How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: tips and comments

If your home is not near fences, Offer to find out how to make the fence of corrugated hands. This design is very strong and can last for many years. We will understand and with drawings design features, calculate the required amount of materials and procedures for installation work.

How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
Fence of corrugated board - high-quality and reliable design

Read article

  • 1 Types of corrugated fences and photo designs
  • 2 How to make a drawing of a fence made of profiled sheet: important points
  • 3 The procedure for calculating the materials needed for the construction of a fence from a profile
    • 3.1 Materials for the foundation
    • 3.2 sheets of corrugated board
    • 3.3 support sheeting
    • 3.4 The guide for the installation profile
    • 3.5 Other elements
  • 4 How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: preparing tools
  • 5 Installing a fence of corrugated board: main stages
    • 5.1 Marking the territory and preparing trenches for the foundation
    • 5.2 How to build the foundation of a fence made of profiled sheet with your hands: the sequence of actions
      • 5.2.1 Device pillows and formwork for strip foundation
      • 5.2.2 Pouring foundations for fence installation of profiled sheet
    • 5.3 Fixing lag
    • 5.4 Installation of corrugated board on the fence: video example
    • 5.5 Installing additional components
  • 6 Which is better to buy decking for fence: reviews of real customers
  • 7 How much is profiled for the fence - a review of the price per 1 page

Types of corrugated fences and photo designs

The design of the fence may be different. Let us consider each type of detail.

There are two main types of corrugated fences.

The first option - solid fences. In this case, the trapezoidal sheet sewn all load-bearing elements. Characterized by simplicity of execution, so many mount their own hands. In the photo a solid fence made of profiled sheet looks solid construction.

The solid design is more simple in execution
The solid design is more simple in execution

The second option - Sectional fences. Profiled mounted between the support elements. Such structures are more presentable appearance. Especially - with fences made of profiled sheet brick pillars. However, their installation is much more expensive solid.

Metal posts, lined with brick, add presentable fence
Metal posts, lined with brick, add presentable fence

Offer see photos Fences made of corrugated board, which you can use as ideas for fences near his home:

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How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones

How to make a drawing of a fence made of profiled sheet: important points

Before installation should be prepared drawing fence made of profiled sheet, from which it will be clear how to do foundationAnd in what place should be to dig supporting columns. In the development of the sketch should be taken into account and provide for:

  • the presence and location of an existing fence;
  • features landscape;
  • enclosure dimensions;
  • support posts layout. They may be at a distance of 2 - 3 m. The choice is made depending on the location of the enclosure. To open country should choose the minimum distance;
  • the size and location of the gate and the gate.
Plans should contain all the necessary information for installation
Plans should contain all the necessary information for installation

Ready drawing should contain:

  • the location of the fence at the site with an indication of the places where there will be differences in elevation;
  • fence dimensions with the height and length of individual sections;
  • position towers.

The procedure for calculating the materials needed for the construction of a fence from a profile

To have everything you need on the construction site and reduce costs for the construction of a fence from a profile, complete the calculation of the required amount of material. We offer to get acquainted with detailed instructions describing the order of evaluation.

All necessary should buy for materials in advance
All necessary should buy for materials in advance

Materials for the foundation

calculation base made taking into account the characteristics of the soil, the depth of soil freezing, the strength and direction of the wind. Width foundation It should be about 40 - 50 cm. Depth is usually chosen 0.5 - 0.6 m If the soil on site is weak enough, the foundation should be poured to a depth of soil freezing.. For calculate the required volume of concrete multiply base width at its depth and length.

The required amount of concrete is not difficult to calculate
The required amount of concrete is not difficult to calculate

sheets of corrugated board

Before the beginning of the calculation should define the height of the future of fencing. It will depend on the length of one sheet. Between the trapezoidal sheet and the ground clearance is required to provide 10 - 15 cm. sheet length should be less than the selected value of the gap.

To calculate the required number of sheets should be determined future perimeter fencing to be divided into working (mounting) the width of one element. The obtained value is rounded to a greater natural number.

If the choice is made in favor of sectional design, it is necessary to calculate how many sheets required for each section, and then find the total value. The width of the span is to choose a multiple width of a trapezoidal sheet.

Tip! Calculate the required number of sheets of corrugated board on the fence, you can use an online calculator.

Calculating the number of sheets is performed taking into account the perimeter fence
Calculating the number of sheets is performed taking into account the perimeter fence

support sheeting

First, you must calculate the length of a support. It consists of the length of the ground and dig in. The first depends on the desired height of the fence. The second is typically 1.2 - 1.3 m The required amount of material for manufacturing the bearings is their number by multiplying the length of one..

Attention! In most cases, for the manufacture of supports acquire profiled pipe 60 × 60 × 3 mm.

The more often placed props, the more the need to hire for their production
The more often placed props, the more the need to hire for their production

The guide for the installation profile

As guides often selected profiled tube size of 40 × 20 × 2.5 mm. Car with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm is better not to acquire, as its strength properties will not provide sufficient rigidity mountable structure.

To calculate the required amount of necessary tube fencing perimeter multiplied by the number of guides to which is fastened a sheet. Most often mounted two cross: the top and bottom. However, you can add a third, if desired.

The guide must be at least two
The guide must be at least two

Other elements

It is necessary to buy a special fasteners for trapezoidal sheet. To choose screws with gaskets should coated in the same color as the corrugated sheets.

In addition, the electrodes must be purchased if you plan to connection elements by welding. For columns, you can buy plastic covers that protect the bearings from the rain.

special fasteners may be used for connection of supports and guides
special fasteners may be used for connection of supports and guides

How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: preparing tools

For the construction of a fence made of profiled sheet is required:

  • building level;
  • welding machineIf you plan to build the frame by welding;
  • wooden pegs and Nylon thread to mark the perimeter fence of the future;
  • Metal scissors;
  • yardstick;
  • Cordless;
  • Hand drill or benzobur to prepare pits for support;
  • Bulgarian;
  • container for concrete preparation.
Instruments should be prepared in advance
Instruments should be prepared in advance

Installing a fence of corrugated board: main stages

If you decide to perform the entire scope of work on their own, look at how to put up a fence of corrugated board with his own hands. Adhering to the described instructions, you can easily install a quality fence around his house.

Installation of the fence can be made with your own hands
Installation of the fence can be made with your own hands

Marking the territory and preparing trenches for the foundation

Installation work begins with the preparation of the territory:

IllustrationDescription of the action
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesPerformed markup. In the place where the installation of the fence of corrugated board, pegs are driven to be produced. First, they are placed at the corners of the future of the fence, and then in the place of installation of supports. The position of the pegs is determined from the stretched filament.
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesOn the set pegs indicate the level to which should be done pouring foundation. This will allow to correct all the irregularities of the site.
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesWe prepare the trench for the future foundation. Doing his finely recessed. In places where the installation of supports are preparing a pit at a depth of soil freezing.

Attention! Prepared by trench width must be greater than the width of the cast on the base board thickness used for formwork device.

How to build the foundation of a fence made of profiled sheet with your hands: the sequence of actions

To set design have gained a strong and reliable, it is necessary to know how to build the foundation of a fence made of profiled sheet with his hands. What is important is not only filling process, but also training formwork.

Quality base requires careful preparation
Quality base requires careful preparation

Device pillows and formwork for strip foundation

Around the perimeter of the foundation prepared, arranged pillow of sand and gravel. Along the future fence mounted formwork. Sidewalls be further enhanced to prevent spreading of the concrete after fill.

Formwork should have sufficient strength
Formwork should have sufficient strength

Pouring foundations for fence installation of profiled sheet

Works are carried out as follows:

IllustrationDescription of the action
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesTo provide sufficient strength to the base formed on the bottom of the trench is put fittings and join together separate elements by welding. In the prepared pit mounted support. Reconciling the distance between the posts for collection of corrugated board and via level controlled by their spatial position.
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesProduced concrete pouring.
How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestonesTo give an attractive appearance align the upper surface of the base. After hardening of concrete formwork dismantle - typically 3 - 5 weeks.

Fixing lag

Most often, the lag fastening to the support pillars is made by welding. If this is you, for whatever reasons, does not fit, you can use special fasteners.

To a pole welds lags
To a pole welds lags

Installation of corrugated board on the fence: video example

Once all the elements of the framework are in place, we begin assembling corrugated fence. It is important to observe the technology and ensure the correct spatial position of each sheet.

We offer watch a video, which tells in detail how to strengthen the steel sheet on the fence:

Installing additional components

In general, the installation of a fence made of profiled sheet is already over, but if you have purchased any additional items, such as caps on the poles, it is possible to set them in place.

We also offer watch a video, which describes how to gradually install a fence of corrugated board with his own hands:

Which is better to buy decking for fence: reviews of real customers

Not everyone knows what is best to buy decking for fence. When a choice is to give preference to the material thickness of 0.45 - 0.5 mm. also deserves the wave height, the characteristics of the protective coating, its color and texture.

Attention! Lifetime galvanized material is 20 - 30 years, and sheets coated with polyester can be up to 50 years.

If the fence assembly to be in an area with low wind load, the best option would be proflist C-8 and C-10. If the wind load in the region is high enough, you should pay attention to the C-14, C-15, C-18.

Review Metalloprofil C-8 OH RAL 9003:

How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
More on Otzovik:

Feedback on trapezoidal sheet intake "StalSoyuz":

How to make a fence of corrugated own hands: Pictures of the variants of fence and milestones
More on Otzovik:

How much is profiled for the fence - a review of the price per 1 page

In an effort to reduce the cost of the material for the fence around the garden, do not skimp on its quality. Price corrugated sheet for sampling depends on its geometrical and operational characteristics. The thicker the material, the more expensive the cost of its purchase. Also it has a value type of the protective coating and its thickness. The more recent, the longer the material, and costly to purchase.

If you do not plan to set their own fence of corrugated board, it will be necessary to find out how high the price per meter of working. The cost will depend on the design features of the mounted guard. On average, the prices start from 500 rubles per square meter.

Share in the comments, if you ordered or built a fence of corrugated and how much you cost barrier.