Very often there are situations when a person wants to make a good repairs in your house or apartment, but by choosing different options, beginning to realize that absolutely no idea what it is he wants. Or, on the contrary, they saw a beautiful picture interior and wanted to bring it at home, but do not know what materials were used for. In today's interview, we talk with the man who invented the practical solution to this problem - Dmitry Dorofeev, creator of a new, unique service in selection finishing materials HouseLike.
- Dmitry, tell us a little about yourself. Who you are? Where did you study? How do you relate to the world of the Internet? How did the idea of creating service?
- I received an engineering education in the development of medical equipment. Just I was always interested in the issues of human device. 18 years ago my life was such that I began selling decorative textile. Until 2014, everything went very well and did not need to try out new ways of selling. But when the crisis broke out, the usual method of promotion and sales stopped working. Purchase requests were needed to meet instantly, anytime, anywhere, and, preferably, free of charge. The idea is very simple service was born. I looked at what makes an ordinary person, planning repairs, namely: watching a lot of pictures, shops, photographs the materials that he likes, is, how it will look at home, looking for the best and cheapest deals. It's a real algorithm of preparation for repair! All of these processes, we have digitized, connected program computer vision and artificial intelligence. We blocked all sorts of stylistic and other constraints, and made it possible for people to decide they want to have in your house. The main task that faced by our programmers, to make a very simple and understandable for ordinary user product that helps a person to come to their own clear ideas: "I want to live well! ".
- What is the scheme of the project? How many people worked on the creation of service? Who is the target audience?
- HouseLike helps ordinary people nicely build your house independently. Most do not have to hire a professional designer, so we have developed a scheme by which any person can independently repeat any repairs.
search technology materials using NouseLike service
To do this, the user loads into service any photo 'interior of your dreams ", and in a few seconds, the artificial intelligence is in a huge database of all the materials that are similar to the source. Immediately indicate the nearest store where you can order all this.
In the photo below - version of the program for the selection of materials and the shade structure. Left - the source that you're interested in, right - hand-picked by the shade and the selected type of goods.

The project looks very simple, but its creation over a period of two years worked great team. Search program, which we have called IDesigner, received Russian and US patents. The audience also our service are the people planned to do at repairs. In principle, it is the men and women of all ages with different levels of income.
- What is the use of the service, and what are the advantages of working with it receives user? How much time is spent on evaluation and selection of necessary construction materials for the repair? Is it important to the quality photo vending design?
- The main benefit HouseLike is that it greatly simplifies the process of finding the right finishing materials. And fantastic reduces search time of six months, in the ordinary independent search to a few minutes! Can you imagine? Six months! This is more than 4 thousand hours. Of course, they enjoy spending was not in the building of shopping trips. In addition, the user program is absolutely free!
Wallpaper Search example for the interior with the service HouseLike
Cloud technology, so everyone can choose materials for their repair at any convenient location. The time during which the user will receive the results depends on the speed of the Internet. In addition, the search result depends on the initial image quality. Therefore, if you have a weak camera phone, we recommend that you use our ready-made solutions.
- It looked like the process of running the system? How long it took time and steps?
- System we restarted several times. At first, everything done on the level of professional designers. To do this, we had to download the entire pontoon range of colorsDigitized "circles Itten" for automatic selection of suitable materials. But all this has been very difficult, and we had "everything becomes much simpler." As it turned out, simplification - this is the most complicated process.
- What are the problems and difficulties standing in front of you in the creation and launch of the service?
- How to make your product fit and clear - it is often a major issue. We still have not started many functions and so-called "Chips". We constantly test something new.
- When creating a service if you relied on some analogues of the competition? Maybe in the international market?
- Analogues of such a system two years ago, we did not find. But I'm sure someone is working on similar issues.
- Do you attract investment funds to create a project?
- No, I'm doing the whole project at their own expense.
- What is the audience of the service at the moment? He pays and monetized?
- The project will be monetized through the sale of shops leads. While we do not recoup the costs of development, as we have been actively expanding and goods, and geography stores connect to our database. It is very important to become a federal project. I am sure that we will become to them very quickly! That is to scale and international expansion, we are likely to need investment.
- How do you see, at the moment, the service areas of growth and development?
- Our focus - a Decoration MaterialsThat people often opt for complex criteria "like - not like it." Then the story can continue in the direction of automatic budget, a virtual tour of the new room, add a subject of history. Especially because there are already excellent IT solutions in this area.
- Formulate for our readers in two sentences why to use your service profitable and convenient?
Use the repair because it HouseLike interesting, convenient, fast and free! Put your house Like!
search technology materials using NouseLike service
- On behalf of our editorial staff we would like to wish you success in all your endeavors!
- Thank you very much!