The stash, of course, the stash of strife, and if we are talking about several million, then you cannot hide it under the rug. On that, some of the defendants in criminal cases, who kept the stolen money in their nightstands, got burned. And if you have honestly earned money, then, as Georges Miloslavsky said, they should be kept in a savings bank. But this is already savings, and we need to figure out where to hide the stash - from the wife, husband, meticulous mother-in-law and other curious applicants for your hard-earned money.
First - about where to hide it is not worth it
There are places that burn out first. For example - under the mattress. It's not even just a classic, it's a topic for anecdotes. Under the mattress you will certainly look both mother-in-law, and even a thief-porter.
All sorts of drawers in closets are hopeless places. Do you wonder how it is scammers who powder the brains of the elderly, manage to rob their house in five minutes and find money?

Another person involved in anecdotes is the toilet cistern. Here they find everything: the coveted half a liter, and bags of grass, and money in a waterproof case.

And finally, backdrops for paintings and niches in the floor. Ingenious, of course, but also too predictable. No matter what movie you watch, all the heroes begin searches from these very places.
Where they won't look, and if they do, they won't find
So, now about the ideas that will allow you to safely hide the bills in the apartment.

You can also hide money in technology. This can be the drive of a laptop or desktop computer. Now these devices are used extremely rarely, they were replaced with flash drives, but for a stash - just right.

And a few more interesting ideas - in the video:
The most important thing is not to forget where they hid. Which idea did you like the most? And which one seemed unreliable? Let's discuss in the comments!
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