In the course of their life cycle are often sick, which negatively affects the amount and duration of crops grown fruiting period. To the following year did not raise difficulties in the autumn necessarily made greenhouse processing different compositions. A range of activities allows you to get rid of the infection and various pests. We offer to meet with them.

Read article
- 1 Greenhouses Processing autumn: chart showing the main steps
- 2 Cleaning greenhouses after the harvest
- 3 How to prepare different types of greenhouses for winter: the sequence of actions
- 3.1 What and how to handle the greenhouse wall polycarbonate autumn
- 3.2 greenhouses processing of other materials
- 4 Treatment of problem soils greenhouses in the fall with the replacement of topsoil layer
- 5 The process to disinfect the greenhouse in the fall without replacing the soil: the available options
- 5.1 Biologically active preparations
- 5.2 chemicals
- 5.3 Folk processing recipes
- 6 Processing greenhouses in the fall of certain pests and diseases: fight with the most famous dirty dog
- 6.1 Processing of greenhouses spider mites and nematodes
- 6.2 What and how to handle the greenhouse whitefly and from Phytophthora
- 6.3 Processing of other harmful insects
Greenhouses Processing autumn: chart showing the main steps
Regardless of the features of a covering structure, there is a general fall greenhouse processing circuit, comprising the steps of:
- cleaning and cleaning the inside of a covering structure;
- processing the carcass greenhouses and used for plant protection covering material;
- tillage with mandatory fertilizer suitable composition;
- disinfection;
- repair work, increasing the strength characteristics of the frame when the state raises some concerns.

Cleaning greenhouses after the harvest
After the autumn harvest will be completely removed, you can begin to restore order in the greenhouse. It's worth:
- make non-standard design all tops. It should pull out by the roots;
- get rid of the mulch. If this year the plants are sick, it will contain spores of Phytophthora;
- cut all the rope to remove other material, e.g., trellis, pegs, by which plants are grown fastened to the greenhouse frame or fixed in position. They are not necessarily discarded. If desired, they can be reused after a half-hour treatment at a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
- bring gardening tools, garden hoses to wind;
- collect all visible insect larvae, which are visible on the surface of the beds;
- dig the soil, and then the fan-rake collect all insects and small roots, trapped at the surface;
- clear the track;
- ventilate the greenhouse.
Affected plant debris and mulch is not necessary to dig into the ground, or to send to the compost: they must be burned.

How to prepare different types of greenhouses for winter: the sequence of actions
The characteristics of the material used for making greenhouses, may differ significantly. This is reflected in their cost, performance properties and order maintenance. Offer understand how to prepare for winter greenhouse made of polycarbonate and other materials.

What and how to handle the greenhouse wall polycarbonate autumn
Given that this construction is not folding, has a long service life, the question of what process the greenhouse polycarbonate can not be called a rhetorical fall. The design must undergo maintenance. owners:
- check the integrity of the individual elements. Must be free of joints, cracks and similar defects;
- thoroughly washed inside and out with soap and water or with a special compound, having the necessary range of action. For the mechanical impact is used the fabric remnants, foam or other cloth.

To achieve high-quality processing is possible by applying at the end of the season a variety of means. It is to understand how to handle the greenhouse polycarbonate autumn. For the treatment of the most commonly used:
- Cherenkov sulfur. The composition is first mixed with charcoal and then pounded until smooth. Kilogram sufficient to treat 10 m² the ground. Inside the greenhouse are entered metal basin or other container of incombustible material and half-filled with water. Put on top of the tray with the prepared mixture and set on fire. Being then inside the greenhouse is impossible, as allocated by the combustion products have a negative impact on human health. Itself a greenhouse should be tightly closed for three days, achieving the highest possible integrity. Prior to processing the polycarbonate fall greenhouse should be noted that the state of the metal elements after such exposure can significantly deteriorate;
- sulfuric checker. Principle and greenhouses processing order similar to the first embodiment, but in this case arranged inside the checker noncombustible container;
- Bordeaux fluid. The basis of the means of copper sulphate and lime milk. It is a good fight with any fungal formations and their spores. The composition inside the greenhouse is sprayed with the spray;
- bleach. To 400 g of this agent is diluted in a bucket of water and insist 4 hours and then sprayed with the spray and the ground structural elements. Greenhouse closed for two days, after which it thoroughly aired.

greenhouses processing of other materials
Instead of glass and polycarbonate film can be used. For processing glass construction with wooden frames require copper sulphate and formalin. The first is used for the treatment of wood. Second - for glass washing. For preparing this 2% solution.

A film which has been removed from the carcass, thoroughly washed and dried. To wash the soap solution can be used. Only after that, it can twist and sent to storage in a dry room.

Treatment of problem soils greenhouses in the fall with the replacement of topsoil layer
Even if the soil cultivation in a greenhouse in the fall has been performed in compliance with all necessary requirements, can not be completely sure that it was possible to completely get rid of the infection. Especially if it was the cause of a poor harvest this year. In such a situation can not risk to replace 10 cm topsoil layer to the next.
Tip! To grow a good harvest every year, are replacing topsoil layer every 3 - 4 years.

Composition insertion soil may vary significantly. It all depends on what type of culture is planned to be grown in a greenhouse in the next year. Typically, this mixture, which includes:
- peat;
- humus;
- wood ash;
- sand.

The process to disinfect the greenhouse in the fall without replacing the soil: the available options
Not always is it possible to replace the top layer in a greenhouse in the fall. This requires a certain physical and time-consuming. In this situation, you can use special drugs that help get rid of the infection appeared.

Biologically active preparations
The popularity of these trains has increased substantially. Biologically active preparations are not able to have a harmful effect on human health. They do not accumulate in the soil, thus, have a beneficial effect on him. These compositions include:
- Trichoderma. For the treatment of soil in a greenhouse using a solution prepared by mixing 10 liters of water with 100 ml of the preparation.
- fitosporin. A bucket of water need only 6 ml of the product.
- Baikal EM 1. A solution prepared by mixing water bucket and half a cup means.
- Alirin-B. One tablet is dissolved in a bucket of water.

The advantages of using these drugs should include:
- nitrogen fixation;
- binding of heavy metals;
- splitting of pesticide residues;
- activation of natural growth hormones;
- increased exposure to chemicals.

Do not trust all the biologically active agents. Supporters of chemistry should pay attention to:
- formalin. For treatment fall greenhouse in 10 liters of water was diluted with 100 ml of product;
- potassium permanganate. To obtain the desired concentration of solution added per liter of water 1 teaspoon;
- bleach. 10 l diluted with 400 g;
- bluestone. To prepare a solution of the bucket, only one component of the spoon.
Once the solution is fully ready, it carefully throw the whole soil in the greenhouse.

Folk processing recipes
If the biologically active or chemical substances is not at hand or they just do not want to use, you can resort to a method for thermal soil disinfection. For this ground in a greenhouse is treated with boiling water, and then for 1 - 2 days harboring film. During the autumn of this procedure is repeated three times. Due to the high temperature effects manage to get rid of bacteria and germs.

Processing greenhouses in the fall of certain pests and diseases: fight with the most famous dirty dog
In the process of growing vegetables not only have to provide them with appropriate and timely care, but also to deal with pests. The latter can cause a complete loss of the crop not only in the current, but also in the coming year. To avoid this, the processing in the autumn greenhouses from pests and diseases must necessarily be carried out. We only need to learn how to use the means necessary, depending on who was the cause of spoilage of vegetables grown.

Processing of greenhouses spider mites and nematodes
On the necessity of the processing of the greenhouse red spider mite evidenced by the presence of dry brown areas on the leaves, trunk and thin web. If any fruiting period is significantly reduced. Get rid of the pest to help:
- Neoron, Fitoverm, Akarin, Vermitek. Disinfection is performed several times, alternating the preparations;
- colloidal sulfur. 10 liters of water need to 80 g of the drug. Treatment is repeated after 2 weeks;
- Bitoksibaktsellin. 10% solution of produce handling once every 2 weeks;
- Sulfur-tar soap. Soapy water wipe the wall and sprayed plant.
Nematodes can handle malathion. Preparing a solution of 9%, which is then treated as digging soil before. This allows the agent to penetrate into the lower layers.

What and how to handle the greenhouse whitefly and from Phytophthora
Fighting Phytophthora - enough time-consuming and lengthy process. If time does not take action in the next year should not expect a great harvest. This is why many gardeners concerned about the issue than the process of greenhouse Phytophthora that the disease does not come back in the spring. Make it worth in the following sequence:
- completely remove the plant remains available;
- treat the soil by heat;
- shed ground copper sulfate;
- spill passages for garden beds and dry lime, and then the whole earth dug.
If serious damage is sufficient, it is necessary immediately to take advantage of formalin or fitosporin. Processing greenhouses are produced in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Deformation of leaves, premature drying and black spots - a sure sign of the presence of the greenhouse whitefly. For treatment, you can use Mospilan, Vertitsellin, aktellik.
Attention! If you decide to use fitosporin carefully choose the time, given that in the autumn cold enough: the drug is effective only at temperatures above + 10 ° C. At lower it did not work.

Processing of other harmful insects
In order to combat aphids can be used Aktofit, Bitoksibaktsellin. If you fall within the greenhouses are more fruit, they can be used in food in three days. For preventive pest control in the autumn, you can use Malathion, metaphos.

Fighting ants should start more in the spring and continue to fall. From folk remedies can resort to a covering structure autumnal fumigation wormwood, garlic, mint, bay leaf. Of finished products should be used anteater, ant, Thunder-2.

Attention! If pest decided to use copper sulfate, it is necessary to know how to handle this lineup greenhouse in the fall, as the substance is toxic enough.
Share in the comments what your greenhouse, you treat it in the fall, and how satisfied with the results. Also tell us what process the earth in a greenhouse before planting.