Champagne is one of the key attributes of New Year's Eve. Original packaging, can hardly be called attractive. That is why a bottle of champagne, specially decorated for the New Year with their own hands, will be the ideal option. If you have never had to make before decor, we offer to meet interesting options that you can do yourself.

Read article
- 1 Bottle New Year with their hands: decoration options
- 1.1 Suit for bottle for New Year
- 1.2 How to decorate a bottle of New Year decoration removable
- 1.3 Christmas Decor bottles of old paper in vintage style
- 1.4 Decorating a Christmas bottle on New Year cloth with his hands
- 1.5 Christmas decoration bottle satin ribbons
- 1.6 Decoration for New Year corrugated paper
- 1.7 Decoupage Christmas bottle
- 1.8 New bottle in a knitted packing
- 1.9 Decorating a Christmas bottle salt
- 1.10 bottle decoration on New Year glitter and sequins
- 1.11 Decorating a Christmas bottle with felt
- 1.12 New Year's decoration of the bottle thread
- 2 Christmas toys from plastic bottles
- 2.1 Snowman
- 2.2 Pingvinyata
- 2.3 bells
- 2.4 snowflakes
- 2.5 Christmas tree
- 3 Features of manufacture of Christmas crafts in the bottle
Bottle New Year with their hands: decoration options
Christmas decoration bottle with your hands can be done in different techniques. Selecting the appropriate option will depend on the materials and your abilities. We offer to meet with the existing decoration optionsThat can be implemented at home.

Suit for bottle for New Year
A very popular option decorations bottles for New Year are the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Various materials can be used for their manufacture. Budget solution will suit made of paper. It will cost more expensive festive decor from fabric or tapes.

To achieve the desired result, you need to wrap wine or champagne paper right color, and then add decorative elements.

How to decorate a bottle of New Year decoration removable
If you are making decorations for yourself, offer to find out how to decorate a bottle of New Year decoration removable. In this case, after the New Year holiday decorations can be removed, folded in boxAnd a year later to decorate the next container.

Craft removable inlay in the form of trees as follows:
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | Cooking green tulle width of 15 cm, a sheet of white paper of A4 format high density, green satin 4 cm wide tape, scissors, decorative elements for decorating, glue gun, Scotch. |
![]() | Cut tulle squares measuring 7.5 Γ 7.5 cm. Their number depends on the height of the tank and the desired splendor trees. |
![]() | Fold squares tulle special way to obtain the desired configuration elements. Fix stacked elements in position using an adhesive gun. |
![]() | From the paper sheet forming blank repeating bottle contours. To narrow a sheet of paper at the top, making incisions and plant received elements to each other. Cut off the protruding elements. Winding the blank tape. |
![]() | To the top of the blank glue satin tape. It will increase the rigidity of the removable product. |
![]() | Case paste outside satin tape. It will be the backdrop for the product to be made. |
![]() | Since the lower edge of the workpiece successively glue prepared from tulle. |
![]() | Decorate case with the help of beads and golden ribbons. |
Christmas Decor bottles of old paper in vintage style
Even if you have purchased a bottle of alcohol this week, it can be artificially "wear" the old way of decorating newspaper. Works are carried out in the following sequence:
- PVA glue and acrylic paint is mixed in equal proportions;
- rvom newspaper on the jagged stripes;
- We cover the surface to be decorated container prepared with a mixture of glue and crumpled strips of paper;
- Rolling bundles of newspapers, and then form a pattern, laying tows in a special way. Glue to the base;
- We cover the entire surface of the prepared mixture. Waiting until the coating is completely dry. Apply a layer of varnish.

Decorating a Christmas bottle on New Year cloth with his hands
As the decorative material commonly used fabric. It is advisable to two kinds. One will be used as a basis, the second - for decoration. In this case the bottle is wrapped with a cloth dipped in PVA solution, and then gently drape around the base. The segment cut from the second fabric, is adhered to the substrate.
If this technique seems too complicated for you, you can make a beautiful decoration of fabrics suitable color in the form of a bag into which the wine or champagne.

Christmas decoration bottle satin ribbons
A separate category is the bottle, decorated with satin ribbons. They can be used to manufacture a beautiful removable cover. To work, you can use both the narrow and wide belt. In the first case, a dense decoration, in the second case it is possible to generate volumetric inlay.

For registration of the bottle is cut into ribbons of a suitable length and subsequently adhered to the base. Once the framework is completely ready to perform dressing.
The process of making decoration of ribbons can be seen in the following video:

Decoration for New Year corrugated paper
The special texture corrugated paper It allows you to decorate the original bottle with his hands. The low cost of the material allows beautifully and inexpensively arrange champagne or wine, which is scheduled to present as a gift. In the simplest case, you can simply wrap the container of corrugated paper of green color and then decorate Christmas decorations and other decorative elements.

It is also possible the production of improvised package that is at the top of the bottle tightly pulled together and decorated.

Decoupage Christmas bottle
For registration of a Christmas bottle except for the base material (cloth or paper) are required napkins or postcards with themed designs. It also requires acrylic paint, pistol glue, PVA glue, decoration, acetone.
Decorating is as follows:
- We clear the champagne on the label, leaving only the foil;
- degreasing a base;
- dilute PVA glue in equal proportions with water;
- decorative fabric dip in the prepared solution and gently squeeze;
- We are putting a basis to accurately and draping;
- after drying the adhesive composition of the soil surface;
- card cover lacquer, and then drop into a bowl of water for 5 minutes. Thereafter, the outer layers are removed;
- We reserve the required fragment and pasting it using PVA adhesive.

An interesting variant of registration can be found in the following video:
New bottle in a knitted packing
If you know how to knit, therefore, you will be able to decorate the original bottle to the New Year with their own hands. Technique in this case does not matter. Beautiful decor, you can create and knitting, and crocheting. Bottle can come up with an original odezhku or link symbol of the coming 2019 - pig.
Tip! If you do not know how to knit, do not worry. For the manufacture of decor you can use an old sweater or jacket.
Offer see the photo that you may want to make a reality at home, using as an idea.
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Decorating a Christmas bottle salt
To create a simulation of snow on the surface of the bottle, you will need:
- paint;
- glue;
- sea ββsalt;
- glitter;
- sprigs.

How to make a similar decor with your own hands, see the following video:
bottle decoration on New Year glitter and sequins
that on New Year's on the table there was a bottle decorated with rhinestones, should prepare:
- a can of gold paint;
- glitter;
- PVA glue.
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | Was covered with a table and a nearby area newspapers. We cover the bottle with a continuous layer of golden paint. |
![]() | After waiting for drying paint layer covering the entire surface with PVA glue. For the convenience of the application should use the brush. |
![]() | Sypem sequins, distributing them evenly over the surface. |
The procedure is similar to the decorations with rhinestones. The only difference - in the order of attachment of decorative elements. In this case, every detail certain selected places to get beautiful theme pattern.

Decorating a Christmas bottle with felt
felt Bottle can sew clothes Santa Claus. Detailed master class can be seen in the following video:
New Year's decoration of the bottle thread
As decoration, you can also use thread. To prevent yarn displacement, first base coated with PVA glue and then wrapped as tightly as possible thread.

Christmas toys from plastic bottles
If Christmas tree It is already installed, and Christmas toys is not enough, they can be made from plastic bottles. We offer solutions to meet interesting, you can make a reality in your home.

what will be snowmanIt depends on the size of the plastic bottle and place where the toy is placed. If this is an option, the proposed installation under the tree, you can use 1.5-2 liter, or even 5-liter bottles. If the container is transparent, it is necessary to cram into the wool, and outside stick your nose and eyes. Large bottles can just paint with white paint.

If the snowman will be used as Christmas decorations, you need a small plastic container, inside which the wool is placed. Thick thread or strip sticks inside, and then the inside tied knot.

If you want to make crafts out of bottles for New Year, an interesting solution can become pingvinyata. For their production requires two plastic bottles that are to be cut, and then connect their bottoms together. After staining in the typical colors will penguins, which need to be further decorate. For decoration you can use strips of fabric and knitwear.

Due to its shape plastic bottles can be used for the manufacture of bells. For this part of the container is cut a suitable length, and then stained, pasted over with paper or decorative coating is formed by any other method.

How can I make the bells, you can see in the following video:
Form the bottoms of the plastic bottle allows us to produce from it a toy in the form of snowflakes. It is only necessary to cut the lower part, and then decorate a suitable manner.

Another original way of creating snowflakes of plastic bottles you can see in the following video:
Christmas tree
Green plastic containers can be used to create firs. To do this, cut a small piece and make small incisions. Directing elements in the right direction, it is possible to form a small Christmas tree.

If you want volume, it is necessary to cut the strip to make cuts and attach to the base. Incisions need to tighten up. Then decorate the Christmas tree will be small beads or ribbons.

Features of manufacture of Christmas crafts in the bottle
Original Christmas crafts in the bottle can become an original gift. The articles may have different configurations and content. If a hand-made article to attach the loop, it turned into a Christmas toy. Otherwise, it can be used as a decoration fireplace or table.

How to make this type of craft, you learn from the following video:
Share in the comments, if relevant for your decoration of bottles, and which method has already been tried out in practice.