🔨 fence mesh-netting: types, features, installation procedure

If you have decided to demarcate the area around his home, pay attention to fence of mesh-netting. For its construction does not require serious financial investments. All the installation work can be done by hand. We only need to determine the type of the mesh itself and pick up the supporting elements correctly.

Mesh netting - the best option for the fence in the country and around the private domaFOTO: azamok.ru
Mesh netting - the best option for the fence in the country and around the private house
PHOTO: azamok.ru

Read article

  • 1 Technical characteristics of the mesh-netting of different types
    • 1.1 Neozinced and galvanized wire mesh
    • 1.2 plasticized mesh
  • 2 What to look for: choose the material for the fence of mesh netting,
    • 2.1 Rabitz
    • 2.2 supporting elements
  • 3 Embodiments of calculating the desired amount of material for manufacturing the fence
  • 4 Technological features of supports for installation of the intake-mesh netting
    • 4.1 Partitioning portion
    • 4.2 Installing posts
  • 5 Technological features of the installation of the fence of mesh netting: the installation of various types of structures
    • 5.1 Simple tension fence
    • 5.2 Fence with stretch marks
    • 5.3 Fence, reinforced by a lag
    • 5.4 sectional fences
      • 5.4.1 Production sections
      • 5.4.2 Mounting sections
  • 6 How to decorate the fence of mesh netting-: interesting options with fotoprimerami

Technical characteristics of the mesh-netting of different types

Specifications-mesh netting are closely linked to the material from which it is made, and a view of the protective coating. To set design was able to cope with its task, we offer to meet with the existing species and their distinctive features.

The term of service of the fence of mesh netting depends on the type of protective pokrytiyaFOTO: vekzabora.ru
Time sampling of the service-mesh netting dependent on the type of protective coating
PHOTO: vekzabora.ru

Neozinced and galvanized wire mesh

Neozinced mesh-netting refers to the cost of materials category. It has affordable price and limited service life. The use for the manufacture of grid-carbon wire netting leads to rapid emergence of corrosion. After a short period of operation of the entire wire becomes rusty and unattractive fence.

Neozinced quickly korroziruetFOTO: genstroy74.ru
Neozinced quickly corrode
PHOTO: genstroy74.ru

Galvanized-mesh netting is made of wire with a protective coating. Because of this, it is quite a long time maintains its properties under the influence of adverse environmental factors, and the fence does not lose the original appearance.

Galvanized wire mesh, netting is not afraid to weathering osadkovFOTO: gkus.ru
Galvanized wire mesh, netting is not afraid of the impact of atmospheric precipitation
PHOTO: gkus.ru

plasticized mesh

Plasticized mesh-netting is a modern material, widely used in the installation of fences around private property. To protect the wire from adverse environmental factors used polymer coating. Due to the formation of a continuous layer manages to prevent the negative effects of moisture on the metal base.

Manufacturers offer a mesh-netting in different colors. This allows you to choose the best option depending on the installation of the fence the place of registration finding Facilities on the site.

Color-coating PVC netting mesh for collecting selected individualnoFOTO: ingrossosilcos.files.wordpress.com
Color-coating PVC netting mesh for collecting selected individually
PHOTO: ingrossosilcos.files.wordpress.com

What to look for: choose the material for the fence of mesh netting,

To set design has served long enough, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of the basic elements. Attention should mesh-netting itself and supporting elements. They must meet a number of requirements. We offer to meet with them.

For lasting fence must choose a quality grid and stolbyFOTO: i0.wp.com
For durable fence should choose high-quality mesh and columns
PHOTO: i0.wp.com


When you purchase should carefully inspect each roll. The edges of the mesh-netting should not be rounded. At the top and bottom of the cell must be well bent "tails." Desirably, the length of the curved part is larger cell length.

The thickness of the metallic material of the wire should be identical, and the cells go smoothly. The presence of even minor deformities indicative of the low quality of the selected product.

When you select a mesh-netting with polymeric coating should be specified service life of plastic. For some products it is only a couple of seasons, after which the polymer begins to crumble. If the protective coating is resistant to UV light, its life span is more than 10 years. This mesh-netting is more expensive.

The service life of the PVC coating can otlichatsyaFOTO: st26.stblizko.ru
Lifetime PVC coating may vary
PHOTO: st26.stblizko.ru

Depending on the installation location is selected, and the height of the material. Manufacturers offer rolls of 10 m and a height of 1-4 m. When installing a fence around the private houses, most often opt for the material height of 1.2-1.5 m.

Special attention is paid to the size of the cells. It can vary in the range of 25-65 mm. The smaller the cell, the more expensive it will cost mesh-netting, the better it will resist the external impact.

Attention! Cells may be square or diamond-shaped. Their configuration does not affect the strength characteristics-mesh netting.

When selecting the size of the cells is taken into account the place and purpose of the installation of the fence enclosing structure. If using a chain-link fencing-allocated area for poultry, you should choose a smaller cell. For protection against the ingress of large livestock, you can choose a larger size. If you want to install an external fence, you should pay attention to the section of the wire. To design lasts as long as possible, the thickness of the wire must not be less than 2.5 mm.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Most often the choice is made in favor of mesh netting with a mesh size of 40-60 mm."

Mesh size and thickness of the wire deserve special vnimaniyaFOTO: argo-setka.ru
Mesh size and thickness of the wire deserve special attention
PHOTO: argo-setka.ru

supporting elements

Low weight of the base material significantly reduces the requirements to the anchoring elements. When selecting be aware that metal profile with transverse dimensions of 60 × 40 mm, channels or thin tube can be used for the manufacture of pillars. Products are durable enough, but the cost is not cheap. To protect the metal poles from corrosion processes use special blends that are applied to the metal parts with a certain periodicity.

Tip! special caps or visors should be provided for the hollow tubes.

Wooden poles are inferior in strength of metal, but cheaper. Before installing them necessarily oshkurivayut, and the lower part is applied bitumen for longer life. The remaining soil surface and (or) is colored.

Asbestos pipes or concrete posts have a long service life. Cheaper metal. It does not require annual staining.

It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,
Most often, there are metal poles
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com

Embodiments of calculating the desired amount of material for manufacturing the fence

To calculate the required number-mesh netting to be guided by the perimeter portion. To calculate the required number of rolls, it is necessary perimeter in meters divided by 10 (length of one roll). The obtained value is rounded to an integer.

When installing Sectional fences need to know the size of any one section of the planned number. In the first case, it is necessary to divide the perimeter dimensions of one section. If the value is different from the natural dimensions of the last section can be obtained by subtracting the product of the width of the perimeter of one flight on their total amount. If you decide to set the same width section, the perimeter should be divided by their number.

To calculate the required number of support elements should be defined, the distance through which they will be installed. After that, the perimeter divided by the width of the spans. To the resultant value is increased by one.

Order of calculation depends on the design osobennosteyFOTO: zabor-zabory.ru
Order of calculation depends on the design features
PHOTO: zabor-zabory.ru

Technological features of supports for installation of the intake-mesh netting

To set design has stood long enough to properly resist wind and snow load, should pay special attention to high-quality mounting pillars. many factors must be taken into account during installation. We offer to meet them in more detail.

Mounting pillars can be carried out in raznomuFOTO: masternavesov.ru
Mounting pillars can be carried out in different ways
PHOTO: masternavesov.ru

Partitioning portion

Enclosing territory initially free of debris. If necessary, the bushes are dug or cut trees that may interfere with the installation. Then proceed to markup portion. To work need:

  • supporting pillars arrangement;
  • roulette;
  • rope;
  • fittings or wooden pegs.
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"The distance between the support pillars should be 2-2.5 m. This will prevent sagging-mesh netting during operation."

Focusing on pillars layout, note the angular location of the fence poles and a number of reference points.

In process marked marking locations for the installation of the supporting stolbovFOTO: masternavesov.ru
In process marked marking locations for the installation of the supporting pillars
PHOTO: masternavesov.ru

Installing posts

Installation poles operate in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,In places marked for corner posts, drilled recess. Their depth depends on the characteristics of soil in a particular region. Typically, this half of the required level of penetration. The diameter should be consistent with the transverse dimensions of the supporting elements
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,The resulting recess mounted poles
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,With its sledge hammer to a depth of 1 m. As a result, the inner cavity is filled with soil. This not only ensures a stable position column, but also its resistance to seasonal shifting of the soil. To eliminate deformation of the upper part using special headroom
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,The spatial position of each element is carefully controlled by a building level. Deviations from the vertical inadmissible

For fixing supports mounted commonly used concrete mix. The order of execution of works can be seen in the following video:

Technological features of the installation of the fence of mesh netting: the installation of various types of structures

Mounting the fence of mesh netting, it depends on its design features. We offer to understand the technology installation of various designs.

Installation procedure depends on the konstruktsiiFOTO: krrot.net
The order of installation depends on the chosen design
PHOTO: krrot.net

Simple tension fence

The procedure may differ slightly. However, most of the installation of the tension of the fence in the following order:

IllustrationDescription of the action
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Supports mounted on manned by special hooks, first bend all fixing elements. This is done using a special device. If those are not available, this step is skipped
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Edge-mesh netting is fixed to the support column. To this end, it is put on the hook or bolted using binding wire
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Cloth gently unfold and pull in the direction following the support column. It should make maximum physical effort. Otherwise, during subsequent operation of the grid begins to sag. The web selected fixed manner
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,After one roll is finished, it is combined with the second, loose wire stretching

Fence with stretch marks

Provide sufficient rigidity span set by manual tension can be difficult. In this situation, you should use braces. If done correctly, the works span will not sag even with fairly strong gusts of wind. Works are carried out in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Through cell-netting mesh stretched binding wire or plastic fittings. The latter should choose a diameter of 5-6 mm. Make it should be at the top and bottom of the stretched canvas. If the fence is high, it is necessary to perform three stretch
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,The supporting pillars drilled holes and bolts are inserted therein, and pre-screwing nut wearing washer. Then, by clamping fixtures mounted on the bolt. By varying the position of the nut, achieve the desired level of tension

Fence, reinforced by a lag

An even more reliable construction is obtained, amplified lags. In this case, screwed tightly to the cooked and pre-set frame. For this purpose, the joists are welded to the support posts.

For the manufacture of the lag used mainly square trubaFOTO: bryansk.zaborx.ru
For manufacturing lag is mostly used square tube
PHOTO: bryansk.zaborx.ru

How do you do, take a look at the following video:

sectional fences

How to install the sectional fence is somewhat different. In this case, the first frame is going, and then assembled sections are attached to the support posts. Get to work performance technology.

Pre-assembled sections are welded to the support stolbamFOTO: vekzabora.ru
Pre-assembled sections are welded to the supporting pillars
PHOTO: vekzabora.ru

Production sections

For the manufacture of the carcass is used primarily metal corner. Assembly of sections is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,All the elements are cut to size and welded together to form a frame shape and size desired. He is usually a square or rectangular shape. Shaped design colored protective structure
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Roll-mesh netting partially untwisted. All the elements neatly aligned. Through the outermost cell threaded fittings suitable diameter
It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,Cutting off the valve to the size, welds it to the frame. Similarly fasten the rest of the net

Mounting sections

Assembled sections are attached to the posts. For this, first metal strips are mounted 4-5 mm thick. Connection method selected depending on the material supports:

  • by welding;
  • by means of clamps;
  • nails.

Strips should be placed on both sides of the supports at a distance of 20-30 cm from the edge. The collected sections welded to the strips.

Section welded to polosamFOTO: remontnik.ru
Section welded to the bands
PHOTO: remontnik.ru

How to decorate the fence of mesh netting-: interesting options with fotoprimerami

Transparency and simplicity of the fence of chain-link fencing has led many to draw attention to another type of fencing. Add personality Such a construction helps various ornaments. Offer see photos of interesting solutions:

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PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: 2.bp.blogspot.com

PHOTO: 2.bp.blogspot.com

PHOTO: ukrsmeta.ua

PHOTO: ukrsmeta.ua

It is necessary to clearly define the border: the fence of mesh netting,

PHOTO: remoskop.ru

Share in the comments how you are satisfied with performance of fences made of mesh-netting. We have to establish similar design with their own hands?