How to calculate the area of ​​a room by yourself with no errors

If you decide to make repairs in the apartment or home, you first need to choose materials for finishing and to understand how much they need. To do this, you need to properly calculate the area of ​​all surfaces of the apartment. Of course, you can enlist the help of professionals, while spending the extra money. And you can do it yourself. How to calculate the area of ​​a room a different form, the subject of this article.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room
plan of the room, the size of which must be considered in two phases by adding values

Read article

  • 1 Why do we need to know the area of ​​the room and that it would take for the calculations?
  • 2 How to calculate the square meter?
  • 3 How to calculate the area of ​​a room by yourself?
    • 3.1 How to find the area of ​​a rectangle?
    • 3.2 Calculator for the quadrangular floor space
    • 3.3 How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle (rectangular, etc.)?
      • 3.3.1 Calculator for the triangular area of ​​the premises
    • 3.4 Calculating area of ​​a trapezoid
    • 3.5 How to calculate the area of ​​a circle?
      • 3.5.1 Calculation circle segment area
  • 4 How to calculate the area of ​​a room: Procedure
  • 5 How to calculate the wall surface?
  • 6 General recommendations
  • 7 conclusion

Why do we need to know the area of ​​the room and that it would take for the calculations?

In what cases it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the room?

  • Of course, first of all to determine the number Supplies for repairs. Many people buy them with stock and the surplus is returned to the store. However, in this case, it lost a lot of time, moreover, not all stores offer this service. Therefore advisable to properly calculate the area of ​​all surfaces before shopping.
That you have not left a lot of scraps, correctly calculate the area of ​​the walls, which require gluing
That you have not left a lot of scraps, correctly calculate the area of ​​the walls, which require gluing
  • In addition, knowing the area, it is easier plan your budget. After all, even the cost of employees work in most cases depends on how many square meters they have to process.
  • amount lighting devices also it depends on the area. However, in most cases, to complex calculations do not resort when choosing fixtures, the issue is usually solved by experiment.
An example of poor lighting in the bathroom
An example of poor lighting in the bathroom
  • And the last. One of the main values ​​in the apartment - the amount of space (in this area need to be multiplied by height), because it is selected depending on the climatic equipment.
power conditioner is primarily dependent on the amount of space
power conditioner is primarily dependent on the amount of space

Important! Be sure to check the area for buying an apartment, especially if you bought it in a new building. After all, it depends on the size of utility bills, and often the cost of the housing. For example, the developer (in the case of equity participation in the construction) is obliged to reimburse the cost of the missing square meters.

Thus, there are many reasons why you need to calculate the area of ​​the premises properly. But where do you start? First you need to prepare a measured space and tools.

The measurement is desirably carried out in a fully liberated area. If this is not possible, clearing at least some sections of the walls, because it is along these measurements will be carried out.

Be sure to slide all the major furniture from the walls, that you will measure
Be sure to slide all the major furniture from the walls, that you will measure

Important! If the room is rectangular, check the correctness of its form before the start of measurement. To do this, compare the opposite diagonal. If they are equal in front of you right equilateral rectangle.

Thus, to determine the area of ​​the room requires the following facilities:

  1. Roulette. Of course, the electronic device is convenient, but it has a large error. Moreover, such a tape can not be measured complex forms, when operating with the projecting elements also may have problems. Therefore, the optimal set - a simple tape measure and ruler. The main thing - check their accuracy, as many older children or adaptations have decent accuracy.
  2. Pencil.
  3. A piece of paper for calculations and results recording.
  4. Calculator.

In addition, you may need a long line to check the evenness of the walls.

How to calculate the square meter?

The square meters in most cases, any surface area is calculated. So how to calculate the square meter?

To begin with, if the room is rectangular, measure its length and width. Thus it is desirable to use a tape measure and bears graduations centimeters and millimeters. If you managed to find the only line with the feet, it does not matter, they can be easily converted to square meters.

Next two values ​​obtained are converted in centimeters to meters (that immediately make simpler) by dividing by 100. Next, the two values ​​are multiplied together, the resulting value is the area of ​​the room in square meters. If you have feet, first multiply the obtained values, so you will get square feet. Then for transfers m2 multiply the resulting value by 0.093 (if the measurements were made in yards, multiply by 0.84). In this case, for calculation of square meters of a calculator - the perfect solution.

Conversion Table square meters in other popular measures Square
Conversion Table square meters in other popular measures Square

Interesting! On the Internet, there are many online calculators to calculate the square meters of floor space. If your computer is on hand, such a method is the fastest.

When the figure is obtained, round it up to 2 decimal places, a more accurate value would be overkill.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room by yourself?

How to calculate the area of ​​all rooms in an apartment?

perfect room rectangular shape - a rarity. How do I know the floor area with the projections, recesses or curved ramps? The simplest thing - to measure the length of all the walls, as well as the angles between them, and then draw a plan of your room on a piece of paper (Scale at the same time, most likely, will approach 1: 100, that is one centimeter on the paper corresponds to one meter room). You then need to divide the space into regular shapes (rectangles, triangles, circles, and so etc.), if possible, and using formulas for calculating the area to determine each quadrature portion.

The basic formula for calculating the area popular geometric shapes
The basic formula for calculating the area popular geometric shapes

Below are the most popular figures, descriptions of methods of calculation which will help to answer the question: "How to calculate the area of ​​a room by yourself."

How to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

How to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle yourself? Room rectangular shape - the most simple case. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle is sufficient to multiply its length and width. However, some nuances in this situation also have:

  1. After measuring one of the second sides meryat be strictly perpendicularly. Otherwise, measurement may happen with a significant error.
  2. To avoid inaccuracies, were measured both parallel walls, as part of their length a little bit different, but for accuracy, it is desirable to take their average. Ie to lay down their values ​​and divide by 2.
  3. Be sure to subtract from the received every possible square protrusions (or add niche).

Interesting! On the Internet there are many programs to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, an online calculator - the most simple and convenient one.

Example of calculating the area of ​​a simple rectangular room
Example of calculating the area of ​​a simple rectangular room

Calculator for the quadrangular floor space

How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle (rectangular, etc.)?

In some cases, the corners of the room heavily skewed. Then, for the delineation of the plan and sharing it on the figure there are elements triangular shape. How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle?

Try to keep all the triangles on your profit rectangular pattern. Otherwise, calculate the area of ​​a triangle will be more difficult, and the result will be a greater error.

The basic formula for calculating the areas of triangles
The basic formula for calculating the areas of triangles

In fact, the right-angled triangle - it is half of a rectangle, so to find a rectangular area triangle, it is necessary to multiply the length of the other two sides (the sides adjacent to the right angle) and divide the resulting value by 2. If the figure was still not rectangular, you can use (depending on what quantities are known) one of the following formulas:

  1. S = a * h / 2where h - the height of the triangle, but - the party to which it is omitted.
  2. S = a * a * sina / 2. This formula is suitable for an isosceles triangle (that is, with the same two parties), where but - the length of one side of the same, and the angle a - the angle between the same parties.
  3. S = a * b * sina / 2. Also, the formula for an isosceles triangle, but - one of the same party, b - the third side, the angle a - the angle between a and b.

In addition, any triangle can try to be divided into several rectangular shapes. For this purpose, draw a line from the vertex to the opposite side of the figure, so that it formed a right angle to it.

Calculator for the triangular area of ​​the premises

Calculating area of ​​a trapezoid

Trapeze - a figure that has four sides, two of which are parallel, and the two - no. How to calculate the area of ​​the trapezoid independently? You can go two ways:

  1. Divide the trapeze into triangles and a rectangle (in some cases only one turn triangle rectangle +), calculate the area of ​​each figure, stack them, thereby calculating the area trapeze.
  2. Use the simple formula: S = (a + b) * h / 2where but and b - parallel to the side of the figure, h - height (shortest distance) between them.
Driving trapeze
Driving trapeze

The formula for the calculation is universal, that is, the direction and size of the side faces, nothing changes. The main thing - the right to measure the height of the figure, to make this measurement in several places.

How to calculate the area of ​​a circle?

The rooms (especially in the living room) is quite often round projections, so it is important to be able to calculate the area of ​​a circle correctly. In this case, the main thing - to know the radius of the circle. To do this, measure the distance from the edge of the arc to the virtual center of the circle, draw a line between the most distant points of the figure.

Now to calculate the area of ​​a circle we use the formula: S = πR2where π - a constant 3.14, R - radius of the circle.

Driving range
Driving range

Calculation circle segment area

Defining the scope of the segment areas - a difficult task. To start to define what is a segment? This part of the circle bounded by the chord (the line start and end points which happen to the radius of the circle).

The first step is to find the center of the circle, often make it easier experimentally. For example, ask a friend to take the place of the alleged center, give it in the hands of one end of the tape measure. Very well describe the intended circumference. Thus, raschertiv desired segment, you can start to calculate the circle sector area. The formula is quite complicated:

The formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle segment
The formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle segment

It is therefore advisable to take advantage of online payments on the Internet.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room: Procedure

So, what to do to calculate the floor area of ​​the room? Procedure:

  1. Preparatory stage. It is necessary to prepare all the tools and supplies, as well as to clear the room.
  2. Measurement. Measure the length of all the walls in the room. At the same time, pay special attention to the corners, if they are not direct, certainly write down their significance.
  3. Record results. You can go two ways: draw a plan on a piece of applied or the dimensions directly on the floor (if the room is under a rough finish).
  4. Calculations. In this case, if the calculations are performed by calculating the individual figures, fold them carefully, not forgetting anything and making sure that the figures did not find each other. Basic calculation formula and procedure described above, however this paragraph problems should arise.

Important! Measure the length of each of at least two times, so you can avoid inaccuracies and errors.


EXAMPLE irregularly shaped room
EXAMPLE irregularly shaped room

The figure below provides a rough room. How to calculate the square footage in this case? You must perform the following procedure:

  1. We find the area of ​​a rectangle, not because of its slant in the upper right corner. For this length of 2.5 multiplied by the width of 1.75 meters is obtained 4.3752.
  2. Find the area of ​​the chamfered portion is angled triangle, so obtained: 0.57 * 0.57 / 2 = 0.162.
  3. We subtract the second from the first size: 4,375-0,162 = 4,213 m2.
  4. Rounded to the centimeter: 4.21 m2.

How to calculate the wall surface?

None of repair does not pass without replacement Wallpaper or painting wallsBecause this is the most prominent surface of any room. To make the walls of the attractive appearance is often required to spend several stages of repair work: using the alignment plaster and putty, Primer, finishing (painting, Wallpapering, application decorative plaster). All this takes a lot of material, so it is important to know in advance how much they need to be and what kind of money it will stand.

To do this correctly calculate the wall area of ​​the room (calculator, tape measure, ruler and paper - all this you will need to work on a mandatory basis).


  • Determine the perimeter. How to calculate the perimeter of the room independently and correctly? The main thing - to make measurements not only skirting near the floor, but in the middle and at the top of the wall, as in the majority of both modern and old walls of the houses do not differ a perfect evenness. This may be a problem with a curved section of length definition (e.g., part of a circle). Of course, you can use special formulas for calculations, but it is easier to attach tightly to the wall of a flexible tape measure and accurately fix its reading. All the obtained values ​​must be added.

Important! When calculating the level of the perimeter of the required use (especially when the measurements in the middle of the wall).

The measurements should be carried out not only at the same height
The measurements should be carried out not only at the same height
  • Now you need to measure the height of the room. For this again use level and draw a strictly vertical line on the wall. If the level at hand was not, does not matter, you can make a vertical plummet: a string to tie something heavy (eg, bolt) and keep it near the ceiling. Gravity will stretch vertically down the thread, and you (or your assistant) can draw a vertical line.
  • Multiply the values ​​obtained, it will be the area of ​​the walls of your room.
Plummet can not only make your own hands, but also to buy in a specialty store
Plummet can not only make your own hands, but also to buy in a specialty store

Important! If you are not sure of the evenness of ceilings or in the room it is a multi-level, it is necessary to consider each wall separately.

EXAMPLE tiered ceiling
EXAMPLE tiered ceiling
  • Now it is subtracted from the obtained value area window and doorways (Do this by slopes). In some cases, the windows are round or triangular formula, then you must use the above formula.
Example design round windows in the room
Example design round windows in the room

General recommendations

In addition to the above, it is worth noting a few important points that you should pay attention when measuring the room:

  1. During the measurement, door and window openings do not look for the correctness of their form. It is better to recheck all several times in order to avoid mistakes and errors.
  2. When calculating the flow of construction materials do not forget that some of them will need multiple layers, ie, the resulting size of the room multiplied by the number of units before shopping.
  3. At the time of buying Wallpaper note there will need to be customized drawing, if so, take them with a large margin. Experts recommend taking even a plain wallpaper with a reserve, so it may be difficult as the color of different batches of a few odds and purchase a suitable material.
  4. When calculating the height of the room is necessary to know whether it is the final height of the floor, or it will go up due to alignment or coverage. This point is very important, because in some cases the floor may even rise by 10-15 cm due to the leveling curve too sex, warming, soundproofing and so on.
EXAMPLE laminated flooring
EXAMPLE laminated flooring


Measuring the area of ​​the room - the process time consuming, but not difficult. No need to call the special team, in the presence of a minimum set of tools to the task it is quite possible to cope on their own.