The theme of this review from HouseChief edition - the gate to the fence. Ideas, materials and types of construction requirements, unusual solutions - all this is the subject for today's detailed conversation. As the theater begins with a hanger, Country ownership It starts with a wicket. From its appearance, reliability and usability will depend very much.

Read article
- 1 Kalitochny rider
- 2 Possible options wickets
- 2.1 types of materials
- 2.2 Design features
- 2.3 appointment wickets
- 3 What materials are best for gates
- 3.1 wood panel
- 3.2 iron gate
- 3.3 The web of corrugated board
- 3.4 Gates of plastic and composite
- 4 Wicket fence for: types and decorating ideas
Kalitochny rider
So, what are the requirements can be presented to this design? The functionality of the entrance to the site - it is an important point. And it has to be practical in the first place. Whatever luxury was not your gate if it is difficult to open or protects the house from enemies - penny it cost. Here and ready the first two requirements: ease of opening and reliable protection against penetration.

Incidentally, the gate on your site may not be alone. In many cases it is advisable to have two entrances - one front and the other - for different economic purposes. The latter option should be extremely practical to, for example, could bring furniture, sunset wheelbarrow with black earth or make dimensional trash.
But the front gate may have a deviation from the practicality in favor of beauty.

Should the gate be transparent and transmit light? There will not be a clear answer. If you do not want to passersby watched you from the street, the clear is not an option. On the other hand, opaque fence It obscures the plants that are in close proximity.

Do I need to lock the gate? Again, it all depends on the hosts. If your home is located in an area where a part of criminal history, the lock on the gate, no doubt, will create an additional barrier to intruders. A well-trained in the presence of watchdog Castle may not need. Only in this case necessarily have to be a warning to the wicket in sight. Suddenly, one never knows, a neighbor's grandmother decides to look for salt. With or without a lock, well equip the gate bell push. And you hassle less and your guests comfortable.
And finally, one more optional, but the practical part: shed over the wicket. As long as you rummage in her purse for the key to the gate, rain soaked you from head to toe. And during a snowfall sticky snow close up the handle and keyhole - is also a problem. So that the canopy, even a small - a good addition to the front group.
Possible options wickets
Once you have made for yourself a list of requirements to the entrance gate, it makes sense to consider the species and to evaluate them in terms of practical application.
types of materials
In most cases, the material gate and fence chosen identical. The exception is, of course, the construction of brick and stone. Permissible to combine materials, such as metal and wood, or polycarbonate. Combinations of options very much and be sure, using the most common materials can achieve a stunning and unique design.
Particularly advantageous looks hand forging in conjunction with translucent polycarbonate or wood. Even corrugated board can be designed so that it will look very attractive.

In short, the materials for the gate to be combined with the main wall.
Design features
By design, the gate are divided into three types:
- openwork - performed by forging, it may be composed of picketAssociated steel wire. The main feature of these wickets - transparency;
- deaf - a non-transparent goalThat completely hide from the prying eyes of your site. Such structures are made of continuous webs and fastened on a strong frame which can withstand considerable weight;
- combined - often found examples, when the top is closed at eye level continuous web, and the bottom is formed in an openwork embodiment. So solved two problems at once - and just like the courtyard no peep, and flowers in front They will be sufficiently illuminated. You can do and vice versa - to make a solid bottom, and the top - openwork.

appointment wickets
Appearance and input structure may directly depend on its purpose. If this is the entrance gate, its main task - site protection against penetration. Usually it is high and deaf.
Garden gate, which is put on the internal fences may be purely symbolic and decorative. They are delicate, made from garden tools or a low picket fence. You can do and do without them, but if you have animals in the house, the low fence will save your landing their attacks.

What materials are best for gates
So, we have dealt with the possible variants of constructions. And now about what the disadvantages and advantages of different products from different materials.
wood panel
If you have a fence made of wood, and it is logical to put a wooden gate. It looks good wooden blade and on the background of stone and brick fence. What advantages does this decision:
- wood - a relatively inexpensive and available material;
- the construction of such Polona available even novice master;
- tree pretty easy, so do not require reinforced hinges and frame;
- with good care and timely treatment of the wood it looks great.
But remember that it is a permanent care - the key to long life and aesthetic appearance of the fabric. In addition, the gate of the tree can affected by fire and is unlikely to stop the attackers.
Options for decorating wooden paintings very much - from hand-carved to design elements of forging.
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iron gate
Metal construction is also quite realistic to do with their hands. Even in the absence of forging skills, you can decorate cloth curly elements that are sold in specialty stores. They just welded on a flat canvas.
Particularly impressive look delicate wrought-iron gate completely against the backdrop of a fence made of natural stone.

Among the advantages of metal structures may be mentioned are:
- reasonable price and variety choice of design;
- reliability and durability;
- relatively little care requirements.
Care of hardware is reduced to a periodic painting.
Tip! Note the hammer paint. This composite structure, which includes, inter alia, an epoxy resin. The paint is not afraid of the sun and permanently protects the surface. It can even be applied to shallow rust.
Among the shortcomings of metallic paintings worth mentioning only their considerable weight. For this mass require strong hinges, fasteners and reliable concrete base.
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The web of corrugated board
Fences made of corrugated board very popular. They are easy to install and is quite durable. Moreover, this material is coated with a composition that securely protects the metal from rust. Such a fence is usually selected and the corresponding gate. It is fixed to the frame of a metal bracket or tube. Decorate flap of corrugated board can also be elements of forging.

A web of this material is quite light and thin, it is a plus. Among the shortcomings can be noted except that the lack of individuality, but again, it depends on the owner's creative approach. And one more nuance - very often these are the gates damaged by gusts of wind and kick a passerby. Dent, even if they be straightened, over time will begin to rust in places crease.

Gates of plastic and composite
Another popular variant design canvas - is the use of polycarbonate plastic and composite materials. The cost of such material is small, and appearance is very beautiful gate, especially in combination with the forging elements.

Such materials are not afraid of rain, wind and sun, and pretty durable, a piece of plastic, you can always replace it if necessary.
Wicket fence for: types and decorating ideas
How to decorate the holiday's gate? Standard cloth looks too primitive. To give individuality to each owner should be creative. Many design options. Some of them require major work, which is then left for the ages: forging, wood carving. This manual work to make the entrance to your site unique.
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The second option is easier - paint job. You can paint whatever you like your gate at least every year, delighting passers-by and of itself a creative approach.
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Charming decorating idea - drawing with arch climbing and flowering plants. It's easy to do, but have to take care of the flowers that they looked good. Otherwise, the impression will be spoiled.

In winter, the gate can be decorated New Year's toys and Christmas wreath. Such pendant ornaments are appropriate and in any other season.
It can be used to design the gate garden tools and materials at hand. In the presence of rich imagination and good taste will very original.
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What's the gate on your site? Maybe you have found a new method of decoration or used original materials? Write about it in the comments!