If you do not want every time out of the car, riding To home, Gate automatics will make your life more comfortable. Manufacturers offer a structure intended to be mounted on the sash of various kinds. To select the correct model, learn the basic types, their advantages and disadvantages.
Automation - it is quick, easy, convenient
Read article
1 Automation for gates - what is it
2 Automation for swing gates: features and basic types
2.1 The device and principle of operation
2.2 performance specifications
2.3 drive types
2.4 Advantages and disadvantages
3 Automation for sliding gates: the device and Benefits
3.1 The device and principle of operation
3.2 performance specifications
3.3 drive types
3.4 Advantages and disadvantages
4 Automation for sectional doors
4.1 The device and principle of operation
4.2 performance specifications
4.3 drive types
4.4 Advantages and disadvantages
5 Leading manufacturers of automation for gates
6 Criterias of choice
Automation for gates - what is it
Most of the owners of country houses tend to be equipped with a special automatic gates. This integrated equipment allows to open and close the shutter entrance group by pressing the buttons on the remote control. As a result, succeed protect their land from enemies and improve the ease of use the gate.
High-tech equipment is protective
Automation for swing gates: features and basic types
If you choose the automatic swing gates, we offer to get acquainted with existing types and how they work. This will allow you to make the right choice.
With automatic swing gate operation does not cause too much difficulty
The device and principle of operation
The composition of automatic swing gate includes:
Control block;
drive unit;
remote control or keychain remote control;
The structure of individual models may also include backlight and radio. Perhaps the presence of warning lights to indicate the opening of the valves.
Supplied accessories may differ
The operating principle of linkage involves opening sash with two levers, connected to the gearbox. Moreover, a lever is attached directly to the blade.
Opening swing gatesInto which it installed equipment linear type, carried out due to the reciprocating movement of the rod. Last start due to the movement imparted to the gearbox.
Attention! Automatic line-type opening swing gates longer than the lever-type system. However, in both cases there may be opened manually.
To open the flap should press the remote button
performance specifications
When selecting automation for swing gates should be clear about the conditions in which they will operate. Some models allow for the opening of the valves in both directions. Others - in only one direction. Important parameters are also:
web width;
gate weight;
number of slats;
opening angle;
operation intensity.
Depending on the weight of the gate of the proposed equipment manufacturers is divided into a model that can support a maximum of 200, 400, 600 or 900 kg. The more intensive design to be operated, the higher should be the active component.
opening flap angle can vary over a wide range. In most cases, it is 90 °. However, the possible installation of the system, providing the opening to 110-180 °. opening step can also vary. In terms of ease of use is preferred automation, ensures smooth plowing wings.
Gate parameters affect the characteristics of automation
drive types
Depending on how the drive is equipped with automation, it can be:
The linear drive is most prevalent. It is quite easy to use. Such equipment often is attached to the bottom of the leaf, but there are models with an upper and central locking. Its structure other than the motor and the power supply includes a worm gear. Linear models provide smooth opening and closing of the flaps up to 3 meters, increasing design life in general. Possible emergency opening of the gate in the absence of electricity. Maximum sweep - 90 °. Opening is possible in both directions.
The linear actuator is popular
Attention! To open the flap linear drive takes about 16 seconds.
Lever drive is of high quality and reasonable manufacturing cost. It weighs more linear and has a longer service life. Some models are equipped with a backup battery in the power outage. It can be mounted on the sash widths up to 4.5 m, including their own hands.
Lever - quality and affordable
Underground drive - the most modern type. Mounted under the ground, providing a presentable appearance of the gate. The design is not afraid of an external impact, good working at low temperatures. It provides a smooth opening of the gate through an angle of 110 °. It may be installed on the gate, in which the weight reaches the flaps 900 kg and a width of 5 m.
Underground mounted in a special container
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of automation for swing gates are:
ease of opening the front group. Not out of the car, you can get on land area;
the possibility of opening without additional effort;
time savings;
dependability cusps;
availability of some models of the backlight, turn on automatically when triggered automation. In this case, much easier to enter the yard in the dark;
durability. Subject to the recommendations of the manufacturer, the system can be operated for a long time;
the ability to open in the absence of electricity.
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
volatility. The system consumes a small amount of electricity, and therefore the cost increase;
complexity of operation at low temperatures;
the high cost of high-quality products.
Open the flap is easy in any weather
Automation for sliding gates: the device and Benefits
Sliding gates quite popular. Automatic operation makes them more comfortable. Quality products have a long life, but it is more complicated to install. Offer to meet with characteristics similar products, their advantages and structural features.
Sliding systems involve the use of special automation
The device and principle of operation
Such a system comprises a drive, two limit switch, the toothed rack. The composition of some of the models include photocells, alarm lamp and remote antenna, through which significantly increases the range of the remote.
Special warning lamp will inform about the opening of the gate
In operation of the rack system is attached to the casement recoil system moves sprocket connected to the drive. Upon receipt of the drive signal causes the sprocket to rotate, and the flap is shifted in the right direction.
For movement on a special rack
performance specifications
The following parameters should be considered when selecting the appropriate model:
engine power, which is equipped with the system;
the material from which the gear wheels in the gearbox. Preference is given to products equipped with metal gears;
type limit switch, which can be mechanically and magnetically. Last appearance in terms of ease of use is preferred as do possible exploitation of the design, even during the cold season, when mechanical switches often freeze;
allowable weight and size of the valves.
Features vary by model
drive types
Work on the sliding gate automation may be provided by a linear, underground or the drive lever. The first type is relevant for the flaps, which weight does not exceed 1 m. The construction is mounted on the support adjacent to the slats.
Of underground drive is mounted under the ground. It is placed in a special container protected. Thanks to this equipment is not afraid of the earth, cold and moisture. The lever is positioned so that the levers, enabling the movement of the web, out of the ground plane and fastened to the flaps.
Attention! Operation of the underground and the drive lever are fairly expensive.
The drive can be selected individually
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of the automation for sliding gates is attributed;
operational safety;
smooth motion thanks to special leaf catcher and limit switches;
reliability and long life with proper care;
the possibility of opening the gate with remote control and manually in the absence of electricity;
can be mounted in a place where there is an open or closed doors.
The disadvantage is the complexity:
operation in the winter;
mounting their own hands.
Location control unit independently selected
Automation for sectional doors
Sectional doors are optimal one for garage. In the process of opening the flap on special guides moving up, settling down from the ceiling. As a result, it manages to prevent possible damage to the vehicle. We offer to understand the peculiarities of these products, their advantages and disadvantages.
Sectional doors are relevant for garage
The device and principle of operation
The package typically includes an electronic type control unit, the drive guide rail (belt or chain) or remote. Producers also applied the operating instructions and set to perform the installation work.
When you open the flap is shifted to the ceiling
The principle of automation for overhead work can be seen in the following video:
performance specifications
On the choice of the model can affect the characteristics of the mounted system. The value is the size, weight, frequency and speed of opening sash sectional doors. These data allow us to estimate the conditions of automatic operation.
The characteristics may vary over a wide range
drive types
The choice of the drive depends on the installation site for sectional doors. For industrial use buildings used advantageously Shaft drive consisting of a shaft and the torsion mechanism. For the private garage Ceiling suitable type, which can be a belt or chain depending on the type of transmission used. Belt received the most widespread due to quiet operation. But the chain have a longer service life.
Systems with chain last much longer
Advantages and disadvantages
By the advantages of automation for sectional doors should include:
ease of use. Fold the front group moves up, which is very convenient in the winter;
fast closing;
ease of installation. Installation can be done with his own hands;
protective function. Garage is protected from hackers;
operational safety. Shifting up, the door can not damage the car.
The disadvantage is the volatility.
Automatic garage can increase the level of protection
Leading manufacturers of automation for gates
Quality automation offered by many manufacturers. Choosing a suitable option, pay attention to the trademark:
Came. Italian concern topical products for household use. Is reliable performance. Available with a choice of mechanisms of various design;
Nice. Under Italian brand represented a broad range of mechanisms. The proposed model manufacturers differ little time opening the gate, security, high protection against burglary;
BFT. The Italian manufacturer offers quality products at an affordable price. The catalog contains equipment for all types of doors, as well as additional accessories;
Doorhan. These products are traditionally holds a leading position. quality materials and components used for their manufacture;
Faac. The manufacturer has long been engaged in production of hydraulic automation. Products are of high performance, but more demanding in terms of service;
Comunello. Products boasts a stylish design, high quality manufacturing and broad functionality. Closing of the gate is carried out after a specified period of time. There may be an obstacle detection function;
An Motors. The Chinese manufacturer offers high-quality automation at a low price, which is well suited for use in the winter.
Review model CAME ATI3000:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2620448.html
Review model CAME Frog:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2620531.html
Review Comunello model for swing gates Abacus:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5320316.html
Comunello swing gate Abacus
Criterias of choice
Choose the right model can be difficult. If you have not yet decided which equipment must be installed on your door, it is advisable to see the next video. Perhaps, in them you will find answers to urgent questions for you:
Share in the comments, some automation for gates do you use, and why is preferred this model