โœ‚ filler for bean bags: species and their distinctive features

Frameless furniture is very popular. If desired, you can always buy a ready-made product, or manufacture of his own hands. In the latter case it is necessary to choose a filler for bean bags, pre-learning, what kinds there are. We offer to meet with the main species and their distinctive features.

The filler must be high-quality photos: grushi.by
The filler should be of high quality
PHOTO: grushi.by

Read article

  • 1 Synthetic filler for bean bags: Key
    • 1.1 Expanded polystyrene and polypropylene
    • 1.2 Polyurethane foam and hollofayber
    • 1.3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Natural fillers for chair-pear
    • 2.1 Wood shavings and sawdust
    • 2.2 Down, feathers and wool
    • 2.3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 means available
    • 3.1 Cereals, legumes, buckwheat husks and hay
    • 3.2 Cotton, remnants of foam, yarn and fabric
    • 3.3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 How to choose a filler for bag chairs: the main criteria
    • 4.1 Type
    • 4.2 by volume
  • 5 How to Fill in your own hands: detailed instructions

Synthetic filler for bean bags: Key

As a filler are often used synthetic materials. This type has a number of advantages that improve the quality of use frameless furniture. We offer to meet with the most popular options.

Synthetic materials are popular PHOTO: waterloowellingtonblogs.org
Synthetic materials are popular
PHOTO: waterloowellingtonblogs.org

Expanded polystyrene and polypropylene

Expanded polystyrene is used in the form of granules. This is the most demanded type of filler-bag chairs. It has a high modulus of elasticity. It has a relatively low weight. Diameter polystyrene beads ranges from 0.1 - 0.5 cm. The smaller grain size, the better the filler.

Over time, the volume of bean bags filled with polystyrene foam begins to decrease due to the flattening of granules under the influence of the operational load. This causes the seat subsidence.

The larger the pellet diameter, filled seat-bag, the faster it will lose its shape.

Expanded polystyrene is in high demand PHOTO: meshochek.by
Expanded polystyrene is in high demand
PHOTO: meshochek.by

Polypropylene is strong and durable enough pea. It is actively used in the manufacture of furniture in Asia. It has good cushioning properties. In the case of the deforming effects quickly returns to its original shape.

For propylene is characterized by low resistance to fire, but the fire material evolves toxic substance.

Polypropylene possesses damping properties PHOTO: usinsk.vsedlyadoma43.com
Polypropylene possesses shock-absorbing properties
PHOTO: usinsk.vsedlyadoma43.com

Polyurethane foam and hollofayber

Polyurethane foam is used as a filler for bags, seat recently. This hypoallergenic and sufficiently resilient material. It retains its shape, and therefore should be prepared for the fact that through the soft tissue frameless furniture are outlines of a filler. Having decided to give preference to this embodiment, sew upholstery, use a skin or a sufficiently dense matter, which will be able to smooth outer contours inside the filler.

Case must be very hard PHOTO: media2.24aul.ru
Case must be very hard
PHOTO: media2.24aul.ru

hollofayber rarely used as a standalone extender due to excessive softness. Most often, it acts as a softening pads placed between the balls of foam or polystyrene. The result is a comfortable to use frameless furniture. The material does not absorb odors, breathable, resistant to moisture.

Hollofayber own little used PHOTO: cs11.livemaster.ru
Hollofayber alone is almost never used
PHOTO: cs11.livemaster.ru

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of artificial filler bean bags should include:

  • environmental friendliness. In operation, synthetic materials do not emit harmful substances;
  • termosohranyayuschie good properties;
  • low weight. Armchair-bag with synthetic filling will be able to move to a new place, even a child;
  • ability to operate outside of the home. Synthetic material does not absorb moisture and dirt;
  • biological resistance. Synthetics not attract vermin or rodents;
  • long service life. If desired, you can always restore lost volume.

Of disadvantage is the release of toxic substances in the combustion process.

Frameless furniture with synthetic filler can be used outside the house Photo: pufon.net
Frameless furniture with synthetic filler can be used outside of the home
PHOTO: pufon.net

Natural fillers for chair-pear

Instead of synthetic materials for stuffing pears chairs often used natural fillers. Such materials have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which is worth looking separately.

Natural fillers are popular PHOTO: u1.filesonload.ru
Natural fillers are very popular
PHOTO: u1.filesonload.ru

Wood shavings and sawdust

Wood chips and sawdust should be chosen very carefully. The best option is waste pine or cedar. Such a filler will not only provide the desired shape bean bags, but will have a unique therapeutic effect on the body. to use mass without pressing sawdust to fill frameless furniture. The latter may be the cause of splinters on the human body or the bag of tissue damage.

Attention! After some period of use, the chips is converted into fine sawdust and seat-bag ceases to hold its shape.

Shavings and sawdust should be carefully selected PHOTO: eda-land.ru
Shavings and sawdust should be carefully selected
PHOTO: eda-land.ru

Down, feathers and wool

Feather and down - light material, and therefore postpone the chair-bag from place to place in the cellar. However, this furniture in any case can not be wetted. It appears quite characteristic unpleasant odor and completely dry the product will be problematic. Also fluff often causes allergic reactions.

The wool is quite popular natural filler. It has a reasonable cost. Provides a soft and pleasant to touch a piece of furniture. The material does not accumulate static electricity.

Down and feathers must be homogeneous PHOTO: myaltai.com
Down and feathers must be homogeneous
PHOTO: myaltai.com

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of natural fillers should include environmental friendliness. They contain no harmful substances that can cause poisoning. In most cases they have a relatively low cost.

The main disadvantage of natural materials, their absorbability. Absorbing moisture over time can become moldy natural filler. a characteristic unpleasant smell in the room will appear. That's why choosing the seat-bag for a country house or gazebo, not immediately abandon the natural filler. In addition, they are:

  • can cause an allergic reaction;
  • have a shorter lifespan.
Natural fillers are suitable only for home PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru
Natural fillers are suitable only for home
PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru

means available

If you can not buy ready-made fillers, you can always use the means at hand. This will significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing frameless furniture. Thus, in performance it does not give way to expensive counterparts.

For the filling, you can use the means at hand PHOTO: tantradesigns.co.uk
For the filling, you can use the means at hand
PHOTO: tantradesigns.co.uk

Cereals, legumes, buckwheat husks and hay

Krupa found on the kitchen every housewife. The filler is most often used buckwheat and rice. By pouring a sufficient amount in the bag, you can get a safe, comfortable and quite heavy furniture.

Buckwheat will have a massaging effect PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Buckwheat will have a massaging effect
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Legumes - another demanded filler. This can be peas, lentils, beans. With their help you can get comfortable furniture with orthopedic effect.

Legumes form the orthopedic surface PHOTOS: gundemsaros.com.tr
Legumes form the orthopedic surface
PHOTO: gundemsaros.com.tr

Hay and dry grass characterized by its own unique flavor unique. Opting for a composition comprising medicinal plants, it is possible not only to shape bean bags, but to achieve the effect of aromatherapy. Furniture is it soft, comfortable and very cheap.

Hays - budget solution PHOTO: gundemsaros.com.tr
Hays - budget solution
PHOTO: gundemsaros.com.tr

Cotton, remnants of foam, yarn and fabric

If the farm has accumulated a lot of unnecessary wool, it can be used for filling the bean bags. Initially get soft and comfortable-to-use product. However, it can slozhivatsya over time. To avoid the negative consequences of allowing periodic shaking chairs.

You need a lot of wool PHOTO: antonida-golovina.site.pro
You need a lot of wool
PHOTO: antonida-golovina.site.pro

Remains of foam, yarn, fabric pieces are of limited use. To fill the bag to the optimum level, it requires a lot of material. However, if the family someone is interested in needlework, collect the required amount of raw materials will not be difficult.

The remnants of the foam will find application PHOTO: static.imfast.com
Residues exists a foam application
PHOTO: static.imfast.com

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the use of available tools should include their availability. Most often used for this purpose material for which is difficult to find another version of the application. The disadvantage is limited lifetime, a lot of weight, and the impossibility of using the open.

Accessibility - the main advantage PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
Accessibility - the main advantage
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com

How to choose a filler for bag chairs: the main criteria

To frameless furniture lasts as long as possible, to fill the selection should be taken responsibly. The material must withstand operational loads, and a long time to maintain its size and shape. We offer to meet the basic criteria that deserve attention.


Select the type of filler depends entirely on the conditions of operation of the chair-sac, its size and financial capacity. Best embodiment are synthetic fillers, in particular polystyrene. He will long retain its shape and geometric parameters. Among the two varieties available it is to choose the first, not having a marriage and meeting regulatory requirements.

Furniture should be comfortable: choose a filler for bean bagsby volume

The required amount of filler depends on the size of future chairs of the bag. For products of standard size will need about 300 - 350 liters. For children is enough 250 - 270 liters. The diameter of such furniture is about 70 cm with a height of 95 cm. People of high growth, dreams of comfort, you should choose a model that includes 700 liters of filler. This frameless furniture will have a diameter of 1.3 m and a height of about 1.6 m.

The volume depends on the size PHOTO: dekormyhome.ruHow to Fill in your own hands: detailed instructions

Before you get started, you should calculate the necessary amount of filler. Finished bean bags sold with additional cover, which is used to accommodate the filler beads. If no such action is possible as follows:

  • in plastic bottles with narrow necks cut the bottom and neck;
  • set the bottle in a bag with a filler, is placed inside the narrow part. We fix it with tape or rope;
  • the other end of the bottle is placed inside a furniture cover and fasten;
  • lift the filled bag upside down and begin gently pour beads.
Fill simple PHOTO: 48.img.avito.st
easy to fill
PHOTO: 48.img.avito.st

When a plastic bottle is not found, you can use a vacuum cleaner and a nylon stocking. For this:

  • on the vacuum cleaner tube stretch the nylon stocking;
  • open the package with filler and cover;
  • hold the phone in your hand, turn on the vacuum cleaner;
  • drop the tube into the filled bag so that the balls have adhered to the cover;
  • transfer the tube into the case, after turning off the vacuum cleaner. Shaking the stocking, it will not be difficult to shake off all adhering granules. Repeat the action as long as not completely fill cover.

Share in the comments, if you had to use bean bags? What he had filler? How comfortable did you feel, sitting there?

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