layout. However, choosing this option, you should be prepared for the fact that the most isolated room of the apartment is a bathroom. Therefore, undertaking redevelopment, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of each option.

types of planning
There are several basic types of planning one-bedroom apartments: types (angular, Square, rectangular), and free non-standard (studio). That plan largely determines how to arrange your accommodation. Guide color scheme to be used, the materials, methods of separation space into functional zones, the amount of furniture and appliances.

Earlier projects of apartment houses assigned a number and series. It was a building with the same (standard) plan apartments. Houses certain series were built across the country. In different cities could see a completely identical buildings. A clear example is "Khrushchev", "Stalinka" and "Gym shoes". However, even in the same types of structure and planning area of ββone-bedroom apartments could vary depending on the location and configuration of the room.


Corner apartment
Corner means more windows than in an apartment located in the middle of the building. It is an indisputable advantage can be conveniently used in the zoning compact housing. With an abundance of natural light, the room will seem visually more spacious. The space at one of the window units can take a seat. A kitchen to combine a guest zone. The sleeping area is recommended as much as possible to isolate from the rest of the space. If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, it is possible to equip the bedroom there previously conducted work on the glazing and insulation.


rectangular configuration
Furnished our flat rectangular configuration, it is recommended to use visual adjustment of living space. Typically, the area of ββ"odnushki" small, but the lack of projections and partitions makes it possible to maximize the use of the method of breaking down the room into different functional areas. A place to rest settling in the window opening, the workplace is fenced off by means of a rack or a bookcase, a separate kitchen from the living room you can use the bar.


Construction of square-shaped apartment
Flats with a square configuration typically small sizes with an average area of ββabout 30 mΒ². However, even such a limited space, you can arrange with the comfort, if you use the furniture-transformer and intelligently grouping furnishings. The working area is arranged at the window, and if the apartment has high ceilings, it is possible to apply multi-level solutions.


Custom layout "odnushki"
Modern apartment buildings abound in apartments with non-standard layout. This creates certain difficulties in the arrangement of rooms and so it is best to seek help from a professional interior designers. In terms of flats may be beveled, with rounded corners or semicircular or trapezoidal protrusion shape. The regeneration can be used non-standard furniture and decoration materials and original textures.


Studio apartment
Recently, more and more popularity gains studio layout no matter how many rooms in the apartment. A distinctive feature of the studios - the almost complete absence of interior partitions. The most in demand in the regeneration of this option "odnushek". Thanks to this solution, increases the space, illumination and functionality. Mainly combined with kitchen, living room and hallway, a bathroom is completely isolated, and the bed is separated from the other zones by means partitions, Screens or textiles. Studio layout perfectly suitable for students, seniors and couples without children.


The methods of zoning in a studio apartment
In apartments with free planning and studios to highlight the kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway and workplace interior designers use zoning method. Functional zones can emphasize the color, the texture of finishing materials, furniture, textiles, screens, partitions or using multilevel catwalks and ceilings. Consider the basic techniques of zoning of space in a studio apartment.

Allocation of functional zones with the help of multi-level solutions
The most popular way of zoning in the modern small apartments - the use of podiums and multi-level ceilings. However, this option is more suitable for housing with high ceilings. Podium - the perfect solution for the allocation of areas such as bedroom, dining room or workplace. In addition to space division, this design can be used as a storage system, having equipped therein comfortable and spacious drawers. Also in the podium often inserted transforming sleeper.

Another interesting solution is the zoning of the space with the help of multi-level ceilings. The construction for isolating the functional zones can be used independently or together with a podium, exactly repeating its shape.

In the presence of high ceilings can resort to the arrangement of the second level, on which a sleeping area or workplace. It's pretty original and practical solution that allows you to free up space for other purposes.

color distinction
At arrangement of space, especially with a small area, interior designers often spend zoning by means of color. It's pretty original, beautiful and allows you to visually make the apartment more spacious by eliminating partitions, screens or curtains. Color differentiation may be performed on the contrast or due to the smooth transition of one tone to another.

Partitions and sliding design
Zoning studio using partitions or sliding doors is quite a practical option. If the room is only one window, it is recommended to install the design of robust red-hot glass or plastic. Partitions may be stationary or mobile. The first option is mainly used to separate the bedroom area, especially if a family has a child, or differentiation kitchen and living room. The structure may be of any shape, height of 1 meter and to ceiling execute from various materials (gypsum board, chipboard, plastic, glass or glass bricks, wood and others.). Often in fixed plasterboard partitions arranged niche shelves that enhances the functionality of such a delimiter zones, as well as additional local coverage. The only drawback of such designs is that they can not be folded or moved if necessary.

If for some reason you are not suitable stationary partitions, it can be used for zoning sliding design. This is a good option for the apartments with a small area. Sliding partitions do not overload the space. They can be used at any time to make the room more spacious and quickly to protect a certain area, such as a bedroom. Partitions may be solid, translucent or combined with glass inserts.

Screens and curtains as a means of zoning
If you do not have the ability or desire to install fixed or sliding design, and zoned premises still need the interior designers recommend the use for these purposes screen. They are made of different materials and can have a rigid frame or be foldable. Modern furniture manufacturers offer a wide range of screens of different designs in all styles and colors, which will enter them in a particular interior. The advantages of the design should include the fact that it can easily be removed or put in any part of the room, separating the bedroom area, workplace, kitchen, etc ..

Almost forgotten method of zoning - the use of curtains. Applying textiles for the isolation of functional areas, we must remember that the main thing is properly selected design curtains, so they did not look ridiculous in the interior. This option zoning increasingly prefer the older generation. Blinds are easy to install, they can be used to separate certain zone, except the kitchen.

Cabinets and shelving design
Generally arrange furniture along the walls, but it can be used quite differently. Cabinets and shelves - the perfect solution for the space of a studio apartment zoning. Wardrobe can separate workstation or sleeping area from the living room, and a rear wall structure unpresentable decorate any means. In addition, this furniture, in addition to zoning, is used to store books, clothes and other things.



Using lighting to zoning apartment
Not less popular version of the zoning by a well-chosen lighting. This method, as in the case with the use of different colors, does not overload the space, making it easier and more visually spacious. Above the dining area placed one large or several small lamps with adjustable string length in the living room can be establish a central chandelier and floor lamp in the workplace - a table lamp, and in the bedroom - a small lamp on the bedside table or on the wall.

Optimizing space studio
A major shortcoming of one-bedroom apartments is their small area and so the owners of small-sized housing are trying to use as efficiently as possible. Interior designers have developed a large number of variants of arrangement of small "odnushek", where decorative elements are utilitarian, and the furniture is presented in the required minimum. You also need to consider the number of people in a small apartment.

bachelor apartment
People. not burdened with family and children, as a rule do not need a lot of things. Most appreciated plenty of space and comfort. That is why bachelors chosen studio layout, which have to be:
- a spacious kitchen with dining area;
- spacious walk-in closet;
- cozy guest and sleeping areas.
WC should be completely isolated from the rest of the space. Sleeping area can be allocated transparent sliding door or a partition of glass blocks with decorative illumination. In the living room you can arrange a small sofa, a coffee or a coffee table, TV, video and audio equipment, shelves or racks for books. Kitchen separated from the guest bed zone, a low wall, an aquarium, or a bar.
When you create the interior stylistic preference is given to areas such as: minimalism, loft or high-tech. Furnished one-bedroom apartment for a bachelor is to choose a practical and multi-functional transforming furniture.

Accommodation couples
In the apartment of a young married couple focuses on the arrangement of the sleeping area. Just be a functional kitchen, a cozy living room and a roomy storage system. As each family member has their own needs, in the regeneration of one-bedroom apartment is a need to take into account. living situation may be the same as that of a bachelor, but it is desirable to add a roomy chest of drawers in the bedroom is arranged a ladies' area with a dressing table and pouf. By the way everything for the bedroom, you can use the area of ββa balcony or loggia, pre-glazed and insulated. The apartment young couples have more decorative items and textiles, which make the home more comfortable and cozy.

Arrangement "odnushki" for couples with children
Construction of small-sized housing for couples with children is quite a difficult task, because you need to consider many factors. The property is to be divided into 3 zones: adult, child, and shared. The environment should meet the needs of all members of the family: the child must be a full-fledged place to study and sleep, and adult bedroom as much as possible is recommended to isolate.
Since the one-bedroom apartments are not very square, the whole free space should be used to the maximum. In the kitchen window sill can be used as an additional working surface, a small dining table or to make the bar therefrom. Children's area or the parents' bedroom is recommended to place on the podium which sets roomy drawers or transforming sleeper.

Photo Interior bedroom apartments with interesting options planning
Make a one-room apartment functional, comfortable and convenient to stay not a simple task. Best of all everything for the small-sized housing engage a professional interior designer. However, specialist services not everyone can afford, and therefore we offer to get acquainted with some interesting options of planning one-bedroom apartments. We hope that they will help in the regeneration of your home.
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In conclusion, we offer watch a video about creating an ideal redevelopment studio.