- Rules for the care of ceilings
- What can not be done?
- Dry Cleaning
- Detergents
- Required Tools
- How to wash the ceiling?
It is not necessary to wash the matt tension ceiling, because one of the main advantages of such a finish is practicality and convenience. Modern matt stretch ceilings are made of strong PVC film, very resistant to various types of contaminants. Some sellers position their products as "absolutely not in need of care."But in real life, sooner or later, any ceiling will require cleaning, especially if the house has small children and adolescents who manage to stain anything. Also require special care ceilings in rooms such as kitchen. How to wash the matt tension ceiling, so as not to damage it and leave any stains on the surface? What detergents can I use and should I use them at all?
Ceiling care rules
Ceilings are cleaned as they become dirty. Most often it will need to be done in the following rooms.
- Kitchen .It is clear that the kitchen oil and soot, even if there is a good stretch above the stove, will still settle on the ceiling.
- Bathroom .In the bathrooms there are no strong contaminants, but if there is poor ventilation, the ceiling will constantly condense. Drying, the droplets leave on the coating the stains and marks.
- Loggias and balconies .Stretch ceilings do not accumulate dust, they also have antistatic properties, which to some extent protect the surface from contamination. But over time, even on the most high-quality coverage, you will find settled street dirt, especially if your area can not be called environmentally friendly.
In general, the rules for the care of matt tension ceilings are reduced to a number of recommendations on what can not be done when cleaning and cleaning the PVC surface.

Hard brushes for washing stretch ceilings can not be used
What can not I do?
And here's what you should not do, if you decide to wash the matt tension ceiling:
- use hot water - the water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C;
- use abrasive detergents and materials;
- wash the ceiling with acetone-based products - it dissolves PVC film;
- used for washing solid or sharp objects, hard brushes;
- resort to using a squeegee - the risk of damaging the tension coating in this case is quite high;
- Use only authorized cleaning supplies;
- do not use a stain remover, without first testing it on a small area of the film, hidden from the eyes.
Dry cleaning
Dry cleaning method will help to refresh slightly dusty ceiling. In this case, use a soft, lint-free cloth to care for the coating. It can be a microfiber, a suede cloth or a special non-woven cloth with an electrostatic effect. Such napkins are used to remove dust from polished surfaces - they attract pollution on themselves and do not leave any streaks.
Sweep dust off the cover in a circular motion. If you saw a web in the corners, it is not necessary to clean the entire ceiling. It is enough to remove the contamination with a soft brush-marking, without touching the film itself.
A vacuum cleaner can be used for dry cleaning. You will need a special nozzle made of cloth, but even in this case, do not touch the surface of the stretch ceiling, so as not to damage the structure. Keep the nozzle a few centimeters from the surface - so that you can remove dust, but do not damage the ceiling.
If you have firmly decided that without wet cleaning can not do, then first choose a good care. Professionals recommend using special detergents for stretch ceilings. They are released in the form of aerosols or sprays.
You can take care of the film coating using other means of household chemicals.
- In premises where the main contaminant is fat, you can use a dishwashing liquid, detergent or gel and even a normal soap solution. Dilute the product in water so that no solid particles remain, and boldly proceed to the sink.
- In other situations for the care of the coating, use a glass cleaner containing ammonia. They are perfectly cleaned from dust, small grease and do not leave any streaks. You can prepare the solution yourself from the pharmacy ammonia: 1 liter of water consumes about 50 ml of ammonia.
tip If you are not sure of the detergent, then perform a simple test. Apply the working solution to a small section of the PVC film, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the film is not damaged - this tool can be used to care for the coating.
Required tools
To wash the stretch ceiling, you will need:
- stepladder;
- bucket;
- detergent solution;
- plastic bottle with spray( if the product is not aerosol);
- sponge or cloth.
As already mentioned, the sponge should not be abrasive, and rags are better to use soft and non-woven - microfiber, suede, special napkins.
With a great desire for washing the ceiling, you can use a mop with a cloth nozzle, but you need to be sure of the strength of the film structure. Better yet, do not risk and wash the surface with your hands.
How to wash the ceiling?
First walk on the ceiling with a dry rag, removing the top layer of dust. Then proceed directly to the washing process:
- dilute the detergent in water with a temperature of 30-40 ° C;
- moisten the sponge in the solution;
- if you use a spray to care for stretch ceilings, then moisten the sponge in plain water;
- spray spray onto the surface;
- in a circular motion, clean the film without pressing strongly on the ceiling;
- if you use detergent solutions, wash them with plain water so as not to leave any stains;
- after finishing washing, walk on the stretch ceiling with a dry rag.
To wash matt tension ceilings is somewhat simpler than glossy ceilings, as a rule, they do not remain divorced even after using detergent solutions.
Now you know how to wash the matt tension ceiling. Use special tools for the care of PVC film and do not apply mechanical forces. To avoid the appearance of streaks, after finishing the work, wipe the film with a dry cloth.