When I first heard the name, foamiran, head willy nilly arise oriental images, something mysterious and fabulous. In fact, this term really has oriental roots and translates as "webs of Iran." First vom-like artificial leather or suede, surprisingly plastic and pleasant to the touch, used for jewelry Iranian masters. And how it is plastic and is unique in its structure there really is something magical. In this article from HouseChief.ru editors describe what is foamiran how to use it properly, and We will also offer several workshops on making interesting crafts with this plastic rubber.

Read article
- 1 What is this stuff, and why it is called foamiran
- 2 types foamirana
- 2.1 by manufacturer
- 2.2 The thickness of sheets
- 2.3 In appearance
- 3 Surprising properties foamirana
- 4 What is it foamiran, in terms of practical application
- 4.1 Clips from foamirana for girls and not only
- 4.2 Headbands of foamirana - the dream of every girl
- 4.3 Skapbuking with artificial suede
- 4.4 Soft and funny puppets from foamirana
- 4.5 Where else can use vom
- 5 Tools and materials to work with foamiranom
- 6 How to make crafts from foamirana: video workshop
- 7 Where can I buy foamiran, and how much it costs
- 8 The most pleasant material for handicrafts
What is this stuff, and why it is called foamiran
Interestingly, the original name or foamiran vom stuck only Asian handy people. In Europe, this material is referred to as suede or foam rubber.

If you follow the scientific terminology, foamiran - a polymer that is based on two chemical compounds: vinyl acetate and ethylene. Manufacture of plastic rubber fraught with difficulties, in particular, the cooling unpleasant smell of rubber. Even after the purchase as soon as you open the package, feel some chemical smell. But it is perfectly safe and evaporate in just a day.

types foamirana
Foamiran - a dream for jewelry lovers. Even under the cap hairpin of Thomas does not lose its shape. The paper material is unpretentious. To give shape to a piece of cut plate, is simple enough to crumple it in their hands. But we must remember, such ornaments can lose their form under the influence of a conventional dryer.

by manufacturer
Each manufacturer of plastic resin adds to the range of products that some of their own. There are manufacturers who specialize in a certain thickness of the sheets and make them heavy-duty, others are experimenting with colors and texture of rubber.

In the Russian market, you can find Chinese, Korean, Iranian and Turkish products. Typically Thomas colors varies from 20 up to 24 colors.
Manufacturer | characteristics of the sheet | Features |
Iran, "Eva Foam" | Size: 60 × 60. Thickness: 1 mm. | Iranian vom - one of the most expensive. The price of one sheet may be up to 80 rubles. Flexible enough, not torn, even with a strong tension. |
Turkey | Size: 40 × 60, may be sold in rolls. Thickness: from 1 to 3 mm. | The material has a uniform thickness, homogenous structure is soft. At the touch of a smooth, supple. |
Korea | Size: 40 × 60. Thickness: 1 and 0.6 mm. | Fom from Korea - the quality is not inferior to Iran. It has a wide range of colors and additives. Excellent keeps its shape and easy stretches. Standard sheet costs about 60 rubles. |
China | Size: 40 × 60. Thickness: 3.1 mm. | Unpleasant smells when working can be broken. However, it tolerates surface toning both paint and pencils. |
The thickness of sheets
The sale can be seen foamiran thickness of 0.5 to 4 millimeters. For manufacture of colors most commonly used vom to 1 mm. Such material transmits more gracefully natural beauty and lightness of flower buds.

Thicker sheets are used for the manufacture of dolls, headbands, pins and magnets where it just cut layers and combine.
Important! To choose flower arrangements foamiran that stretches well. For example, when working on the product it will be necessary to stretch.
In appearance

Plastic suede is not only the different size, color density, but also the texture. Fom is 4 types:
- textured: The surface is similar to the soft velvet. Such a pattern is used to manufacturing toys.
Example of the textured foamirana - GlitterBrilliant vom. Most often used for the manufacture of pins and broschey.
Brooch in the form of a rose of Glitternaja foamirana - silk: Robust and extremely elastic material with a matte surface. It is sold in thin sheets and used for making bouquets. Not afraid of water, it keeps excellent shape and toned acrylic, pastel or oil.
Crocuses from foamirana - marshmallow: Ultra-thin and delicate vom. It in no event it is impossible to heat the iron. It changes the shape of the hands warm. Usually available in pastel colors and is used to decorate small parts.
For color use even eye shadow, lipstick and a pencil from beautician
Surprising properties foamirana
Foamiran afraid of heat, but does not absorb water. Therefore, if your decorating accidentally fell into the dust or dirt, it can be easily wiped or washed. The paper vom unpretentious. For example, to give the desired color or hue is possible by conventional acrylics.
Masters are advised not to use for painting watercolor and acrylic - they crumble over time.
Tip! In order to give foamiranu desired shape, it is possible to heat the warm hands. It will help accelerate the process of hair dryer or iron.
For bonding parts made of Thomas your regular glue gun or a tube with a nozzle.

What is it foamiran, in terms of practical application
Foamiran - is an elastic material that can "remember" the shape when heated. Fom is widely used in handicrafts, in cases where it is necessary to add volume, or to emphasize the structure of the product.

Most often their own hands from foamirana made flowers and bouquets. Ladies prefer to wear hair clips with touches on the clothes - a brooch, and shoes - flowers from Thomas. Even ordinary things look elegant and unusual, if they are to make the master's hand and a piece of foamirana.

Clips from foamirana for girls and not only
hairpins of Thomas - a chapter of needlework. Create them by tens and hundreds, each is unique! They can be large and not very pretentious and austere, but always unique. We offer you a small workshop for the production of simple hairpins.
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | For work, we need a few sheets foamirana and here are the hairpins. |
![]() | We cut our billet here on this pattern. |
![]() | If necessary, attach the desired shade of the workpiece. |
![]() | That's such an unusual texture will be our hairpins. |
![]() | Using our adhesive fastening preform butterfly. |
![]() | We repeat such a procedure with other elements. |
![]() | We can only secure our stylish decoration. |
![]() | And stick to the base fastener. |
![]() | This hairpin never pomnotsya in your purse and do not lose form. |
Clips from foamirana can be a real familial decoration, with careful use, of course. Such works of art is not a sin to wear to a wedding or a big anniversary.

Related article:
Flowers from corrugated paper. What are the advantages and properties of corrugated paper, how to make beautiful flowers out of crepe paper their hands that can be made from corrugated paper: useful tips, recommendations of experts - read publication.
Headbands of foamirana - the dream of every girl
Such decorations suited for prom, and for a hike to the beach. The more experience masters, those exquisite ornaments obtained. Although, in practice, just enough to get the hand. And the second, third, there is a characteristic work of the author's style.

Skapbuking with artificial suede
Many of us pay attention to the fine postcards, Albums, decorated with ribbons, decorative elements, beads, metal and wooden buttons, stones and even a small doll figures. For beginners needlewomen foamiran - a fairly simple way to arrange something similar in his inimitable style.
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Soft and funny puppets from foamirana
Pupae of Thomas may be flat as applicationsAnd voluminous. They can be executed, for example, magnets, and can be used as an independent fully autonomous puppet creation. Simple, flat puppets are made of prefabricated elements, layers, usually it looks like applique. Three-dimensional toys made on the basis of foam blanks. Their adhesive qualities of elastic rubber and paint colors. Dressed little girl like any child.

Where else can use vom
Foamiran can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for a creative nature. Using volumetric shapes talented masters create entire panel and present flower arrangements, Decorating them with twigs.

FOM is actively used in the decoration of caskets. Consider a master class on making a similar gizmos.
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | We need a common "blanks" from the used scotch tape. Swathes of its tape. |
![]() | Paste circle decorative ribbon. |
![]() | To advance the cardboard circle (2 pcs.) Applying double sided tape. We decorate our cap and the bottom fabric on both sides. |
![]() | Prune unnecessary and sizing as needed edge. |
![]() | We make a side cover for our boxes. |
![]() | On the cover dokleivaem our flowers. We make large buds. |
![]() | It only remains to add a few small parts |
Tools and materials to work with foamiranom
Typically, the manufacture of handicrafts from foamirana need simple tools. The main thing - to provide the necessary heating of the material. So, you need:
- Iron or hair dryer.
- Scissors.
- Plastic Molds - they come in handy for making the petals and leaves.
- Stacks, needles and toothpicks - they are needed for stamping foamirana.
- Thin wire for the production of stem and leaf attachment.
- Acrylic paints for tinting.

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
"If you cover the product with varnish (suitable quick-drying nail polish), it will be easier to clean."
For bonding may need a hot glue (Melt) or simply adhesive gel, and for the production of templates - cardboard.
How to make crafts from foamirana: video workshop
As you can see from our review, to work with this material - a pleasure. It does not require additional treatment, the huge financial costs or special skills. It is important to just patiently and carefully implement all the recommendations, and the result will not wait long. To consolidate the knowledge we offer you a short master class, how to make a flower and foamirana.
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | Cut the POF in the tape and do a flower core. |
![]() | We measure the required amount of foamirana for petals. |
![]() | To give textural take an ordinary clay, heat the FOM and the tray to our pig made of plasticine, petals take on a specific form. |
![]() | Tinted petals in the required color using acrylic paint. |
![]() | Heat the leaves and attach them to the form. |
![]() | We make the core. |
![]() | Putting bud. |
Important! For work use hot and warm iron. Hot melt platform can delicate material.
Where can I buy foamiran, and how much it costs
You already want to drop everything and run for foamiranom to the nearest store for needlework? If you know exactly where foamiran sold, then it is really worth doing. This material is sometimes not so easy to find as it seems. If you live away from the city, can be ordered fom the internet. Here are some great deals on the version of Yandex. Market.
Name | The dimensions of the sheet, see | The average price (as of May 2018), rub. |
Iranian | 35×60 | 80 |
Silk | 25×25 | 65 |
Korean | 50×50 | 45 |
Foamiran with print | 15×20 | 40 |

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
"New Master can be found with the material in the final set to work. It should be a set of 150-200 rubles. It includes ready-made templates and detailed instructions. "
The most pleasant material for handicrafts
And in order to have any new ideas for creative offers Pictures of the finished works with surprising material - foamirana.
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If you know of any particular work with POF and are ready to share useful information, write about it in the comments!