🔩 Chemical anchors: the operating principle and practice of using

Even people far from the building, know what mechanical anchor. Without it, a reliable fastening parts of any building structure is impossible. But the concept of "chemical anchor" is familiar not all. What it is, how to use and choose the right - in this material from HouseChief.ru.

Liquid anchor - secure and durable mounting in structures
Liquid anchor - secure and durable mounting in structures

Read article

  • 1 Chemical anchor: what is it and why is it so called?
  • 2 The application of chemical anchors
  • 3 The composition and the types of liquid anchors
  • 4 Optimists vs. Skeptics: the pros and cons of liquid plugs
  • 5 How to use chemical anchors
  • 6 Manufacturers and characteristics of chemical anchors
    • 6.1 Chemical anchor "Titan" and its properties
    • 6.2 Sormat - Finnish quality
    • 6.3 The low-temperature mixture under trademark BIT
    • 6.4 A series of liquid plugs "Moment"
    • 6.5 Injection anchors Hilti
  • 7 How to choose and buy a chemical anchor for aerated concrete, concrete and bricks: video instructions
  • 8 Calculation of the flow of liquid plugs: online calculators
    • 8.1 Calculator chemical anchor an expense account in a cylindrical borehole
    • 8.2 Calculator chemical anchor an expense when calculating the conical borehole
  • 9 How much is a chemical anchor

Chemical anchor: what is it and why is it so called?

We start from the master: chemical anchor - a special adhesive blend which connects the fastening element and the steel base, in which it is installed. Europeans call the system in different ways: a liquid anchor, injection fittings, chemical anchor. For us it is more familiar as a chemical anchor.

The principle of operation of this type of fastener is elementary: in the surface on which you want to make a mount, made a hole is filled with adhesive and inserted metal fasteners. After the adhesive composition hardens and securely holding the metal in the recess.

The result is a monolithic compound which is able to withstand multi-ton load
The result is a monolithic compound which is able to withstand multi-ton load

Note! Liquid anchor can withstand 2.5 times greater tensile load than a conventional spacer.

The application of chemical anchors

Pastes dowel is very convenient, if it is necessary to fix a metal fastener in a loose or a cellular basis - for example, in the hollow brick or aerated concrete. Chemical anchor brick to penetrate into the cells and pores and, after the polymerization firmly fixed bolt at the bottom.

Andrew Feofanov


Andrew Feofanov

recruitment specialist tool "VseInstrumenty.ru"

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"Liquid plug is not expanded during the polymerization, and therefore - not disjoining base and may be used in designs with small cross section."

Where are today professionally applied injection anchors:

  • the regeneration of road constructions - barriers, sound barriers and lighting columns;
  • for the installation of ventilated facades on the walls of porous concrete;
  • for mounting massive structures - columns, visors, molded parts;
  • in the construction of billboards, banners, and banners;
  • in the reconstruction of mines of elevators and escalators;
  • with scaffolding, shelving and distillation columns;
Liquid anchors used for fixing the bearing parts of the frame to the foundation prefabricated buildings
Liquid anchors used for fixing the bearing parts of the frame to the foundation prefabricated buildings
  • in the restoration of historical monuments;
  • to strengthen foundation and compound it with detached blocks;
  • in the construction of the port in the repair of wharves and locks;
  • in the construction of water facilities: water parks, pools and fountains;
  • for the installation of ski lifts and cable cars;
  • in the construction of transmission lines and transformer boxes.
As you can see, the application of liquid plugs is very extensive, and the use of such important sites only confirms the quality and reliability of fastening
As you can see, the application of liquid plugs is very extensive, and the use of such important sites only confirms the quality and reliability of fastening

The composition and the types of liquid anchors

Liquid dowel - two component material which is mixed directly before use. It is sold in two forms:

  • chemical anchors in ampoules, calculated on a predetermined diameter and depth of the hole;
  • in tubes and cartridges with two high volume capacity - adhesive and hardener.
Chemical anchors MKT used for mounting not only in the concrete, but also in natural stone
Chemical anchors MKT used for mounting not only in the concrete, but also in natural stone

If the question is about fixing a small number of parts, it is more convenient to buy capsules. For large-scale works better to get the tube to be able to immediately fill a large number of holes.

Optimists vs. Skeptics: the pros and cons of liquid plugs

In injection anchors have obvious advantages, which make them very popular:

  • they can be used in virtually any construction work;
  • Fastener holes are sealed after use;
  • installation does not require any special tools or skills, which is very beneficial;
  • dowel material is not subject to corrosion, and chemically atmosferoustoychiv;
  • chemical anchors GOST can be installed even under water;
  • term securing of service - at least half a century;
  • thermal expansion of the composition in the same framework as the very basis that excludes internal stress.
Using this type of fastening does not carry the risk of tensile stresses in the concrete base
Using this type of fastening does not carry the risk of tensile stresses in the concrete base

What arguments led skeptics in relation to this type of plug:

  • the price of chemical anchors brick rather high;
  • Open the packaging is stored at all;
  • closed package is not stored more than a year;
  • at lower temperatures the composition hardens long - up to 6 hours, and in frosty weather does not harden at all.
Knowing the weaknesses of this material, you just need to use it at work in the cold season and to use the whole package at once, leaving no part of it for later
Knowing the weaknesses of this material, you just need to use it at work in the cold season and to use the whole package at once, leaving no part of it for later

How to use chemical anchors

A vial of liquid dowel to be inserted into the prepared hole and crush the core. When this adhesive components are mixed and the composition solidifies.

If the adhesive is in the injection tubes, it is extruded into the recess together with a hardener in proportions specified on the packaging.

Before installing the injection anchor hole should be clean from dust with a brush or using an air compressor.

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view
Remember, the hole diameter should match the size of the studs and bolts that you plan to install

The chemical is pumped into the dowel hole by using a special dispenser.

solidification velocity of the mixture depends on its composition and temperature. While the process of hardening are talking, you can adjust the position of the stud or reinforcement.

How to use chemical anchors - in this small video material:

Manufacturers and characteristics of chemical anchors

Injection anchors are offered by many manufacturers. The highest quality formulations - European companies. Let's look at some examples of compositions are widely popular with our builders.

Chemical anchor "Titan" and its properties

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view

This universal composition based on polyester resins. "Titan" can be used for the installation of heavy structures for the repairs and restoration work. Chemical anchor "Titan" resistant to temperature rise to 80 ° C, solidifies at room temperature for half an hour and at -5 ° C - for one and half hours.

Chemical anchor "Titan"

Sormat - Finnish quality

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view

The composition of this manufacturer for mounting secondary elements of gravity in a cellular concrete and hollow brick. Chemical anchor Sormat sold in containers with a disposable nozzle. Its composition is based on a two-component polyester resin.

Chemical anchor Sormat

The low-temperature mixture under trademark BIT

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view

Chemical anchor "BIT" - mix for reliable fastening construction parts even at low temperatures. These anchors can be placed even in cold weather - at -18ºC. The dowel rests on liquid epoxy acrylate resin is a high molecular weight structure. In chemical anchor BIT-EA in the tube 400 ml of low viscosity that makes it easy to extrude from the tube and the composition is uniformly filled into the bolt holes.

Such anchors have a specific odor, so that it is possible to work with them in the accommodation.

The low-temperature mixture of BIT

A series of liquid plugs "Moment"

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view

Synthetic anchors under the brand "Moment" can be used for the installation of heavy structures on the hollow brick and porous concrete. Chemical anchor "Moment" is popular due to fast curing and high strength. The mixture no styrene, and hence during operation will not be toxic emissions and pungent smell.

These injection anchors can be used for mounting the gate, railing and satellite dishes. The temperature for the composition - between + 20 ° C.

Liquid plug Moment

Injection anchors Hilti

🔩 Chemical anchor as an alternative way of mounting: a view from a practical point of view

epoxy glue "Hilti" can be operated at temperatures ranging from -40 ° C to + 70 ° C. These anchors are suitable for use in areas of seismic activity and can be installed underwater. The range of chemical anchors "Hilty" is presented in the company's catalog. The composition is polymerized at a temperature of up to -5 ° C. It is used to assemble metal structures of any complexity, as well as the need for electrical insulation parts.

Chemical anchor Hilti HIT-RE 500. Price tubes - about 2350 rubles
Chemical anchor Hilti HIT-RE 500. Price tubes - about 2350 rubles

Chemical anchor Hilti HIT-RE 500

How to choose and buy a chemical anchor for aerated concrete, concrete and bricks: video instructions

Liquid plugs, in principle, universal. But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when choosing. For example, the price of chemical anchors concrete "Hilti" higher than the Turkish counterpart, but the builders prefer domestic products. On the right choice - this footage:

Calculation of the flow of liquid plugs: online calculators

To correctly calculate the flow rate of the injection anchor, you need to imagine the hole type (cylindrical or conical), planting depth of fasteners and the number of holes to be filled. The tubes from different manufacturers is different in volume of material. Typically, the tuba provides an example of the parameters for the calculation, but you can use the online calculators for more accurate calculations.

Calculator chemical anchor an expense account in a cylindrical borehole

Calculator chemical anchor an expense when calculating the conical borehole

How much is a chemical anchor

For a more complete understanding of the future costs by using liquid dowels to introduce you to the compositions of the price table (all prices as of December 2018):

MarkManufacturerThe volume of the tubeCost, rub
Akfix C900Akfix (Turkey)300 ml720
Fischer FIS V 360Fischer (Germany)360 ml1574
Sormat ITH 300 PESormat (Finland)300 ml1460
Hilti HIT-RE 500Hilti (Russia)500 ml2000
BIT-EABit (UK)400 ml1098
"Moment Fasteners CF900»Henkel (Germany)280 ml800

As you can see, the range of prices is relatively small. So we can choose chemical anchors are not at a cost and on the manufacturer and the technical characteristics.

If you have experience in the use of liquid dowels or recommendations on their application - write about it in the comments!