Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, prices, types, technology, labels, independent production, prices

Modern technology is developing rapidly, and it refers to the finishing materials. Only our people are accustomed to, such as Venetian plaster came along and gaining a lot of popularity the new "old" kind of finish - fresco. In this review, we consider that such a mural on the wall, photocatalogues, prices, materials and technology applied to a surface.

The frescoes in the ancient palazzo
The frescoes in the ancient palazzo

Read article

  • 1 The mural on the wall - what is it
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of modern fresco on the wall
  • 3 Types of frescoes on the wall
    • 3.1 Subjects frescoes
    • 3.2 Materials and technology for creating murals
  • 4 How to select and arrange the interior fresco in different rooms
    • 4.1 Murals on the wall living room with picture in the interior
    • 4.2 The frescoes on the kitchen wall with a photo in the interior
    • 4.3 The frescoes in the hall with a photo in the interior
    • 4.4 Murals for bedrooms with a photo in the interior
  • 5 How to glue on the wall frescoes, executed on the canvas
  • 6 How to make your own mural
  • 7 Top-wallpaper murals on the wall: catalogs, photos, prices
    • 7.1 Frescoes from the catalog Affresco
    • 7.2 frescoes CasaBella
    • 7.3 Frescoes Renaissance Fresco
    • 7.4 frescoes ORTHO
  • 8 How much is the fresco on the wall
  • 9 A few words in conclusion

The mural on the wall - what is it

Fresco - a kind of wall painting, executed with natural water-based paints applied to raw plaster. Moreover, the basis for future picture is not similar to a conventional finish and is made from sand mixed with hydrated lime, which constitutes a special calcite film which provides durability. Artist creating murals, must be a true master in time to put the image before the plaster has dried. Therefore, the picture created in parts.

Earlier frescos to be found only in the palace, monasteries, cathedrals and castles of nobles and kings. The paintings were made on the walls or the ceiling and had religious, natural or everyday subjects. Now murals can be found in interior hotels, restaurants and private homes. Thanks to modern technology and new finishing materials made possible the application of murals not only for fresh plasterBut also on canvas, non-woven, or even a special sand foundation. Installation of such a finish is quite difficult, and therefore, if there is no experience in carrying out such works, it is better to instruct them in the art.

Creating a mural - a complex and time-consuming process
Creating a mural - a complex and time-consuming process

Advantages and disadvantages of modern fresco on the wall

Using decorative mural on the wall of an apartment or house has its own pros and cons. The advantages must include the following:

  • possible to fill the entire wall surface pattern;
  • visual change of space;
  • creation of a comfortable, warm atmosphere;
  • environmental safety as to create a pattern only natural water-based paint;
  • resistance to the effects of UV;
  • image realism.

Among the deficiencies noted:

  • the high cost of such decoration;
  • the complexity of the application and the image restoration.
The mural will make the interior of the interesting and unique
The mural will make the interior of the interesting and unique

Types of frescoes on the wall

Of course, still have craftsmen who work in the old technique of drawing crude plasterBut modern technology have greatly ease the task and create a mural on a single canvas, and after transferring them directly on the wall. This type of decoration is different in subject matter and material fabrication.

Themed murals in an apartment have to choose very carefully
Themed murals in an apartment have to choose very carefully

Subjects frescoes

Select image for the frescoes in the apartment is not a problem, but we should remember that it must be in harmony with the general room design.

Subjects frescoesFeature
Copies of paintings by famous artistsSuitable for classical interiors and requires high skill of the performer.
copies of frescoesYou can select a famous work of any size.
favorite photos ofIt requires prior preparation and correction lighting.
Fairy and fantasy storiesIdeal for design and living children's rooms.
landscapesVisually increase the space and create an atmosphere of tranquility and communion with nature. It is especially important for the city.
Logos, collages, writingImportant when interior design company offices, apartments in a modern style or pop art.
The original mural for the beauty salon
The original mural for the beauty salon

Materials and technology for creating murals

Currently, there are a few basics for creating murals:

  1. flizeline. Installation is performed by means of glue for this type of webs. Possible additional drawings of the plot and getting larger canvas, as well as the implementation of artificial aging treatments.
  2. Plaster. Used Italian plaster, fortified masking grid. Another name similar techniques - fresco OPTO. Processed using natural dyes as a result of which it becomes a very expressive and reminiscent of old paintings. Installation occurs by means of a special adhesive.
  3. tough. In wet plaster performed drawing using the techniques of artificial aging and creating chipping on the edges. The frescoes are characterized by long service life and an excellent appearance.
  4. elastic., a special plaster, Inflicted on a reinforced mesh. It can be mounted on a wall, ceiling, concave, convex, and round surfaces and corners.
  5. Self-adhesive. On a sandy base image is applied using a special printer. Murals are bright and saturated.
  6. Canvas. The only kind of fresco, executed manually. Figure performed on a layer of plaster, and transferred to the canvas after drying. Have weak resistance to humidity, therefore, require a protective coating wax. Attached with wallpaper paste. almost not produced in Russia.
The mural on non-woven backing
The mural on non-woven backing

How to select and arrange the interior fresco in different rooms

Exercising choice murals, consider the size and style of the room in which it is drawn. With the help of the image deposited on the wall or ceiling in one of the above techniques, you can visually expand the space of the room. Fresco also allows to perform original zoning premises. You can duplicate the image in real pieces of furniture in the room, and make interior more interesting and original. It is important to choose the frescoes, in accordance with the purpose of the room, because the image that looks perfectly in the interior of the living room, it would be inappropriate to the kitchen or nursery.

Fresco bedroom inappropriate kitchen
Fresco bedroom inappropriate kitchen

Murals on the wall living room with picture in the interior

Most often by means of frescoes decorate living rooms. Basically it is classical subjects, landscapes and reproductions of famous works of the Renaissance. Such a style of underlines the primacy of the living room. Welcome frescoes with oriental elements, and recently gaining popularity industrial theme. A compromise may be seascapes and rustic motifs.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

The frescoes on the kitchen wall with a photo in the interior

Mural and frescoes on the walls in the interior of the kitchen is very rare, as it is a room with an aggressive environment (humidity, vapor, smells). Basis for drawing the image should be resistant to various kinds of stress, and by category there are no restrictions. Mural can be performed in the abstract style or theme have plot, consonant with interior premises. Kitchen suitable image of the French cafe-chantant or olive house. In general, the frescoes are very well suited rural subjects.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

The frescoes in the hall with a photo in the interior

at the design of the hall frescoes designers recommend to give preference to abstraction. Corridor - is not a place where guests linger for a long time, and an interesting picture on the wall will allow them to appreciate the taste threshold of the house owners. The subjects may be different, but be sure to overlap with the design of the room.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

Murals for bedrooms with a photo in the interior

murals for bedrooms must be chosen very carefully so as to preserve a calm, peaceful atmosphere of the room. As many plot selected sea waves at sunset or angels in clouds. Also popular landscapes with exotic islands. It is not necessary to burden the frescoed walls of a small room, but if you want the selected image can be placed on the ceiling.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

How to glue on the wall frescoes, executed on the canvas

How to select and execute the installation of the frescoes, executed on the canvas, so nothing to spoil and get the desired result, which will please many years? Much depends on the quality of the basics. It is best to give preference to natural primed linen canvas - Repinsky or Podolsk, because it is not compressed at the sticker on the wall. The material must be thin, so that it can hide minor surface imperfections. The use of synthetic canvases should be abandoned immediately, since they are strongly deformed by moisture in the process of gluing.

Thus, the selected fresco on a good canvas, and left to fix it on the wall. Gluing fabric can be done with the building of PVA glue, which should be as thick to avoid deformation of the edges of the base. Also used for mounting an adhesive composition for heavy vinyl wallpaper. In this case it is necessary to dissolve the glue to the consistency of thick cream. Allowed to mix and use two kinds of adhesive mortars.

A mural surface should be well prepared and have a smooth surface
A mural surface should be well prepared and have a smooth surface
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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«Before you mount the mural-painting on a wall, surface it is necessary to prime the special reinforcing primer. This will ensure a reliable and durable clutch canvases to the wall. "

Before you glue the canvas to a selected section of the wall, it should be carried out on a strictly vertical line, which will serve as a guide. You also need to mark up the middle and on the wrong side of the image, then to combine both of these markers. On the prepared wall surface, apply thick adhesive layer, and aligning the markers above, roll roll to the image. We check the alignment of the vertical lines and smooths web using dry, clean rags, spatulas or soft roll of wallpaper, driving thereby the air from the middle to the edges of the canvas. Surplus canvas masking trim with a knife.

Installation of the frescoes on the canvas does not differ from wallpapering
Installation of the frescoes on the canvas does not differ from wallpapering

Important! Since the installation of the frescoes on the canvas is very similar to wallpapering, and the precautions are almost the same. In the process of gluing and drying fabrics need to avoid drafts in the room.

How to make your own mural

If you have never engaged in painting the mural done in the classical technique you do not succeed, and then you should to resort to modern technology, for example, use ready-made images, printed on canvas, as described above. But it will not completely your creations. In that case, if you have the slightest drawing skills, a talent for kopiistike and just a great desire, you can make a mural on the wall with their hands, keeping the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Purified to the base wall of the old finish, align it and plastered again using the sand-cement mortar, to which was added binder component preventing cracking.
  2. Cover plastered walls white or color (depending on the design) composition of the soil. Allow the surface to dry well.
  3. To create a mural on the decorative plaster is best to use acrylic water-based paint, and requires two hard brush with natural bristles, and one - with an artificial one.
  4. We transfer wall preselected sketch broad slate and further scratched contours. Wets the wall, put on her background, we wait until dry and begin to draw on the dry plaster.
  5. The finished dried up and mural be coated with a protective layer - lacquer or wax. The second option is preferable, if only because of its environmental friendliness.

Top-wallpaper murals on the wall: catalogs, photos, prices

The frescoes - not that cheap-looking finish to when buying rely on luck. In addition to the plot, the foundations and the method of installation, it is very important to choose the manufacturer. We offer our best companies for the production of frescoes.

Fresco "Flowers" on the bedroom wall
Fresco "Flowers" on the bedroom wall

Frescoes from the catalog Affresco

The Russian company Affresco is one of the best manufacturers of photo wallpapers, murals and panels.

Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Frescoes from the catalog Affresco

Manufacturing takes place on the author's technology with the use of manual labor. All products are certified. The company has developed unique technology to create a digital mural that reproduces all the details and features of the old hand-painted.

Mural may consist of several parts or be integral. The largest size of solid webs - 10200 × 3260 mm. The patented protective coating mural can be installed even in areas with high humidity. All products are certified, it has a brand name, unique number and packaging, as well as installation instructions.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

frescoes CasaBella

Design studio CasaBella offers an extensive catalog of photo wallpapers and murals on the wall with colorful photos and prices. The company's products are high quality and allows you to make the interior space unique.

Frescoes from the catalog CasaBella
Frescoes from the catalog CasaBella

Frescography CasaBella mimic the works of famous artists and hand-painted. Due to the mural can transform the interior of the cafe, offices, private homes, etc. All murals are certified and meet environmental standards.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

Frescoes Renaissance Fresco

Production workshop Renaissance Fresco - this amazing handmade murals that will make the interior of your room unique.

Frescoes from the catalog Renaissance Fresco
Frescoes from the catalog Renaissance Fresco

The company offers a wide range of wall paintings of the highest quality, which is achieved through the use of weatherproof materials. Frescoes Renaissance Fresco different installation simplicity, originality and reasonable price.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

frescoes ORTHO

Murals on the wall for the bedroom from the catalog with photos from the company OPTO perfectly suited for decorating living rooms, children and other places for relaxation and recreation.

Frescoes from the catalog ORTHO
Frescoes from the catalog ORTHO

The main theme of paintings - flower arrangements, charming scenery and fantastic special series for children's rooms. Frescoes ORTHO easily withstand temperature changes, humidity and mechanical stress. Blades can be easily installed on a wall, have a high resistance to wear and does not need special care.

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Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior
Murals on the wall: the catalog, photos, pricing, and how to use them to create an original interior

How much is the fresco on the wall

The cost of such artistic masterpieces are often very impressive. But the result is worth it. You get a full picture of the web-that will change your space.

Manufacturer Technics The average cost per m2, rub. (As of July 2018)
Affresco"velours"2 5003 990
"patina"5 1206 400
"craquelure"5 8007 300
CasaBella"velours"2 8004 100
"patina"3 7005 100
"craquelure"6 7007 900
Renaissance Fresco"velours"2 5503 500
"patina"2 9004 000
"craquelure"3 8005 100
ORTHO"velours"2 8803 650
"patina"3 3004 800
"craquelure"5 0006 100

A few words in conclusion

Murals on the wall - a great looking finish to create unique interiors. Figure imitating ancient technique of wall painting, suitable for almost any style design premise. Since the fresco - fun is not cheap, it is better to entrust it to the wall applying a good skilled. We hope our article will be interesting for you, and if you have any questions, please direct them to our experts and they will answer them.