From what to build a barn in the country, so that it is inexpensive and original

When you build a house, all your efforts and resources are spent on the main construction. It is not easy to put the box right there, but also to do the interior decoration and carry out communications. So by the end of the work, finding more money for a barn or other outbuilding can be problematic. But in principle, it doesn't matter. You can find a simple and cheap way out and use materials that are either generally free or the cheapest. Let's figure out what you can build such objects from.

Read in the article

  • 1 Wood cuts or firewood
  • 2 Glass or plastic bottles
  • 3 Tree branches
  • 4 Construction pallets
  • 5 Remains of roofing materials
  • 6 Straw
  • 7 Stone
  • 8 Tires

Wood cuts or firewood

This is the clearest example of how to make something useful out of literally rubbish. So, tree cuts, if you cut them into 20 centimeters, or the most ordinary, or chopped firewood can become a building material for outbuildings. Pieces of wood are used as bricks, and they are connected with cement or clay mortar.

How to make outbuildings from scrap materials
PHOTO: Pinterest
The result is impressive - it looks stylish and will last for many years. Plus, such a shed will be very warm

Glass or plastic bottles

Used containers are usually sent to the trash can. There used to be a time when containers were handed over and reused, now it's just garbage. Meanwhile, glass is generally so durable that it can "live" for hundreds or even thousands of years, and plastic has already become a real environmental disaster for the same reason. So, all this can become material for construction. For strength, plastic bottles can be filled with sand, and glass does not need to be filled.

The result can be quite interesting, especially if you have colored bottles at your disposal.
The result can be quite interesting, especially if you have colored bottles at your disposal.

Tree branches

Sounds like a fairy tale about three little pigs, doesn't it? However, this is possible, especially if you need a barn for the summer. Just remember the principle of making a wattle fence. We need racks and branches.

Weave it like a basket - and you have a structure that has walls. And the roof can also be made of strawPHOTO:
Weave it like a basket - and you have a structure that has walls. And the roof can also be made of straw

Construction pallets

After a large-scale construction, various waste necessarily remain, including pallets on which bricks or blocks were brought. These pallets are usually made from scraps of good solid boards, so you can use these structures as panels for assembling a barn. If you are confused by the gaps between the boards, then you can sheathe the walls with roofing material or foil.

But to be honest, it looks good even without plating.PHOTO:
But to be honest, it looks good even without plating.

Remains of roofing materials

Any roofing material, be it slate, ondulin, rolled metal, is suitable for the construction of a utility block.

All that is needed is to make a wooden or metal frame, and then sheathe it with what is availablePHOTO:
All that is needed is to make a wooden or metal frame, and then sheathe it with what is available


If you are built in a rural area and you have access to cultivated fields, negotiate the purchase of compressed straw bales. Then you will have the warmest barn in the world. It's easy to build, read the same tale about three little pigs.

To protect the straw from bad weather, the outside and inside of the walls must be plasteredPHOTO:
To protect the straw from bad weather, the outside and inside of the walls must be plastered


Again, pay attention to what you have in the public domain. If these are stones, then in general everything is very simple. Stones can be used to build not only a barn, but even a house. It will be a building for centuries. And how to arrange it is a matter of taste.

You can come up with something original and unusual that will emphasize the natural character of the materialPHOTO:
You can come up with something original and unusual that will emphasize the natural character of the material


Car tires are able to outlast the cars themselves, on which they were installed on the day of purchase. Rubber is resistant to frost, water, rust, bacteria and other decomposing factors.

Real residential buildings are being built from tires in Africa, and you can definitely build a shedPHOTO:
Real residential buildings are being built from tires in Africa, and you can definitely build a shed

The voids in the tires are filled with soil or sand, so that the structure is very stable.

And you will not believe it, but you can build a barn or even a house out of... cardboard boxes! Watch this video:

Which idea did you like? Maybe there are more interesting suggestions? Share them in the comments!


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